Split up in qt.gui & cleanup name prefix. --> to head
Ignoring non-repository paths: /test.lisp
Wed Mar 10 18:13:52 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* Delete QPainDevices before the QApplication is destroyed.
Mon Jan 25 20:09:40 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* Fix with-app cleanup
Mon Jan 25 19:50:16 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* Fix with-painter
Mon Jan 25 19:49:07 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* QList<Foo*> translations
Mon Jan 25 19:48:42 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* QVector<QPointF> translation
Mon Jan 25 19:48:17 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* ownership transfer QGraphicsScene::addItem
Sat Jan 23 20:48:00 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* QVector translations
Sun Jan 10 09:52:49 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* Split up in qt.gui & cleanup name prefix.
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/CMakeLists.txt new-qt.gui/CMakeLists.txt
--- old-qt.gui/CMakeLists.txt 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
-include(UseDoxygen OPTIONAL)
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/cl-smoke.qt.gui.asd new-qt.gui/cl-smoke.qt.gui.asd
--- old-qt.gui/cl-smoke.qt.gui.asd 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/cl-smoke.qt.gui.asd 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(defsystem :cl-smoke.qt.gui
+ :name :cl-smoke.qt.gui
+ :version (0 0 1)
+ :author "Tobias Rautenkranz"
+ :license "GPL with linking exception"
+ :description "Smoke Qt GUI bindings."
+ :depends-on (:cl-smoke.qt.core)
+ :components
+ ((:module "src"
+ :components
+ ((:file "package")
+ (:file "qt.gui" :depends-on ("package"))
+ (:file "ownership" :depends-on ("qt.gui"))
+ (:file "application" :depends-on ("qt.gui"))
+ (:file "translations" :depends-on ("qt.gui"))
+ (:file "painter" :depends-on ("qt.gui"))))))
+(defmethod perform ((operation test-op) (c (eql (find-system :cl-smoke.qt.gui))))
+ (operate 'asdf:load-op :cl-smoke.qt.tests)
+ (operate 'asdf:test-op :cl-smoke.qt.tests))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/examples/hello-world.lisp new-qt.gui/examples/hello-world.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/examples/hello-world.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/examples/hello-world.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :qt-examples)
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
-(defun hello-world ()
- "Hello world"
- (qt:with-app
- (let ((widget (make-instance 'qt:push-button :args '("Hello world"))))
- (cxx:show widget)
- (qt:exec))))
-(defun hello-world-quit ()
- "Quit on push-button click"
- (qt:with-app
- (let ((quit (make-instance 'qt:push-button :args '("Quit"))))
- (cxx:resize quit 75 30)
- (cxx:set-font quit (make-instance 'qt:font :args (list "Times"
- 18
- qt:font.+bold+)))
- (qt:object.connect quit (qt:qsignal "clicked()")
- (qt:app) (qt:qslot "quit()"))
- (cxx:show quit)
- (qt:exec))))
-(defun hello-world-gc ()
- "GC on push-button click"
- (qt:with-app
- (let ((gc (make-instance 'qt:widget)))
- (let ((layout (make-instance 'qt:vbox-layout))
- (button (make-instance 'qt:push-button :args '("GC"))))
- (trivial-garbage:gc :full t)
- (cxx:add-widget layout button)
- (trivial-garbage:gc :full t)
- (cxx:set-layout gc layout)
- (trivial-garbage:gc :full t)
- (qt:connect-function button "clicked()"
- #'(lambda ()
- (format t "GC-ing~%")
- (trivial-garbage:gc :full t))))
- (trivial-garbage:gc :full t)
- (cxx:show gc)
- (trivial-garbage:gc :full t)
- (qt:exec))))
-;; You need to run cmake & make to generate the .po and .qm files
-(defun i18n-hello-world ()
- "i18n hello world"
- (qt:with-app
- (qt:with-translator "hello-world"
- (let ((widget (make-instance 'qt:label)))
- (setf (qt:property widget 'window-title)
- (qt:tr "Lisp Qt Example" "hello-world"))
- (cxx:set-text widget
- (format nil (qt:tr "<h1>Hello world</h1>
-You are running ~A version ~A on a ~A ~A")
- (lisp-implementation-type)
- (lisp-implementation-version)
- (software-type)
- (software-version)))
- (cxx:show widget)
- (qt:exec)))))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/examples/package.lisp new-qt.gui/examples/package.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/examples/package.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/examples/package.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage #:qt-examples
- (:use #:cl)
- (:export #:hello-world
- #:i18n-hello-world
- #:hello-world-quit
- #:hello-world-gc
- #:class-browser
- #:tick-tack-toe
- #:repl
- #:launcher
- #:load-ui-file))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/qt.asd new-qt.gui/qt.asd
--- old-qt.gui/qt.asd 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/qt.asd 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage qt-system
- (:use :cl :asdf))
-(in-package qt-system)
-(asdf:defsystem :qt
- :name :qt
- :version (0 0 1)
- :author "Tobias Rautenkranz"
- :license "GPL with linking exception"
- :description "Smoke Qt bindings."
- :depends-on (:smoke :smoke :cffi :alexandria)
- :components
- ((:module "src"
- :components
- ((:file "package")
- (:module "lib" :depends-on ("package"))
- (:file "qt" :depends-on ("package" "lib"))
- (:file "ownership" :depends-on ("qt"))
- (:file "event" :depends-on ("qt"))
- (:file "object" :depends-on ("qt" "signal-slot" "qstring" "event"))
- (:file "operator" :depends-on ("qt" "object"))
- (:file "application" :depends-on ("qt" "properties"))
- (:file "qstring" :depends-on ("qt"))
- (:file "list" :depends-on ("qt"))
- (:file "msg-handler" :depends-on ("lib" "qt"))
- (:file "painter" :depends-on ("qt"))
- (:file "timer" :depends-on ("qt"))
- (:file "i18n" :depends-on ("qt"))
- (:file "lisp-object" :depends-on ("qt" "lib"))
- (:module "signal-slot"
- :serial t
- :depends-on ("lisp-object")
- :components
- ((:file "signal-slot")
- (:file "translate" :depends-on ("signal-slot"))
- (:file "signal" :depends-on ("translate"))
- (:file "slot" :depends-on ("signal"))
- (:file "connect" :depends-on ("slot"))))
- (:file "string-list" :depends-on ("qt" "lib" "qstring"))
- (:file "variant" :depends-on ("qt" "qstring" "lisp-object"))
- (:file "properties" :depends-on ("variant"))))))
-(defmethod asdf:perform ((operation test-op) (c (eql (find-system :qt))))
- (operate 'asdf:load-op :qt.tests)
- (operate 'asdf:test-op :qt.tests))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/CMakeLists.txt new-qt.gui/src/CMakeLists.txt
--- old-qt.gui/src/CMakeLists.txt 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/application.lisp new-qt.gui/src/application.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/application.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/application.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,87 +1,25 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
+(in-package :cl-smoke.qt.gui)
-(defvar *app*)
(defvar *widgets* nil)
-(defvar qt:*exec-p* t
- "Run exec if true and not otherwise.")
-(defun qt:app ()
- "Returns the APPLICATION (or CORE-APPLICATION) object,
-within a WITH-APP."
- (assert (qt:app-p)
- (*app*)
- "No application.")
- *app*)
-(defun qt:app-p ()
- "Returns t when the APPLICATION object exists and nil otherwise."
- (boundp '*app*))
-(defun ensure-app (&optional
- (application 'qt:application)
- (args #+sbcl sb-ext:*posix-argv*
- #+ccl ccl:*command-line-argument-list*
- #-(or sbcl ccl) (list (lisp-implementation-type))))
- "Constructs the global application object, when there is none,
-with the command line arguments ARGS.
-Returns the application object a first value and
-true when a new application was created and false otherwise."
- (assert (not (null args))
- (args)
- "No program name supplied.")
- (if (qt:app-p)
- (progn
- (assert (typep (qt:app) (find-class application))
- (application)
- "The existing application object ~A is
-not of type ~A." (qt:app) (find-class application))
- (values (qt:app) nil))
- (progn
- (when (not (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer
- (qt:core-application.instance))))
- (cerror (format nil "Delete the active application ~A."
- (qt:core-application.instance))
- "Active application not created by QT:WITH-APP.")
- (smoke::delete-pointer (smoke::pointer (qt:core-application.instance))
- (find-class 'qt:core-application)))
- (let* ((argc (smoke:make-auto-pointer
- (foreign-alloc :int :initial-element (length args))))
- (argv (smoke:make-auto-pointer
- (foreign-alloc :string :initial-contents args)))
- (app (make-instance 'qt:application :args (list argc argv))))
- ;; argc and argv must remain valid during the lifetime of APP.
- (setf (qt:property app 'cmdline-args)
- (qt:make-lisp-variant (list argc argv)))
- (tg:cancel-finalization app)
- (values app t)))))
-(defun kill-app ()
- (when (typep (qt:app) 'qt:application)
- (qt:application.close-all-windows)
- ;; widgets are only valid as long, as an application object
- ;; exists. QApplication::~QApplication() deletes all widgets in
- ;; QApplication::allWidgets().
- ;;
- ;; see: qt4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
- (loop for widget across (qt:application.all-widgets) do
- (tg:cancel-finalization widget)))
- (cxx:quit (qt:app))
- (setf *widgets* nil)
- ;; Call the destructor; -> destructed callback is called,
- ;; (~QApplication() is virtual) which takes care of cleanup on the
- ;; Lisp side.
