Update to the new smokegenerator.
Thu Aug 27 10:37:36 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* Update to the new smokegenerator.
hunk ./qt.mbd 54
- ("msg-handler" (:needs "lib"))
+ ("msg-handler" (:needs "lib" "qt"))
hunk ./src/msg-handler.lisp 11
+;; Smokegenerator
+(define-pointer-typedef "void(*)(QtMsgType,const char*)" foreign-pointer)
+(define-pointer-typedef "unsigned char*" foreign-pointer)
hunk ./src/object.lisp 14
-(eval-startup (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
- (let ((object (make-instance 'qt:object)))
- (defmethod cxx:static-meta-object ((class (eql (find-class 'qt:object))))
- (cxx:meta-object object))))
hunk ./src/object.lisp 37
- (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t))
hunk ./src/object.lisp 38
+ (when (smoke::const-p object)
+ (princ "CONST " stream)))
+ (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
+ (when (smoke::const-p object)
+ (princ "CONST " stream))
hunk ./src/object.lisp 86
-(eval-startup ()
+(eval-startup (:compile-toplevel :execute)
hunk ./src/object.lisp 93
+(defvar *toplevel-objects* nil)
hunk ./src/object.lisp 119
- (smoke::transfer-ownership-to parent (ensure-smoke-parent parent)))
+ (if (null-pointer-p (smoke:pointer (cxx:parent parent)))
+ (push parent *toplevel-objects*)
+ (smoke::transfer-ownership-to parent (ensure-smoke-parent parent))))
hunk ./src/operator.lisp 2
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
hunk ./src/operator.lisp 10
- (handler-case (qt:operator== object o)
- (smoke::no-applicable-cxx-method ()
- (cxx:operator== object o))))
+ (if (typep object 'smoke::smoke-standard-object)
+ (handler-case (qt:operator== object o)
+ (smoke::no-applicable-cxx-method ()
+ (cxx:operator== object o)))
+ (qt:operator== object o)))
hunk ./src/operator.lisp 94
- ;; FIXME smoke generates no destructor for QByteRef
- ;; kaylptusCxxToSmoke.pm 954:
- ;; # Also, if the class has no explicit destructor, generate a default one.
- ;; if ( !$hasDestructor && !$hasPrivatePureVirtual && !$isGlobalSpace && $classNode->{NodeType} ne 'namespace' ) {
- ;; > $hasPublicDestructor = 1;
- ;; > $hasPublicProtectedConstructor = 1;
- ;; [_$_]
- ;; wait for KDE 4.4 -- the new smoke_generator should fix this.
hunk ./src/qstring.lisp 28
- "data")))
- (defmethod cxx:data ((array qt:byte-array))
+ "constData")))
+ (defmethod cxx:const-data ((array qt:byte-array))
hunk ./src/qstring.lisp 36
- (cxx:data (make-instance 'qt:byte-array
- :pointer (qt-smoke-qstring-to-byte-array qstring))))
+ (cxx:const-data (make-instance 'qt:byte-array
+ :pointer (qt-smoke-qstring-to-byte-array qstring))))
hunk ./src/qstring.lisp 55
- (prin1 (cxx:data object) stream))))
+ (when (smoke::const-p object)
+ (princ "CONST " stream))
+ (prin1 (cxx:const-data object) stream))))
hunk ./src/signal-slot/connect.lisp 117
- (or type qt:+auto-connection+))
+ (or type qt:+auto-connection+))
hunk ./src/signal-slot/connect.lisp 199
- (value qt:+auto-connection+)
- (value type))
+ qt:+auto-connection+
+ type)