create meminfo in memory
Annotate for file README
2009-02-21 tobias 1 Myth2 (1.3e) for Linux parses /proc/meminfo,
2009-02-17 tobias 2 but its format changed some time ago.
23:15:35 ' 3 Therefore it won't activate OpenGL.
2009-02-21 tobias 4 It should also fix the cut scenes crash.
2009-02-17 tobias 5
23:15:35 ' 6 Error message:
' 7 ~$ myth2
' 8 Warning: You may not have enough free memory (-811245713) !
' 9
' 10 By suppling an old meminfo this can be fixed:
' 11
' 12 * Compile with: make
' 13 * Start myth2: LD_PRELOAD=./ myth2
2009-02-21 tobias 14
10:26:12 ' 15 Changelog:
' 16 21.2.2009: Release 0.2 (thanks to Alan Swanson)
' 17 * link to ld library
' 18 * create meminfo dynamically
2009-02-21 tobias 19
11:08:59 ' 20 Contact:
' 21