- (smoke::delete-pointer (smoke:pointer (qt:app)) (class-of (qt:app)))
- (setf (slot-value (qt:app) 'pointer) (null-pointer))
- (makunbound '*app*))
-(defmacro with-application ((ensure-app remove-app) &body body)
- (let ((cleanup-p (gensym)))
- `(multiple-value-bind (*app* ,cleanup-p) ,ensure-app
- (unwind-protect
- (progn ,@body)
- (when ,cleanup-p
- ,remove-app)))))
+(defmethod cl-smoke.qt.core:delete-app :around ((application qt:application))
+ (qt:application.close-all-windows)
+ ;; widgets are only valid as long, as an application object
+ ;; exists. QApplication::~QApplication() deletes all widgets in
+ ;; QApplication::allWidgets().
+ ;;
+ ;; see: qt4/src/gui/kernel/qapplication.cpp
+ (loop for widget across (qt:application.all-widgets) do
+ (tg:cancel-finalization widget))
+ ;; QPaintDevices are only valid when a application object exists.
+ (loop for object being the hash-values of smoke::*object-map* do
+ (when (typep object 'qt:paint-device)
+ (delete-object object)))
+ ;; Finalize other stuff before deleting the QApplication,
+ ;; e.g. QGraphicsScene
+ (tg:gc :full t)
+ (call-next-method)
+ (setf *widgets* nil))
(defmacro qt:with-app (options &body body)
"Ensures that a APPLICATION instance exists,
@@ -96,16 +34,10 @@
(assert (null options)
"Currently no options can be passed to QT:WITH-APP.")
- `(with-application ((cl-smoke.qt-impl::ensure-app 'qt:application) (kill-app))
+ `(cl-smoke.qt.core:with-application ((cl-smoke.qt.core:ensure-app 'qt:application)
+ (cl-smoke.qt.core:kill-app))
-(defmacro qt:with-core-app (options &body body)
- (assert (null options)
- (options)
- "Currently no options can be passed to QT:WITH-CORE-APP.")
- `(with-application ((cl-smoke.qt-impl::ensure-app 'qt:core-application) (kill-app))
- ,@body))
(defun qt:exec ()
"Executes APP. When QT:*EXEC-P* is false it returns immediately
and transfers the ownership of the top-level widgets to the qt:application
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/event.lisp new-qt.gui/src/event.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/event.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/event.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defun cast-event (event)
- (enum-case (cxx:type event)
- ((qt:event.+child-added+ qt:event.+child-removed+
- qt:event.+child-polished+)
- (setf (slot-value event 'smoke::pointer)
- (smoke::upcast event (find-class 'qt:child-event)))
- (change-class event 'qt:child-event)))
- event)
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/i18n.lisp new-qt.gui/src/i18n.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/i18n.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/i18n.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defun qt:tr (message &optional context)
- "Returns the translated MESSAGE for CONTEXT or
-a string STRING-EQUAL to MESSAGE when no translation was found.
-Translations can be loaded with WITH-TRANSLATOR."
- (qt:core-application.translate (or context "") message))
-(defmacro with-installed-translator (translator &body body)
- `(unwind-protect
- (progn
- (cxx:install-translator (qt:app) ,translator)
- ,@body)
- (cxx:remove-translator (qt:app) ,translator)))
-(defmacro qt:with-translator ((base-name &rest paths) &body body)
- "Loads the translations in the BASE-NAME_LANGCODE.qm file;
-searching PATHS.
-Must be in a WITH-APP."
- (let ((translator (gensym)))
- `(let ((,translator (make-instance 'qt:translator)))
- (unless
- (find-if #'(lambda (path)
- (cxx:load ,translator
- (format nil "~A_~A" ,base-name
- (cxx:name (qt:locale.system)))
- (namestring path)))
- (list ,@paths))
- (cerror "Ignore" "Loading the translations ~A for ~A failed."
- ,base-name (cxx:name (qt:locale.system))))
- (with-installed-translator ,translator
- ,@body))))
-(defmacro qt:with-libqt-translator (&body body)
- "Loads the translations for the Qt library.
-Must be in a WITH-APP."
- (let ((translator (gensym)))
- `(let ((,translator (make-instance 'qt:translator)))
- (unless (cxx:load ,translator (format nil "qt_~A"
- (cxx:name (qt:locale.system)))
- (qt:library-info.location qt:library-info.+translations-path+))
- (cerror "Ignore" "Loading the Qt library translations failed."))
- (with-installed-translator ,translator
- ,@body))))
-(defun qt:search-file (name &rest paths)
- "Searches the file NAME in PATHS and returns its path."
- (let ((file-path (find-if #'(lambda (path)
- (probe-file (merge-pathnames name path)))
- paths)))
- (unless file-path
- (error "The file ~S not found in the paths ~S" name paths))
- (merge-pathnames name file-path)))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt new-qt.gui/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-set(QT_DONT_USE_QTGUI true)
-check_cxx_compiler_flag("-fvisibility=hidden" CXX_VISIBILITY)
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden")
-set(QT_SMOKE_SOURCES qt-smoke.cpp qstring.cpp qstringlist.cpp lisp-object.cpp qlist.cpp)
-add_library(qt-smoke-extra MODULE ${QT_SMOKE_SOURCES})
-target_link_libraries(qt-smoke-extra ${QT_LIBRARIES})
- VERSION "0.0.1")
-install(TARGETS qt-smoke-extra
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/cl_smoke_qt.h new-qt.gui/src/lib/cl_smoke_qt.h
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/cl_smoke_qt.h 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/cl_smoke_qt.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CL_SMOKE_QT_H
-#define CL_SMOKE_QT_H
-#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
- #define CL_SMOKE_QT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
- #if __GNUC__ >= 4
- #define CL_SMOKE_QT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
- #else
- #endif
-#endif // CL_SMOKE_QT_H
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.cpp new-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.cpp
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.cpp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#include "lisp-object.h"
-#include <QtGlobal>
-#include <QtDebug>
-namespace cl_smoke {
-namespace qt {
-/** @struct lisp_object::data
- * @internal
- * Holds a reference ID for a lisp object and calls
- * the destructor callback when it is deleted.
- */
-/** @typedef lisp_object::destructor
- * Destructor.
- * @param id The ID
- */
-lisp_object::destructor lisp_object::destruct = NULL;
-/** Constructor. */
-: id(id),
- is_set(false)
-{ }
-/** Constructor.
- * @param id The ID.
- */
-lisp_object::data::data(unsigned int id)
-: id(id),
- is_set(true)
-{ }
-/** Destructor. */
- Q_ASSERT_X(lisp_object::destruct, __func__,
- "call setup_lisp_object() first.");
- if (this->is_set)
- (*lisp_object::destruct)(this->id);
-/** @class lisp_object
- * @brief Holds a reference ID to a lisp object.
- *
- * The registered destructor callback is called when
- * the last instance for a specific lisp object is deleted.
- *
- * Used for lisp objects in QVariants and signal/slots.
- */
-/** Constructor. */
- : d(new data())
-{ }
-/** Constructor.
- * @param id the ID
- */
-lisp_object::lisp_object(unsigned int id)
- : d(new data(id))
-{ }
-/** Constructor.
- * @param other the lisp_object to copy
- */
-lisp_object::lisp_object(const lisp_object& other)
- : d(other.d)
-{ }
-/** @fn lisp_object::id() const
- * Gets the ID.
- *
- * @return the ID
- */
-/** @fn lisp_object::set() const
- * Determines werter the ID is set.
- *
- * @return @c true when the id is set and @c false otherwise.
- */
-/** Sets a new ID.
- * @param id the ID
- */
-lisp_object::set_id(unsigned int id)
- Q_ASSERT(this->set() ? id != this->id() : true);
- d = new data(id);
-} // namespace qt
-} // namespace cl_smoke
-using namespace cl_smoke::qt;
-/** Initialize the lisp_object.
- * @relates cl_smoke::qt::lisp_object
- * @param destruct destructor callback
- *
- * @return the QMetaType ID of lisp_object
- */
-qt_smoke_setup_lisp_object(void* destruct)
- Q_ASSERT(destruct != NULL);
- lisp_object::destruct = reinterpret_cast<lisp_object::destructor>(destruct);
- return qRegisterMetaType<lisp_object>();
-/** Gets the ID of @a object.
- * @relates cl_smoke::qt::lisp_object
- * @param object the lisp_object.
- *
- * @return the ID
- */
-unsigned int
-qt_smoke_lisp_object_id(const void* object)
- return static_cast<const lisp_object*>(object)->id();
-/** Determines werter the ID of @a object is set.
- * @relates cl_smoke::qt::lisp_object
- * @param object the object
- *
- * @return @c true when the ID is set and @c false otherwise.
- */
-qt_smoke_lisp_object_is_set(const void* object)
- return static_cast<const lisp_object*>(object)->set();
-/** Makes a new lisp_object.
- * @relates cl_smoke::qt::lisp_object
- * @param id the ID
- *
- * @return A new lisp_object instance.
- */
-qt_smoke_make_lisp_object(unsigned int id)
- return new lisp_object(id);
-/** Deletes a lisp_object.
- * @relates cl_smoke::qt::lisp_object
- * @param object the lisp_object
- */
-qt_smoke_free_lisp_object(void* object)
- delete static_cast<lisp_object*>(object);
-#include <QVariant>
-/** Gets the lisp_object of a QVariant.
- * @relates cl_smoke::qt::lisp_object
- * @param variant the QVariant
- *
- * @return a new lisp_object.
