[Cl-smoke] Building cl-smoke on Mac OS X

Tobias Rautenkranz tobias at rautenkranz.ch
Tue Feb 16 22:53:05 CET 2010

> With both of your patches applied, libclsmoke compiles properly. Also,
> libclsmokeqtcore compile with the following patch:
> hunk ./src/lib/CMakeLists.txt 14
> -add_library(clsmokeqtcore MODULE ${QT_SMOKE_SOURCES})
> +add_library(clsmokeqtcore SHARED ${QT_SMOKE_SOURCES})
I have added that in the repository.
> However, when I attempt to load cl-smoke.qt.core in sbcl, cffi throws fits,
> first because your cffi:define-foreign-library statements are missing a
> :darwin case (and all of the libraries compiled with a .dylib extension,
> instead of a .so extension), and second because it refuses to find the
> libraries even when I have put them on cffi:*foreign-library-directories*.

This is not clear to me. You have added the :darwin case, set
cffi:*foreing-library-directories* and the libraries (which?) where not found?

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