Split up in qt.gui & cleanup name prefix.
Sun Jan 10 09:52:49 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* Split up in qt.gui & cleanup name prefix.
--- old-qt.gui/src/variant.lisp 2014-10-30 07:42:52.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/variant.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defmethod print-object ((variant qt:variant) stream)
- "Print the type and value of the variant."
- (if (or (not (slot-boundp variant 'pointer))
- (null-pointer-p (pointer variant)))
- (call-next-method)
- (print-unreadable-object (variant stream :type t :identity t)
- (format stream "~A~@[ ~S~]"
- (cxx:type-name variant)
- (handler-case (qt:from-variant variant)
- (error () nil))))))
-(defun qt:make-variant (&optional (value nil value-p))
- "Returns a new VARIANT containing a C++ version of VALUE
-or an empty variant when VALUE is not specified."
- (if value-p
- (make-instance 'qt:variant :arg0 value)
- (make-instance 'qt:variant)))
-(defun qt:make-char (character)
- "Returns a char for a lisp CHARACTER."
- (let ((octets (babel:string-to-octets (string character))))
- (case (length octets)
- (1 (make-instance 'qt:char :arg0 (aref octets 0)))
- (2 (make-instance 'qt:char :args (list (aref octets 0)
- (aref octets 1))))
- (t (error "qt:char requires the character ~A to be encoded
-in one or two octets, but it is using ~A."
- character (length octets))))))
-(defun surrogate-p (char)
- (or (cxx:is-high-surrogate char)
- (cxx:is-low-surrogate char)))
-(defun qt:from-char (char)
- "Returns the Lisp character represented by CHAR."
- (assert (not (surrogate-p char))
- (char)
- "The char ~A is part of a surrogate.")
- (char
- (babel:octets-to-string (make-array 2 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
- :initial-contents
- (list
- (char-code (cxx:cell char))
- (char-code (cxx:row char)))))
- 0))
-(defmethod print-object ((char qt:char) stream)
- (if (or (null-pointer-p (pointer char))
- (surrogate-p char))
- (call-next-method)
- (print-unreadable-object (char stream :type t)
- (princ (qt:from-char char) stream))))
-;; FIXME include in MAKE-VARIANT? how??
-(defun qt:make-lisp-variant (value)
- "Returns a new VARIANT that wraps VALUE.
-The variant contains the actual Lisp object VALUE
-and not its C++ value like in MAKE-VARIANT."
- (let ((object (make-cxx-lisp-object value)))
- (unwind-protect
- (make-instance 'qt:variant :args (list *cxx-lisp-object-metatype*
- object))
- (free-cxx-lisp-object object))))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-lisp-object-value :pointer
- (variant :pointer))
-(defun qt:variant-boundp (variant)
- "Returns true when VARIANT is valid (has a value) and false otherwise."
- (cxx:is-valid variant))
-(defmacro variant-conversions ((variant) &body types)
- `(ecase (cxx:user-type ,variant)
- ,@(loop for type in types collect
- (if (symbolp type)
- `(,(value (symbol-value
- (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-smoke.qt)))
- (alexandria:symbolicate 'variant.+ type '+))))
- (,(intern (format nil "TO-~A" type) :cxx) ,variant))
- type))))
-(defun qt:from-variant (variant)
- "Returns the value of VARIANT."
- (variant-conversions (variant)
- (#.(value qt:variant.+invalid+)
- (cerror "Return (VALUES)" "Type of variant ~A is invalid." variant)
- (values))
- bit-array bool byte-array
- char
- date date-time double
- int
- line line-f list locale long-long
- point point-f
- rect rect-f reg-exp
- size size-f string string-list
- time
- uint
- ulong-long
- url
- (#.*cxx-lisp-object-metatype*
- (let* ((lisp-object (qt-smoke-lisp-object-value (smoke::pointer variant)))
- (value))
- (setf value (translate-cxx-lisp-object lisp-object))
- (free-cxx-lisp-object lisp-object)
- value))))
-(defmethod qt:value ((variant qt:variant))
- "Returns the value of VARIANT."
- (qt:from-variant variant))
-(defmethod (setf qt:value) (new-value (variant qt:variant))
- (cxx:operator= variant (qt:make-variant new-value))
- new-value)