- */
-qt_smoke_lisp_object_value(const void* variant)
- const QVariant* qvariant = static_cast<const QVariant*>(variant);
- Q_ASSERT(QVariant::UserType == qvariant->type());
- new lisp_object(qvariant->value<lisp_object>());
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.h new-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.h
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.h 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/lisp-object.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef LISP_OBJECT_H
-#define LISP_OBJECT_H
-#include <QMetaType>
-#include <QSharedData>
-#include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
-#include <smoke.h>
-#include "cl_smoke_qt.h"
-extern "C"
- qt_smoke_setup_lisp_object(void* destruct);
- CL_SMOKE_QT_EXPORT unsigned int
- qt_smoke_lisp_object_id(const void* object);
- qt_smoke_lisp_object_is_set(const void* object);
- qt_smoke_make_lisp_object(unsigned int id);
- qt_smoke_free_lisp_object(void* object);
- qt_smoke_lisp_object_value(const void* variant);
-namespace cl_smoke {
-namespace qt {
-class lisp_object
- public:
- typedef void (*destructor)(unsigned int id);
- lisp_object();
- lisp_object(unsigned int id);
- lisp_object(const lisp_object& other);
- inline unsigned int
- id() const
- { Q_ASSERT(this->set()); return d->id; }
- void
- set_id(unsigned int id);
- inline bool
- set() const
- { return d->is_set; }
- friend int
- ::qt_smoke_setup_lisp_object(void* destruct);
- private:
- struct data : public QSharedData
- {
- data();
- data(unsigned int id);
- ~data();
- unsigned int id;
- bool is_set;
- private:
- };
- QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<data> d;
- static destructor destruct;
-} // namespace qt
-} // namespace cl_smoke
-#endif // LISP_OBJECT_H
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.cpp new-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.cpp
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.cpp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#include "qlist.h"
-/** @file
- * @brief QList conversions. */
-#include <QVariant>
-#include <QByteArray>
-extern "C" {
-} // extern "C"
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.h new-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.h
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.h 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/qlist.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#include <QList>
-#include "cl_smoke_qt.h"
-/** @file
- */
-/** Defines a C wrapper for the QList<@a TYPE>.
- * @param TYPE the type of the elements of the QList
- */
-/** Defines a C wrapper for the QList<@a TYPE*>,
- * where @a TYPE is the of the pointer.
- *
- * @param NAME the name used for the wrapper functions.
- * @param TYPE the type of the elements
- */
-/** @internal */
-/** @internal
- * size, free and make_list. */
-qt_smoke_list_ ## NAME ## _size(const void* list) \
-{ \
- return static_cast<const QList< TYPE >*>(list)->size(); \
-} \
-qt_smoke_free_list_ ## NAME (void* list) \
-{ \
- delete static_cast<QList< TYPE >*>(list); \
-} \
- \
-qt_smoke_make_list_ ## NAME () \
-{ \
- return new QList< TYPE >(); \
-} \
- \
-/** @internal
- * At and append for pointer types
- */
-CL_SMOKE_QT_EXPORT const void* \
-qt_smoke_list_ ## NAME ## _at(const void* list, int index) \
-{ \
- const QList< TYPE >* qlist = static_cast<const QList< TYPE > *>(list); \
- return qlist->at(index); \
-} \
-qt_smoke_list_ ## NAME ## _append(void* list, void* data) \
-{ \
- static_cast<QList< TYPE >*>(list) \
- ->append(static_cast<TYPE>(data)); \
-} \
-/** @internal
- * At and append for value types.
- */
-CL_SMOKE_QT_EXPORT const void* \
-qt_smoke_list_ ## NAME ## _at(const void* list, int index) \
-{ \
- const QList< TYPE >* qlist = static_cast<const QList< TYPE > *>(list); \
- return new TYPE(qlist->at(index)); \
-} \
-qt_smoke_list_ ## NAME ## _append(void* list, void* data) \
-{ \
- static_cast<QList< TYPE >*>(list) \
- ->append(*static_cast<TYPE*>(data)); \
-} \
-#endif // CL_SMOKE_QT_QLIST_H
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/qstring.cpp new-qt.gui/src/lib/qstring.cpp
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/qstring.cpp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/qstring.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include <QString>
-#include <QtDebug>
-#include "cl_smoke_qt.h"
-/** @file
- * @brief QString conversion. */
-extern "C" {
-/** Converts a QString to a QByteArray.
- * @param qstring Pointer to a QString
- *
- * @return a pointer to a newly allocated char array.
- */
-qt_smoke_qstring_to_byte_array(const void* qstring)
- Q_ASSERT(qstring);
- const QString* string = static_cast<const QString*>(qstring);
- return new QByteArray(string->toLocal8Bit());
-/** Frees an QString.
- * @param qstring the QString to free
- */
-qt_smoke_free_qstring(void* qstring)
- delete static_cast<QString*>(qstring);
-/** Converts a string to a QString.
- * @param data a char array
- * @param length the length of @a data
- *
- * @return a newly allocated QString
- */
-qt_smoke_string_to_qstring(const char* data, int length)
- return new QString(QString::fromLocal8Bit(data, length));
-} // extern "C"
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/qstringlist.cpp new-qt.gui/src/lib/qstringlist.cpp
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/qstringlist.cpp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/qstringlist.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QtDebug>
-#include <cstring>
-#include "cl_smoke_qt.h"
-/** @file
- * @brief QStringList conversion. */
-extern "C" {
-/** Returns the number of items of @a string_list.
- * @param string_list the QStringList
- *
- * @return the number of items
- */
-qt_smoke_string_list_size(const void* string_list)
- Q_ASSERT(string_list);
- return static_cast<const QStringList*>(string_list)->size();
-/** Returns the byte array of @a string_list at position @a index.
- * @param string_list the QStringList
- * @param index the index of the string
- *
- * @return a new allocated byte-array
- */
-qt_smoke_string_list_at(const void* string_list, int index)
- Q_ASSERT(string_list);
- const QStringList* list = static_cast<const QStringList*>(string_list);
- Q_ASSERT(0 <= index && index < list->size());
- return new QByteArray(list->at(index).toLocal8Bit());
-/** Free a QStringList.
- * @param string_list the QStringList to free
- */
-qt_smoke_free_string_list(void* string_list)
- delete static_cast<QStringList*>(string_list);
-/** Allocates a new QStringList.
- *
- * @return a new QStringList
- */
- return new QStringList();
-/** Appends @a string to @a string_list
- * @param string_list the QStringList
- * @param data the string
- * @param length the length of @a data
- */
-qt_smoke_string_list_append(void* string_list, const char* data, int length)
- static_cast<QStringList*>(string_list)->append(QString::fromLocal8Bit(data, length));
-} // extern "C"
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lib/qt-smoke.cpp new-qt.gui/src/lib/qt-smoke.cpp
--- old-qt.gui/src/lib/qt-smoke.cpp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lib/qt-smoke.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include <qnamespace.h>
-#include <QEvent>
-#include <QtDebug>
-#include "cl_smoke_qt.h"
-/** @file
- * @brief Qt support functions */
-#include <exception>
-static void
- qFatal("caught an exception.");
-extern "C" {
-/** Registers a callback to be invoked for every QEvent.
- * @see QCoreApplication::notifyInternal
- *
- * @param callback the callback
- *
- * @return @c true on success and @c false otherwise
- */
-qt_smoke_register_event_notify(void* callback)
- Q_ASSERT(callback);
- std::set_terminate(terminate);
- return QInternal::registerCallback(QInternal::EventNotifyCallback,
- reinterpret_cast<qInternalCallback>(callback));
-/** Returns the most specific QMetaObject of the QObject instance @a object.
- * Used to determine the actual class of an object. Smoke can not be used since it calls the
- * metaObject() of the class the method was called for.
- *
- * @param object A QObject
- *
- * @return QMetaObject
- */
-qt_smoke_meta_object(void* object)
- Q_ASSERT(object);
- static_cast<QObject*>(object)->metaObject();
-} // extern "C"
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/lisp-object.lisp new-qt.gui/src/lisp-object.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/lisp-object.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/lisp-object.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defvar *cxx-lisp-objects* (smoke::make-synchronized-hash-table)
- "Objects that are currently passed in a C++ class.")
-(let ((id 0))
- (declare (type (smoke::c-integer :unsigned-int) id))
- (defun gen-cxx-lisp-object-id ()
- "Returns a new unique ID."
- (loop do
- (setf id
- (logand (1- (expt 2 (* 8 (foreign-type-size :unsigned-int) )))
- (1+ id)))
- while (nth-value 1 (gethash id *cxx-lisp-objects*)))
- id))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-setup-lisp-object :int
- (destruct :pointer))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-lisp-object-id :unsigned-int
- (object :pointer))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-lisp-object-is-set :int
- (object :pointer))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-make-lisp-object :pointer
- (id :unsigned-int))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-free-lisp-object :void
- (object :pointer))
-(defcallback destruct-cxx-lisp-object :void
- ((id :unsigned-int))
- (remhash id *cxx-lisp-objects*))
-(defvar *cxx-lisp-object-metatype* "Metatype ID of the C++ lisp_object.")
-(eval-startup ()
- (setf *cxx-lisp-object-metatype*
- (qt-smoke-setup-lisp-object (callback destruct-cxx-lisp-object)))
- (assert (>= *cxx-lisp-object-metatype*
- (smoke::value qt:meta-type.+user+))
- (*cxx-lisp-object-metatype*)
- "setup of lisp-object failed"))
-(defun make-cxx-lisp-object (object)
- "Constructs a C++ object wrapper for OBJECT."
- (let ((id (gen-cxx-lisp-object-id)))
- (setf (gethash id *cxx-lisp-objects*) object)
- (qt-smoke-make-lisp-object id)))
-(defun free-cxx-lisp-object (pointer)
- "Deletes the lisp_object at POINTER."
- (qt-smoke-free-lisp-object pointer))
-;; (qmetatype.destroy *cxx-lisp-object-metatype* pointer)) ;; FIXME use this?
-(defun translate-cxx-lisp-object (pointer)
- "Returns the object of the cxx-lisp-object at POINTER.
-When being received as an argument by a slot,
-the object must not be deallocated."
