:qt and :qt-impl packages to prevent collision with :cl symbols and fix object with non smoke parent.
Thu Jun 11 16:59:48 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* :qt and :qt-impl packages to prevent collision with :cl symbols and fix object with non smoke parent.
--- old-qt.gui/src/object.lisp 2014-10-30 07:46:57.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/object.lisp 2014-10-30 07:46:58.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-(in-package :qt)
+(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(let ((object (make-instance 'object)))
- (defmethod cxx:static-meta-object ((class (eql (find-class 'object))))
+(let ((object (make-instance 'qt:object)))
+ (defmethod cxx:static-meta-object ((class (eql (find-class 'qt:object))))
(cxx:meta-object object))
(defmethod cxx:static-meta-object ((class cxx:class))
(cxx:static-meta-object (smoke::find-smoke-class class))))
-(defmethod documentation :around ((class cxx:class)
- (doc-type t))
- (if (and (subtypep class (find-class 'object))
+(defmethod documentation :around ((class smoke::smoke-standard-class)
+ (doc-type (eql 't)))
+ (if (and (subtypep class (find-class 'qt:object))
(not (subtypep class (find-class 'cxx:class))))
(format nil "~@[~A~%~]Properties:~%~T~{~<~%~T~0,75:; ~(~A~)~>~}
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
- (call-next-method) (sort (class-properties class) #'string<=)
+ (call-next-method) (sort (qt:class-direct-properties class) #'string<=)
(sort (class-signals class) #'string<=)
(sort (class-slots class) #'string<=))
-(defmethod print-object ((object object) stream)
+(defmethod print-object ((object qt:object) stream)
(if (or (not (slot-boundp object 'pointer))
(null-pointer-p (pointer object)))
@@ -35,27 +35,43 @@
collect (cxx:method meta-object index)))
-(defun meta-object-signals (meta-object)
+(defun meta-object-signals (meta-object &key all)
(mapcar #'cxx:signature
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (m) (enum= qt:meta-method.+signal+
(cxx:method-type m)))
- (meta-object-methods meta-object))))
+ (meta-object-methods meta-object (not all)))))
-(defun class-signals (class)
- (meta-object-signals (cxx:static-meta-object class)))
+(defun class-signals (class &key all)
+ (meta-object-signals (cxx:static-meta-object class) :all all))
-(defun meta-object-slots (meta-object)
+(defun meta-object-slots (meta-object &key all)
(mapcar #'cxx:signature
(remove-if-not #'(lambda (m) (enum= qt:meta-method.+slot+
(cxx:method-type m)))
- (meta-object-methods meta-object))))
+ (meta-object-methods meta-object (not all)))))
-(defun class-slots (class)
- (meta-object-slots (cxx:static-meta-object class)))
+(defun class-slots (class &key all)
+ (meta-object-slots (cxx:static-meta-object class) :all all))
+(defun parent-p (object)
+ (not (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer-call (smoke::make-smoke-method (find-class 'qt:object)
+ "parent")
+ (smoke::pointer object)))))
+(defun find-smoke-parent (object)
+ "Returns the first parent of OBJECT or OBJECT that is a Smoke class.
+(the destructed callback is called when the object is freed.)"
+ ;; FIXME allow usage of non smoke objects by connecting to the
+ ;; destroyed() signal.
+ (let ((parent (cxx:parent object)))
+ (if (not (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer parent)))
+ (if (smoke::has-pointer-p (smoke::pointer parent))
+ parent
+ (find-smoke-parent parent))
+ (error "No smoke parent found."))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object object)
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object qt:object)
&key pointer &allow-other-keys)
"Registers the object to the parent when a parent was set in the constructor
and the objects metaclass is SMOKE-WRAPPER-CLASS."
@@ -64,9 +80,9 @@
(error "Object ~A has not been constructed" object))
(when (and (null pointer)
(not (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer object)))
-; (typep (class-of object) 'cxx:class)
- (not (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer (cxx:parent object)))))
- (smoke::transfer-ownership-to object (cxx:parent object))))
+ (parent-p object))
+ (smoke::transfer-ownership-to object
+ (find-smoke-parent object))))
(define-condition wrapper-gc (storage-condition)
((class-name :initarg :class-name
@@ -95,7 +111,7 @@
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(print-object object stream)))
-(defmethod smoke::make-finalize ((object object))
+(defmethod smoke::make-finalize ((object qt:object))
"Delete the qt:object OBJECT,
by calling cxx:delete-later iff it has no parent."
(let ((pointer (pointer object))
@@ -121,6 +137,7 @@
(smoke::report-finalize-error condition "qt:object"
(name class) pointer)))))))
;;; The event-notify callback get called by QCoreApplication,
;;; on notification of an event.
@@ -140,19 +157,22 @@
((data :pointer))
(declare (optimize (speed 3)))
(let ((receiver (smoke::get-object (cffi:mem-aref data :pointer 0)))
- (event (make-instance 'event :pointer (cffi:mem-aref data :pointer 1))))
+ (event (make-instance 'qt:event
+ :pointer (cffi:mem-aref data :pointer 1))))
(enum-case (cxx:type event)
- (event.+child-added+
- (let ((child-event (make-instance 'child-event
+ (qt:event.+child-added+
+ (let ((child-event (make-instance 'qt:child-event
- (smoke::upcast event (find-class 'child-event)))))
+ (smoke::upcast event (find-class 'qt:child-event)))))
+ (tg:cancel-finalization (cxx:child child-event))
(when (smoke::has-pointer-p (smoke::pointer (cxx:child child-event)))
- (assert receiver)
+ (unless receiver
+ (setf receiver (find-smoke-parent (cxx:child child-event))))
(smoke::transfer-ownership-to (cxx:child child-event) receiver))))
- (event.+child-removed+
- (let* ((child-event (make-instance 'child-event
+ (qt:event.+child-removed+
+ (let* ((child-event (make-instance 'qt:child-event
:pointer (smoke::upcast event
- (find-class 'child-event)))))
+ (find-class 'qt:child-event)))))
;; We receive child removed events for any QObject, wherter
;; it was construted by Smoke or not. Only take ownership of objects
;; that have been constructed by Smoke.