- (multiple-value-bind (value present-p)
- (gethash (qt-smoke-lisp-object-id pointer)
- *cxx-lisp-objects*)
- (assert present-p (value present-p)
- "No object for ~A in ~A" pointer *cxx-lisp-objects*)
- value))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/list.lisp new-qt.gui/src/list.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/list.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/list.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defmacro define-qlist-wrapper (type-name element-type &optional c-name)
- (let* ((c-name (or c-name type-name))
- (type (string-upcase c-name))
- (list-type (symbolicate 'qlist- type)))
- `(progn
- (defcfun ,(concatenate 'string "qt_smoke_list_" c-name "_size") :int
- "Returns the size of LIST."
- (list :pointer))
- (defcfun ,(concatenate 'string "qt_smoke_free_list_" c-name) :void
- "Frees LIST."
- (list :pointer))
- (defcfun ,(concatenate 'string "qt_smoke_make_list_" c-name) :pointer
- "Makes a list.")
- (defcfun ,(concatenate 'string "qt_smoke_list_" c-name "_at") :pointer
- "Returns the a newly constructed copy of the element at position AT of LIST."
- (list :pointer)
- (index :int))
- (defcfun ,(concatenate 'string "qt_smoke_list_" c-name "_append") :pointer
- "Appends NEW-ELEMENT to LIST."
- (list :pointer)
- (new-element :pointer))
- ;; To Lisp
- ,@(loop for type-name in (ensure-list type-name) collect
- `(defun ,(symbolicate 'from- type-name) (list-pointer)
- (let ((vector (make-array (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-list-
- type '-size)
- list-pointer))))
- (dotimes (index (length vector) vector)
- (setf (aref vector index)
- ;; FIXME the returned object is not wrapped by Smoke
- ;; -> change this?
- (smoke::object-to-lisp
- (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-list-
- type '-at)
- list-pointer index)
- (smoke::make-smoke-type *smoke-module*
- ,type-name)))))))
- ,@(loop for type-name in (ensure-list type-name) collect
- `(define-to-lisp-translation
- (,(format nil "const QList<~A>&" type-name)
- ,(format nil "QList<~A>" type-name))
- ,(symbolicate 'from- type-name)
- ,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-free-list- type)))
- ;; From Lisp
- (defun ,(symbolicate 'coerce- list-type) (list)
- (let ((qlist (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-make-list- type))))
- (loop for element across list do
- (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-list- type '-append)
- qlist (pointer (make-instance ',element-type :args (list element)))))
- (make-cleanup-pointer
- qlist
- (function ,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-free-list- type)))))
- (defun ,(symbolicate list-type '-p) (list)
- (every #'(lambda (element)
- (typep element ',element-type))
- list))
- ,@(loop for type-name in (ensure-list type-name) collect
- `(define-from-lisp-translation (,(format nil "const QList<~A>&" type-name)
- ,(format nil "QList<~A>" type-name))
- ;; FIXME allow sequence
- (and (vector ,element-type)
- (satisfies ,(symbolicate list-type '-p)))
- ,(symbolicate 'coerce- list-type))))))
-;; FIXME it would be nice to have QList<QVariant> as fallback for any
-;; list we can not convert otherwise. e.g.: '("a" 1)
-(define-qlist-wrapper "QVariant" qt:variant)
-(define-qlist-wrapper ("QObject*" "QWidget*") qt:object "void")
-(define-qlist-wrapper "QByteArray" qt:byte-array)
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/msg-handler.lisp new-qt.gui/src/msg-handler.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/msg-handler.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/msg-handler.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-;; FIXME Determine the actual size of the QtMsgType enum.
-(cffi:defctype qt-msg-type :int)
-;; QtMsgHandler is a typedef for a pointer.
-(define-pointer-typedef "QtMsgHandler" foreign-pointer)
-(define-pointer-typedef "void(*)(QtMsgType,const char*)" foreign-pointer)
-(define-pointer-typedef "unsigned char*" foreign-pointer)
-(defcallback qt-msg-handler :void
- ((type qt-msg-type)
- (message :string))
- (ecase type
- (#.(value qt:+qt-debug-msg+)
- (write-string "qDebug: " *debug-io*)
- (write-line message *debug-io*))
- (#.(value qt:+qt-warning-msg+) (warn message))
- (#.(value qt:+qt-critical-msg+) (cerror "Ignore" "~A" message))
- (#.(value qt:+qt-fatal-msg+) (error message))))
-(eval-startup (:load-toplevel)
- (qt:q-install-msg-handler (callback qt-msg-handler)))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/object.lisp new-qt.gui/src/object.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/object.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/object.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-;; Smoke always calls the method of the class the object is assumed to
-;; be and not the most specific method like required for virtual
-;; methods. Thus we implement a virtual metaObject() method to
-;; determine the actual class. This is only needed for objects not
-;; constructed by Smoke, since otherwise we would know the most
-;; specific class.
-(defcfun qt-smoke-meta-object :pointer (object :pointer))
-(defun meta-object (object)
- (make-instance 'qt:meta-object
- :pointer (qt-smoke-meta-object (pointer object))))
-(defmethod cxx:static-meta-object ((class cxx:class))
- (cxx:static-meta-object (smoke::find-smoke-class class)))
-(defmethod documentation :around ((class smoke::smoke-standard-class)
- (doc-type (eql 't)))
- (if (and (subtypep class (find-class 'qt:object))
- (not (subtypep class (find-class 'cxx:class))))
- (format nil "~@[~A~%~]Properties:~%~T~{~<~%~T~0,75:; ~(~A~)~>~}
- (call-next-method) (sort (qt:class-direct-properties class) #'string<=)
- (sort (class-signals class) #'string<=)
- (sort (class-slots class) #'string<=))
- (call-next-method)))
-(defmethod print-object ((object qt:object) stream)
- (if (or (not (slot-boundp object 'pointer))
- (null-pointer-p (pointer object)))
- (call-next-method)
- (if (string= "" (cxx:object-name object))
- (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
- (when (smoke::const-p object)
- (princ "CONST " stream)))
- (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
- (when (smoke::const-p object)
- (princ "CONST " stream))
- (princ (cxx:object-name object) stream)))))
-(defmethod print-object ((object qt:meta-object) stream)
- (if (or (not (slot-boundp object 'pointer))
- (null-pointer-p (pointer object)))
- (call-next-method)
- (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
- (princ (cxx:class-name object) stream))))
-(defun meta-object-methods (meta-object &optional (direct-only nil))
- (loop for index from (if direct-only (cxx:method-offset meta-object) 0)
- below (cxx:method-count meta-object)
- collect (cxx:method meta-object index)))
-(defun meta-object-signals (meta-object &key all)
- (mapcar #'cxx:signature
- (remove-if-not #'(lambda (m) (enum= qt:meta-method.+signal+
- (cxx:method-type m)))
- (meta-object-methods meta-object (not all)))))
-(defun class-signals (class &key all)
- (meta-object-signals (cxx:static-meta-object class) :all all))
-(defun meta-object-slots (meta-object &key all)
- (mapcar #'cxx:signature
- (remove-if-not #'(lambda (m) (enum= qt:meta-method.+slot+
- (cxx:method-type m)))
- (meta-object-methods meta-object (not all)))))
-(defun class-slots (class &key all)
- (meta-object-slots (cxx:static-meta-object class) :all all))
-(defun parent-p (object)
- (not (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer-call
- (smoke::make-smoke-method-from-name
- (find-class 'qt:object)
- "parent")
- (smoke::pointer object)))))
-;; FIXME this might not be that smart.
-(eval-startup (:compile-toplevel :execute)
- (defparameter *destroyed-slot* (qt:make-slot
- #'(lambda (object)
- (foreign-funcall-pointer
- (get-callback 'smoke::destructed)
- () :pointer (smoke:pointer object))))))
-(defvar *toplevel-objects* nil)
-(defun ensure-smoke-parent (object)
- (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
- (let ((parent (cxx:parent object)))
- (assert (not (null-pointer-p (smoke:pointer parent)))
- ()
- "The object ~A has not parent." object)
- (unless (smoke::has-pointer-p (smoke:pointer parent))
- ;; Before we ADD-OBJECT PARENT it must know its real class to
- ;; prevent a clash when the same pointer is returned by a
- ;; function with a more specific type.
- (change-class parent
- ;; Note: there can be classes that are not known
- ;; to Smoke, like KDE's OxygenStyle that might
- ;; be seen by the event-notify callback. But
- ;; it's probably save to assume the user will
- ;; never use those.
- (let ((class-name (cxx:class-name (meta-object parent))))
- (smoke::lispify class-name (ecase (char class-name 0)
- (#\Q :qt)
- (#\K :kde)))))
- (smoke::add-object parent)
- (qt:connect (qt:get-signal parent "destroyed(QObject*)")
- *destroyed-slot* qt:+direct-connection+)
- (tg:cancel-finalization parent)
- (if (null-pointer-p (smoke:pointer (cxx:parent parent)))
- (push parent *toplevel-objects*)
- (smoke::transfer-ownership-to parent (ensure-smoke-parent parent))))
- parent))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object qt:object)
- &key (pointer nil pointer-p) &allow-other-keys)
- "Registers the object to the parent when a parent was set in the constructor
-and the objects metaclass is SMOKE-WRAPPER-CLASS."
- (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
- (when (and (not pointer-p)
- (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer object)))
- (error "Object ~A has not been constructed" object))
- (when (and (null pointer)
- (not (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer object)))
- (parent-p object))
- (smoke::transfer-ownership-to object
- (ensure-smoke-parent object))))
-(define-condition wrapper-gc (storage-condition)
- ((object-class :initarg :object-class
- :documentation "The class of the gc'ed object.")
- (pointer :initarg :pointer))
- (:report (lambda (condition stream)
- (format stream "The object ~A ~A of type cxx:class
-has the parent but got garbage collected."
- (slot-value condition 'object-class)
- (slot-value condition 'pointer)))))
-(eval-startup (:compile-toplevel :execute)
- (defparameter *get-parent*
- (smoke::make-smoke-method-from-name (find-class 'qt:object) "parent"))
- ;; FIXME this leaks memory when QCoreApplication::exec() is never
- ;; called, beause then, deleteLater() has no effect.
- (defparameter *delete-later*
- (smoke::make-smoke-method-from-name (find-class 'qt:object) "deleteLater")))
-(defmethod smoke::make-finalize ((object qt:object))
- "Delete the qt:object OBJECT,
- by calling cxx:delete-later iff it has no parent."
- (let ((pointer (pointer object))
- (class (class-of object))
- (next (call-next-method)))
- (declare (function next))
- (if (typep (class-of object) 'cxx:class)
- #'(lambda ()
- (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
- (handler-case
- (if (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer-call *get-parent* pointer))
- (smoke::pointer-call *delete-later* pointer)
- (error (make-condition 'wrapper-gc
- :object-class class
- :pointer pointer)))
- (error (condition)
- (smoke::report-finalize-error condition "qt:object wrap"
- (name class) pointer))))
- #'(lambda ()
- (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
- (handler-case
- (if (null-pointer-p (smoke::pointer-call *get-parent* pointer))
- (funcall next)
- (cerror "Ignore" "Finalizer for object with a parent called."))
- (error (condition)
- (smoke::report-finalize-error condition "qt:object"
- (name class) pointer)))))))
-;;; The event-notify callback get called by QCoreApplication, on
-;;; notification of an event.
-;;; The DATA argument is an array of size three, containing the
-;;; pointers:
-;;; void* receiver
-;;; void* event
-;;; void* result
-;;; in that order.
-;;; Returning true marks the event as handled; false on the other hand
-;;; leaves the event processing unchanged.
-;;; See: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject *receiver, QEvent
-;;; *event)
-(cffi:defcallback event-notify smoke:cxx-bool
- ((data :pointer))
- (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
- (let ((receiver (smoke::get-object (cffi:mem-aref data :pointer 0)))
- (event (cast-event
- (make-instance 'qt:event
- :pointer (cffi:mem-aref data :pointer 1)))))
- (enum-case (cxx:type event)
- (qt:event.+child-added+
- (tg:cancel-finalization (cxx:child event))
- (when (smoke::has-pointer-p (smoke::pointer (cxx:child event)))
- (unless receiver
- (setf receiver (ensure-smoke-parent (cxx:child event))))
- (smoke::transfer-ownership-to (cxx:child event) receiver)))
- (qt:event.+child-removed+
- ;; We receive child removed events for any QObject, whether
- ;; it was constructed by Smoke or not. Only take ownership of
- ;; objects that have been constructed by Smoke.
- (when (smoke::has-pointer-p (smoke::pointer (cxx:child event)))
- (assert receiver)
- (smoke::take-ownership (cxx:child event) receiver)))))
- nil)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (cffi:defcfun qt-smoke-register-event-notify :boolean
- (event-notify :pointer)))
-(defun register-event-notify ()
- (let ((ret (qt-smoke-register-event-notify (cffi:callback event-notify))))
- (unless ret
- (error "Registering event-notify callback failed."))))
-(defun check-child-parent-ownership ()
- (loop for parent being the hash-values of smoke::*object-map* do
- (loop for child in (smoke::owned-objects parent) do
- (when (typep child 'qt:object)
- (assert (eql (cxx:parent child) parent)
- (child parent)
- "cl-smoke thinks ~A has the parent ~A, but ~A is its parent."
- child parent (cxx:parent child))))))
-(eval-startup ()
- (register-event-notify))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/operator.lisp new-qt.gui/src/operator.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/operator.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/operator.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
-(defun cxx:= (object &rest more-objects)
- (if (null more-objects)
- t
- (every #'(lambda (o)
- ;; Consider Class::operator== and operator==
- ;; FIXME integrate this in the overload resolution
- (if (typep object 'smoke::smoke-standard-object)
- (handler-case (qt:operator== object o)
- (smoke::no-applicable-cxx-method ()
- (cxx:operator== object o)))
- (qt:operator== object o)))
- more-objects)))
-(defun cxx:/= (object &rest more-objects)
- (if (null more-objects)
- t
- (some #'(lambda (o)
- (qt:operator!= object o))
- more-objects)))
-(defun ordered-p (relation list)
- "Returns true when LIST is ordered according to RELATION."
- (if (or (null list) (null (rest list)))
- t
- (and (funcall relation (first list)
- (second list))
- (ordered-p relation (rest list)))))
-(defmacro define-cxx-relation (relation)
- `(defun ,(intern (symbol-name relation) :cxx) (object &rest more-objects)
- (ordered-p (symbol-function (quote ,(intern (format nil "OPERATOR~A"
- relation)
- :qt)))
- (cons object more-objects))))
-(defmacro define-cxx-relations (&rest relations)
- `(progn
- ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (r) `(define-cxx-relation ,r)) relations)))
-(define-cxx-relations < <= >= >)
-(defun cxx:incf (object &optional (delta 1))
- (cxx:operator+= object delta))
-(defun cxx:decf (object &optional (delta 1))
- (cxx:operator-= object delta))
-(defun cxx:+ (&rest args)
- (if (null args)
- 0
- (reduce #'qt:operator+ args)))
-(defun cxx:- (object &rest subtrahends)
- (if (null subtrahends)
- (cxx:operator- object)
- (reduce #'qt:operator- (cons object subtrahends))))
-(defun cxx:* (&rest args)
- (if (null args)
- 1
- (reduce #'qt:operator- args)))
-(defun cxx:/ (object &rest denominators)
- (if (null denominators)
- (qt:operator/ 1 object)
- (qt:operator/ object (apply #'cxx:+ denominators))))
-(defun cxx:1+ (object)
- (qt:operator+ object 1))
-(defun cxx:1- (object)
- (qt:operator- object 1))
-(defun cxx:aref (object index)
- "Returns the element of OBJECT at position INDEX."
- (declare ((integer 0) index))
- (assert (< index (cxx:size object))
- (index)
- "Index ~A for ~A requested, but the length is ~A"
- index object (cxx:size object))
- (cxx:at object index))
-(defun (setf cxx:aref) (new-value object index)
- (declare ((integer 0) index))
- (assert (< index (cxx:size object))
- (index)
- "Index ~A for ~A requested, but the length is ~A"
- index object (cxx:size object))
- (cxx:operator= (cxx:operator[] object index)
- new-value)
- new-value)
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/ownership.lisp new-qt.gui/src/ownership.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/ownership.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/ownership.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
+(in-package :cl-smoke.qt.gui)
;; undo-stack
(define-takes-ownership cxx:push ((undo-stack qt:undo-stack) undo-command)
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@
+;; FIXME graphic-item has a lot more.
+(define-takes-ownership cxx:add-item ((this qt:graphics-scene) item)
+ item)
;; Allocates return value
;; QLineEdit::createStandardContextMenu()
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/package.lisp new-qt.gui/src/package.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/package.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/package.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,52 +1,2 @@
-(defpackage :cl-smoke.qt-impl
+(defpackage :cl-smoke.qt.gui
(:use :cl :smoke :cffi :bordeaux-threads :cxx-support :alexandria))
-(defpackage :cl-smoke.qt
- (:use) ;; do not use :cl to prevent collision with TIME and CHAR
- (:nicknames :qt)
- (:export #:app
- #:app-p
- #:exec
- #:*exec-p*
- #:with-app
- #:with-core-app
- #:with-painter
- #:single-shot
- #:do-delayed-initialize
- #:tr
- #:with-translator
- #:with-libqt-translator
- #:qmethod
- #:qsignal
- #:qslot
- #:property
- #:property-p
- #:remove-property
- #:properties
- #:class-properties
- #:class-direct-properties
- #:make-char
- #:from-char
- #:from-variant
- #:make-variant
- #:make-lisp-variant
- #:value
- #:variant-boundp
- #:search-file
- #:connect
- #:disconnect
- #:disconnect-all
- #:get-slot
- #:get-signal
- #:make-slot
- #:make-signal
- #:sender))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/painter.lisp new-qt.gui/src/painter.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/painter.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/painter.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
+(in-package :cl-smoke.qt.gui)
-(defmacro qt:with-painter ((painter paint-device) &body body)
+(defmacro qt:with-painter ((painter &optional paint-device) &body body)
"Binds a PAINTER instance for PAINT-DEVICE to PAINTER
- during the evaluation of BODY.
+ during the evaluation of BODY. Or when PAINT-DEVICE is not
+specified, saves and restored the state of PAINTER around BODY.
Makes sure the painter ends after BODY; thus preventing problems with
still active and not yet garbage collected painters in CXX:PAINT-EVENT."
- `(let ((,painter (make-instance 'qt:painter :arg0 ,paint-device)))
- (assert (cxx:is-active ,painter)
- (,painter)
- "Painter ~A for ~A is not active"
- ,painter ,paint-device)
- (unwind-protect
- (progn ,@body)
- (cxx:end ,painter))))
+ (if paint-device
+ `(let ((,painter (make-instance 'qt:painter :arg0 ,paint-device)))
+ (assert (cxx:is-active ,painter)
+ (,painter)
+ "Painter ~A for ~A is not active"
+ ,painter ,paint-device)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (cxx:end ,painter)))
+ `(progn (cxx:save ,painter)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (cxx:restore ,painter)))))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/properties.lisp new-qt.gui/src/properties.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/properties.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/properties.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defun reverse-lispify (symbol)
- "Converts the name of symbol to C++ style."
- (if (eq (symbol-package symbol)
- (find-package :keyword))
- (smoke::lisp-to-cxx (symbol-name symbol))
- (concatenate 'string
- (package-name (symbol-package symbol))
- "::"
- (symbol-name symbol))))
-(defun property-package (name)
- (let ((package-end (search "::" name)))
- (if package-end
- (values
- (find-package (intern (subseq name 0 package-end) :keyword))
- (+ 2 package-end))
- (values (find-package :keyword) 0))))
-(defun lispify-property-name (name)
- (multiple-value-bind (package name-start)
- (property-package name)
- (if (= 0 name-start)
- (smoke::lispify name package)
- (intern (subseq name name-start) package))))
-(defun property-name (name)
- "The property name is a string or a to camelCase converted symbol."
- (typecase name
- (string name)
- (symbol (reverse-lispify name))))
-(defun qt:property (object name)
- "Returns the property NAME of OBJECT."
- (declare (type qt:object object)
- (type (or string symbol) name))
- (assert (qt:property-p object name)
- (object name)
- "~A has no property ~A." object name)
- (qt:from-variant (cxx:property object (property-name name))))
-(defun (setf qt:property) (new-value object name)
- (declare (type qt:object object)
- (type (or string symbol) name))
- (cxx:set-property object (property-name name)
- (make-instance 'qt:variant :arg0 new-value))
- new-value)
-(defun qt:remove-property (object name)
- "Removes the property NAME from OBJECT."
- (declare (type qt:object object)
- (type (or string symbol) name))
- (setf (qt:property object name) (qt:make-variant)))
-(defun qt:property-p (object name)
- "Returns T when NAME is a property of OBJECT and NIL otherwise."
- (declare (type qt:object object)
- (type (or string symbol) name))
- (qt:variant-boundp (cxx:property object (property-name name))))
-(defun meta-object-properties (meta-object &optional (all t))
- "Returns a list of the properties of META-OBJECT."
- (loop for index from (if all 0 (cxx:property-offset meta-object))
- below (cxx:property-count meta-object)
- collect (lispify-property-name (cxx:name (cxx:property meta-object index)))))
-(defun sort-symbols (symbols)
- (sort symbols
- #'(lambda (a b)
- (string<= (write-to-string a) (write-to-string b)))))
-(defgeneric qt:class-properties (class)
- (:documentation "Returns a list of the properties of CLASS.")
- (:method ((class class))
- (sort-symbols
- (meta-object-properties (cxx:static-meta-object class))))
- (:method ((symbol symbol))
- (qt:class-properties (find-class symbol))))
-(defgeneric qt:class-direct-properties (class)
- (:documentation "Returns a list of the properties of CLASS.")
- (:method ((class class))
- (meta-object-properties (cxx:static-meta-object class) nil))
- (:method ((symbol symbol))
- (qt:class-direct-properties (find-class symbol))))
-(defun dynamic-properties (object)
- (map 'list (compose #'lispify-property-name #'cxx:data)
- (cxx:dynamic-property-names object)))
-(defun qt:properties (object)
- "Returns a list of the properties of OBJECT."
- (declare (type qt:object object))
- (sort-symbols
- (nconc (dynamic-properties object)
- (meta-object-properties (cxx:meta-object object)))))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/qstring.lisp new-qt.gui/src/qstring.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/qstring.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/qstring.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defcfun qt-smoke-string-to-qstring :pointer
- (data :string)
- (length :int))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-free-qstring :void
- (string :pointer))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-qstring-to-byte-array :pointer
- (qstring :pointer))
-;;; make sure, that you have configured slime correctly.
-;;; e.g.:
-;;; (string #\U9999) crashed slime for me. Adding
-;;; (set-language-environment "UTF-8")
-;;; (setq slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
-;;; to .emacs helps.
-;;; Use emacs 23 for better unicode support.
-(smoke:eval-startup (:compile-toplevel :execute)
- (qt:text-codec.set-codec-for-cstrings
- (qt:text-codec.codec-for-name (string *default-foreign-encoding*)))
- (qt:text-codec.set-codec-for-locale
- (qt:text-codec.codec-for-name (string *default-foreign-encoding*))))
-(smoke:eval-startup (:compile-toplevel :execute)
- (let ((method (smoke::make-smoke-method-from-name (find-class 'qt:byte-array)
- "constData")))
- (defmethod cxx:const-data ((array qt:byte-array))
- (values ;; Discharge second return value (length of string)
- (foreign-string-to-lisp (smoke::pointer-call method
- (smoke::pointer array))
- :count (cxx:size array))))))
-(defun from-qstring (qstring)
- (cxx:const-data (make-instance 'qt:byte-array
- :pointer (qt-smoke-qstring-to-byte-array qstring))))
-(define-to-lisp-translation ("QString" "const QString&")
- from-qstring qt-smoke-free-qstring)
-(defun coerce-qstring (string)
- (make-cleanup-pointer
- (with-foreign-string ((data length) string :null-terminated-p nil)
- (qt-smoke-string-to-qstring data length))
- #'qt-smoke-free-qstring))
-(define-from-lisp-translation ("const QString&" "QString") string
- coerce-qstring)
-(defmethod print-object ((object qt:byte-array) stream)
- (if (null-pointer-p (pointer object))
- (call-next-method)
- (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
- (when (smoke::const-p object)
- (princ "CONST " stream))
- (prin1 (cxx:const-data object) stream))))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/qt.gui.lisp new-qt.gui/src/qt.gui.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/qt.gui.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/qt.gui.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+;;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
+;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
+;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
+;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
+;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
+;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
+;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
+;;; module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or
+;;; based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this
+;;; exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to
+;;; do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
+;;; from your version.
+(in-package :cl-smoke.qt.gui)
+(define-smoke-module :cl-smoke.qt libsmokeqtgui
+ (*qt-gui-smoke* "qtgui_Smoke")
+ (init-qt-gui-smoke "init_qtgui_Smoke"))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/qt.lisp new-qt.gui/src/qt.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/qt.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/qt.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-;;; Copyright (C) 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
-;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;;; (at your option) any later version.
-;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
-;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
-;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
-;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
-;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
-;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
-;;; module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or
-;;; based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this
-;;; exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to
-;;; do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement
-;;; from your version.
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(define-smoke-module :cl-smoke.qt libsmokeqt
- (*qt-smoke* "qt_Smoke")
- (init-qt-smoke "init_qt_Smoke"))
-(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
- (define-foreign-library libqt-smoke-extra
- (:unix "libqt-smoke-extra.so")
- (t (:default "libqt-smoke-extra")))
- (use-foreign-library libqt-smoke-extra))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/connect.lisp new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/connect.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/connect.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/connect.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defgeneric qt:connect (qsignal slot &optional type)
- (:documentation "Connects a signal to a slot."))
-(defgeneric qt:disconnect (qsignal slot)
- (:documentation "Disconnects a connection."))
-(defgeneric qt:disconnect-all (qsignal)
- (:documentation "Disconnects all connections of QSIGNAL."))
-(defun check-argument-types (signal-arguments slot-arguments)
- (assert (= (length signal-arguments) (length slot-arguments)))
- (loop for signal-arg in signal-arguments
- for slot-arg in slot-arguments do
- (if (typep signal-arg 'smoke::smoke-type)
- (assert (smoke-type= signal-arg slot-arg))
- (assert (subtypep signal-arg slot-arg)))))
-;;FIXME check argument-types
-(defmethod qt:connect ((qsignal qsignal) (qslot qslot) &optional type)
- (assert (or (slot-boundp (signal-object qsignal) 'argument-types)
- (slot-boundp qslot 'arguments))
- ((slot-value (signal-object qsignal) 'argument-types)
- (slot-value qslot 'arguments))
- "Argument types must be specified for at least on of
-~A and ~A." qsignal qslot)
- (when (not (slot-boundp (signal-object qsignal) 'argument-types))
- (setf (argument-types (signal-object qsignal))
- (arguments qslot)))
- (when (not (slot-boundp qslot 'arguments))
- (setf (slot-value qslot 'arguments)
- (argument-types (signal-object qsignal))))
- (check-argument-types (argument-types (signal-object qsignal))
- (arguments qslot))
- (unless (connect-id (signal-object qsignal) (id (signal-object qsignal))
- qslot (id qslot)
- type
- (types (arguments qslot)))
- (cerror "Failed to connect ~S to ~S." qsignal qslot)))
-(defmethod qt:connect ((sender qsignal) (function function) &optional type)
- (let ((slot (make-instance 'qslot
- :arg0 (signal-object sender)
- :argument-types (argument-types (signal-object sender))
- :slot-function function)))
- (unless (connect-id (signal-object sender) (id (signal-object sender))
- slot (id slot)
- type
- (types (argument-types (signal-object sender))))
- (cerror "Failed to connect the function ~S to the signal ~S."
- function sender))))
-(defclass qt-signal-slot-name ()
- ((name :initarg :name
- :reader name)))
-(defclass qt-signal (qt-signal-slot-name)
- ((sender :initarg :sender
- :reader qsender))
- (:documentation "Qt C++ signal."))
-(defclass qt-slot (qt-signal-slot-name)
- ((receiver :initarg :receiver
- :reader receiver))
- (:documentation "Qt C++ slot."))
-(defmethod print-object ((qt-signal qt-signal) stream)
- (print-unreadable-object (qt-signal stream :type t :identity t)
- (when (slot-boundp qt-signal 'sender)
- (princ (qsender qt-signal) stream))
- (princ " " stream)
- (when (slot-boundp qt-signal 'name)
- (princ (name qt-signal) stream))))
-(defgeneric qt:get-slot (receiver name)
- (:documentation "Returns the slot of RECEIVER with NAME.")
- (:method (receiver name)
- (make-instance 'qt-slot :receiver receiver :name name))
- (:method (receiver (function function))
- "Returns a slot for RECEIVER that calls function
-with RECEIVER as the first argument."
- (make-instance 'qslot
- :arg0 receiver
- :slot-function #'(lambda (&rest args)
- (apply function (cxx:parent *this*)
- args)))))
-(define-compiler-macro qt:get-slot (&whole form receiver name)
- "Normalize the slot name."
- (if (stringp name)
- (let ((normalized-name (cxx:data
- (qt:meta-object.normalized-signature name))))
- (if (string= name normalized-name) ;; Avoid infinite recursion
- form
- `(qt:get-slot ,receiver ,normalized-name)))
- form))
-(defun qt:get-signal (sender name)
- "Returns the signal NAME of SENDER."
- (make-instance 'qt-signal :sender sender :name name))
-(define-compiler-macro qt:get-signal (&whole form sender name)
- "Normalize the signal name."
- (if (stringp name)
- (let ((normalized-name (cxx:data
- (qt:meta-object.normalized-signature name))))
- (if (string= name normalized-name) ;; Avoid infinite recursion
- form
- `(qt:get-signal ,sender ,normalized-name)))
- form))
-(defmethod qt:connect ((qt-signal qt-signal) (qt-slot qt-slot) &optional type)
- (unless (qt:object.connect (qsender qt-signal) (qt:qsignal (name qt-signal))
- (receiver qt-slot) (qt:qslot (name qt-slot))
- (or type qt:+auto-connection+))
- (cerror "Failed to connect ~A ~A to ~A ~A."
- (qsender qt-signal) (name qt-signal)
- (receiver qt-slot) (name qt-slot))))
-(defmethod qt:disconnect ((qt-signal qt-signal) (qt-slot qt-slot))
- (unless (qt:object.disconnect (qsender qt-signal) (qt:qsignal (name qt-signal))
- (receiver qt-slot) (qt:qslot (name qt-slot)))
- (cerror "Failed to disconnect ~A ~A from ~A ~A."
- (receiver qt-slot) (name qt-slot)
- (qsender qt-signal) (name qt-signal))))
-(defmethod qt:disconnect-all ((sender qt:object))
- (unless (qt:object.disconnect sender 0 0 0)
- (cerror "Failed to disconnect everything connected to ~A."
- sender)))
-(defmethod qt:connect ((qt-signal qt-signal) (function function) &optional type)
- (let* ((signal-id (find-signal-id (qsender qt-signal) (name qt-signal)))
- (slot (make-instance 'qslot
- :arg0 (qsender qt-signal)
- :slot-function function
- :argument-types
- (method-arguments-type
- (cxx:meta-object (qsender qt-signal))
- signal-id))))
- ;; Ensure that the slot is not gc'ed as long as the QT-SIGNAL
- ;; exists.
- ;;
- ;; FIXME: remove on disconnect.
- ;; This no not critical because the slot
- ;; object is not accessible to the user,
- ;; who thus can not connect it to other
- ;; signals.
- (if (connect-id (qsender qt-signal) signal-id
- slot (id slot)
- type (types (arguments slot)))
- (cxx:connect-notify (qsender qt-signal)
- (name qt-signal))
- (cerror "Ignore" "Failed to connect the signal ~S of ~S to the function ~S."
- (name qt-signal) (qsender qt-signal) function))))
-(defmethod qt:connect ((qt-signal qt-signal) (slot qslot) &optional type)
- (let ((signal-id (find-signal-id (qsender qt-signal) (name qt-signal))))
- (if (slot-boundp slot 'arguments)
- (check-argument-types (method-arguments-type (cxx:meta-object
- (qsender qt-signal))
- signal-id)
- (arguments slot))
- (setf (slot-value slot 'arguments)
- (method-arguments-type (cxx:meta-object (qsender qt-signal))
- signal-id)))
- (if (connect-id (qsender qt-signal) signal-id
- slot (id slot)
- type (types (arguments slot)))
- (cxx:connect-notify (qsender qt-signal)
- (name qt-signal))
- (cerror "Ignore" "Failed to connect the signal ~S of ~S to the slot ~S."
- (name qt-signal) (qsender qt-signal) slot))))
-(defmethod qt:connect ((qsignal qsignal) (slot qt-slot) &optional type)
- (let ((slot-id (find-slot-id (receiver slot) (name slot))))
- (if (slot-boundp (signal-object qsignal) 'argument-types)
- (check-argument-types (argument-types (signal-object slot))
- (method-arguments-type (cxx:meta-object
- (receiver slot))
- slot-id))
- (setf (argument-types (signal-object qsignal))
- (method-arguments-type (cxx:meta-object (receiver slot))
- slot-id)))
- (unless (connect-id (signal-object qsignal) (id (signal-object qsignal))
- (receiver slot) slot-id
- type
- (types (argument-types (signal-object qsignal))))
- (cerror "Failed to connect ~S to ~S." qsignal slot))))
-(defun connect-id (sender signal-id receiver slot-id type types)
- (qt:meta-object.connect sender signal-id
- receiver slot-id
- (if (null type)
- qt:+auto-connection+
- type)
- types))
-(defun disconnect-id (sender signal-id receiver slot-id)
- (qt:meta-object.disconnect sender signal-id receiver slot-id))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal-slot.lisp new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal-slot.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal-slot.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal-slot.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defclass funcallable-smoke-class (closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class
- cxx:class)
- ())
-(defmethod closer-mop:validate-superclass ((class funcallable-smoke-class)
- (superclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
- t)
-(defgeneric id (method))
-(defun munged-name-p (name)
- "Returns true when NAME is a METHOD, SLOT or SIGNAL."
- (and (> (length name) 0)
- (case (aref name 0)
- ((#\0 #\1 #\2) t)
- (t nil))))
-(defun qt:qmethod (name)
- "Equivalent of the METHOD(a) CPP macro."
- (assert (not (munged-name-p name)))
- (format nil "0~A" name))
-(defun qt:qslot (name)
- "Equivalent of the SLOT(a) CPP macro."
- (assert (not (munged-name-p name)))
- (format nil "1~A" name))
-(defun qt:qsignal (name)
- "Equivalent of the SIGNAL(a) CPP macro."
- (assert (not (munged-name-p name)))
- (format nil "2~A" name))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal.lisp new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/signal.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defclass qsignal-mixin ()
- ((signal-object :accessor signal-object
- :initarg :signal-object
- :initform (make-instance 'signal-object)))
- (:documentation "in SB-PCL you can not have both
-thus QSIGNAL is split in three classes.
- http://www.sbcl.org/manual/Metaobject-Protocol.html#index-validate_002dsuperclass-164"))
-(defclass signal-object (qt:object)
- ((argument-types :accessor argument-types
- :initarg :argument-types
- :documentation "List of the argument types"))
- (:documentation "Qt Signal object.")
- (:metaclass cxx:class))
-#+cmu (defmethod closer-mop:validate-superclass ((class closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
- (superclass standard-class))
- t)
-(defclass qsignal (closer-mop:funcallable-standard-object qsignal-mixin)
- ()
- (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
- (:documentation "A funcallable Qt signal.
-The argument types can be supplied by the :METHOD-TYPES initarg.
-Calling an instance emits the signal."))
-(defun qt:make-signal (&rest argument-types)
- "Returns a funcallable signal. When ARGUMENT-TYPES are not
-specified, they are determined when the first connection is made."
- (if argument-types
- (make-instance 'qsignal :argument-types argument-types)
- (make-instance 'qsignal)))
-(defmethod id ((qsignal signal-object))
- (cxx:method-count (cxx:meta-object qsignal)))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object qsignal) &rest initargs
- &key (argument-types nil arg-types-p)
- &allow-other-keys)
- (declare (ignore initargs))
- (when arg-types-p
- (setf (argument-types (signal-object object))
- argument-types))
- (closer-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function object
- #'(lambda (&rest args)
- (apply #'emit (signal-object object) args))))
-(defun find-slot-id (receiver slot)
- "Returns the ID of RECEIVER from SLOT."
- ;; For efficiency assume that SLOT is normalized and fallback to
- ;; normalizing when not. (Just like Qt does.)
- (let ((id (cxx:index-of-slot (cxx:meta-object receiver)
- slot)))
- (when (< id 0)
- (setf id (cxx:index-of-slot (cxx:meta-object receiver)
- (qt:meta-object.normalized-signature slot))))
- (when (< id 0)
- (error "No slot ~S for class ~S.
-The valid slots are: ~{~<~%~T~0,75:;~A ~>~}"
- slot (class-of receiver)
- (class-slots (class-of receiver))))
- id))
-(defun make-lisp-object (object)
- (smoke:make-cleanup-pointer (make-cxx-lisp-object object)
- #'qt-smoke-free-lisp-object))
-(defun convert-arguments (arguments types)
- "Returns a list of ARGUMENTS converted to TYPES."
- (mapcar #'(lambda (argument type)
- (if (typep type 'smoke::smoke-type)
- (smoke::convert-argument argument type)
- (progn (assert (typep argument type)
- ()
- "The argument ~S is not of type ~S.")
- (make-lisp-object argument))))
- arguments types))
-(defun emit (qsignal &rest arguments)
- "Emits the signal QSIGNAL."
- (activate qsignal (id qsignal) (argument-types qsignal) arguments))
-(defun activate (object id types arguments)
- ;;; The first element of args would be used for the return value by
- ;;; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(), but for signal-slot connection it is
- ;;; ignored.
- (smoke::with-stack (stack (convert-arguments arguments types)
- types)
- (with-foreign-object (args :pointer (1+ (length arguments)))
- (loop for i from 1 to (smoke::size stack)
- for type in types
- do
- (setf (mem-aref args :pointer i)
- (if (or (not (typep type (find-class 'smoke::smoke-type)))
- (= 0 (smoke::type-id type))
- (= 13 (smoke::type-id type)))
- (foreign-slot-value
- (mem-aref (smoke::call-stack-pointer stack)
- 'smoke::smoke-stack-item
- i)
- 'smoke::smoke-stack-item 'smoke::voidp)
- (foreign-slot-pointer
- (mem-aref (smoke::call-stack-pointer stack)
- 'smoke::smoke-stack-item
- i)
- 'smoke::smoke-stack-item 'smoke::voidp))))
- (setf (mem-aref args :pointer 0)
- (null-pointer))
- (qt:meta-object.activate object id args))))
-(defmethod qt:disconnect-all ((qsignal qsignal))
- (unless (disconnect-id (signal-object qsignal)
- (id (signal-object qsignal))
- 0
- 0)))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/slot.lisp new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/slot.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/slot.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/slot.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defclass qslot (qt:object)
- ((arguments :reader arguments :initarg :argument-types
- :documentation "List of the argument types for the slot.")
- (function :reader slot-function :initarg :slot-function
- :initform (error "no slot function specified")
- :documentation "The function called when the slot is invoked."))
- (:metaclass cxx:class)
- (:documentation "A Qt slot that calls its associated function"))
-(defun qt:make-slot (function &optional (arguments nil arguments-p))
- "Returns a slot that calls FUNCTION when it receives a signal."
- (if arguments-p
- (make-instance 'qslot
- :slot-function function
- :argument-types arguments)
- (make-instance 'qslot
- :slot-function function)))
-(defmethod id ((slot qslot))
- (cxx:method-count (cxx:meta-object slot)))
-(defparameter *sender* nil "The sender of the signal.")
-(defparameter *this* nil "The slot that is invoked.")
-(defmacro qt:sender ()
- "Returns the sender that invoked the slot."
- `*sender*)
-(defmethod cxx:qt-metacall ((slot qslot) call id arguments)
- "Invoke the slots function when it is called. The return value
-of the invoked slot function is ignored."
- (declare (ignore id))
- (let ((id (call-next-method)))
- (if (< id 0)
- id
- (if (enum= call qt:meta-object.+invoke-meta-method+)
- (progn
- (ccase id
- (0 (let ((*sender* (cxx:sender slot))
- (*this* slot))
- (with-simple-restart
- (continue "Skip the function ~A of slot ~A."
- (slot-function slot) slot)
- (apply (slot-function slot)
- (arguments-to-lisp arguments (arguments slot)))))))
- (1- id))
- id))))
-(defun find-signal-id (sender signal)
- "Returns the ID of SIGNAL from SENDER."
- ;; For efficiency assume that SIGNAL is normalized and fallback to
- ;; normalizing when not. (Just like Qt does.)
- (let ((id (cxx:index-of-signal (cxx:meta-object sender)
- signal)))
- (when (< id 0)
- (setf id (cxx:index-of-signal (cxx:meta-object sender)
- (qt:meta-object.normalized-signature signal))))
- (when (< id 0)
- (error "No signal ~S for class ~S."
- signal (class-of sender)))
- id))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/translate.lisp new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/translate.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/translate.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/signal-slot/translate.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defun find-type (name &optional start end)
- (smoke::make-smoke-type *smoke-module* (subseq name start end)))
-(defun method-arguments-type (metaobject index)
- "Returns a type name list for the arguments of method INDEX of METAOBJECT."
- (let* ((signature (cxx:signature (cxx:method metaobject index)))
- (arguments (subseq signature (1+ (position #\( signature))
- (position #\) signature :from-end t)))
- (argument-types ())
- (last-pos (length arguments)))
- (loop as pos = (position #\, arguments :from-end t :end last-pos)
- while pos
- do
- (push (find-type arguments (1+ pos) last-pos) argument-types)
- (setf last-pos pos))
- (when (> last-pos 0)
- (push (find-type arguments 0 last-pos) argument-types))))
-(defun arguments-to-lisp2 (argument types values)
- (if (null types)
- values
- (arguments-to-lisp2 (inc-pointer argument (foreign-type-size :pointer))
- (rest types)
- (nconc values
- (list
- (typecase (first types)
- (smoke::smoke-type
- (pointer-to-lisp (mem-ref argument :pointer)
- (first types)))
- (t
- (translate-cxx-lisp-object
- (mem-ref argument :pointer)))))))))
-(defun disown-object (object)
- (tg:cancel-finalization object)
- (unless (smoke::virtual-destructor-p (class-of object))
- (smoke::remove-object (pointer object)))
- object)
-(defun pointer-to-lisp (pointer type)
- "Returns the lisp value or object at POINTER of type TYPE."
- (if (smoke::class-p type)
- (if (smoke::pointer-p type)
- (smoke::object-to-lisp (mem-ref pointer :pointer) type)
- ;; By-value means that the object at POINTER is allocated by
- ;; the C++ signal code and has dynamic extend in the
- ;; slot. The C++ signal code frees the object when the slot
- ;; returns.
- (disown-object (smoke::object-to-lisp pointer type)))
- (ecase (smoke::type-id type)
- (0 (if-let ((translation (gethash (name type) smoke::*to-lisp-translations*)))
- ;; Do not free stack allocated stuff (e.g.: QString); that is the callers
- ;; responisbility.
- (funcall (car translation) pointer)
- (error "Do not know how to convert the type ~A to Lisp." type)))
- (1 (mem-ref pointer 'cxx-bool))
- (2 (code-char (mem-ref pointer :char)))
- (3 (code-char (mem-ref pointer :unsigned-char)))
- (4 (code-char (mem-ref pointer :short)))
- (5 (code-char (mem-ref pointer :unsigned-short)))
- (6 (mem-ref pointer :int))
- (7 (mem-ref pointer :unsigned-int))
- (8 (mem-ref pointer :long))
- (9 (mem-ref pointer :unsigned-long))
- (10 (mem-ref pointer :float))
- (11 (mem-ref pointer :double))
- (12 (make-instance 'enum
- :value (mem-ref pointer :long)
- :type type)))))
-(defun arguments-to-lisp (arguments types)
- "Returns ARGUMENTS for a slot invocation as lisp objects."
- (arguments-to-lisp2
- (inc-pointer arguments ;; index 0 is for the return value
- (foreign-type-size :pointer))
- types ()))
-(defun get-type (smoke-type)
- "Returns the QMetaType ID for SMOKE-TYPE."
- (typecase smoke-type
- (smoke::smoke-standard-object
- (if (smoke::pointer-p smoke-type)
- (error "Not implemented: pointer type.") ;;qmetatype.+voidstar+
- (let ((type (qt:meta-type.type (smoke::name smoke-type))))
- (assert (/= 0 type)
- (type)
- "The type ~S has no QMetaType."
- (smoke::name smoke-type))
- type)))
- (t
- *cxx-lisp-object-metatype*)))
-(defun types (smoke-types)
- "Returns a newly allocated array of QMetaType IDs of SMOKE-TYPES."
- ;; FIXME free TYPES on error.
- (let ((types (cffi:foreign-alloc :int :count (1+ (length smoke-types))))
- (index 0))
- (dolist (type smoke-types)
- (setf (cffi:mem-aref types :int index)
- (get-type type))
- (incf index))
- (setf (cffi:mem-aref types :int index)
- 0)
- types))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/string-list.lisp new-qt.gui/src/string-list.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/string-list.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/string-list.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defcfun qt-smoke-string-list-size :int
- (string-list :pointer))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-string-list-at :pointer
- (string-list :pointer)
- (index :int))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-free-string-list :void
- (string-list :pointer))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-make-string-list :pointer)
-(defcfun qt-smoke-string-list-append :void
- (string-list :pointer)
- (string :pointer)
- (length :int))
-(defun from-string-list (string-list)
- (let ((vector (make-array (qt-smoke-string-list-size string-list)
- :initial-element ""
- :element-type 'string)))
- (dotimes (index (length vector) vector)
- (setf (aref vector index)
- (cxx:data (make-instance 'qt:byte-array
- :pointer (qt-smoke-string-list-at
- string-list index)))))))
-(define-to-lisp-translation ("QStringList" "const QStringList&")
- from-string-list qt-smoke-free-string-list)
-(defun coerce-string-list (sequence)
- (let ((string-list (qt-smoke-make-string-list)))
- (map nil
- #'(lambda (string)
- (with-foreign-string ((data length) string :null-terminated-p nil)
- (qt-smoke-string-list-append string-list data length)))
- sequence)
- (make-cleanup-pointer
- string-list #'qt-smoke-free-string-list)))
-(defun string-list-p (sequence)
- (every #'stringp sequence))
-(define-from-lisp-translation "const QStringList&"
- (and (vector string)
- (satisfies string-list-p))
- coerce-string-list)
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/timer.lisp new-qt.gui/src/timer.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/timer.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/timer.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defclass single-shot-timer (qt:object)
- ((function :initarg :function
- :type function)
- (timer-id :type integer))
- (:metaclass cxx:class))
-(defvar *single-shot-timers* nil "Pending timers.")
-(defun single-shot (function &optional (timeout 0))
- "Run FUNCTION after TIMEOUT seconds, or as soon as all window events
-have been processed when TIMEOUT is 0. Equivalent to QTimer::singleShot,
-but calls a function instead of a slot."
- (let ((timer (make-instance 'single-shot-timer
- :function function)))
- (setf (slot-value timer 'timer-id)
- (cxx:start-timer timer (floor timeout 100)))
- (push timer *single-shot-timers*)))
-(defmacro qt:do-delayed-initialize (&body body)
- "Run body when the event loop starts.
- `(single-shot #'(lambda () ,@body)))
-(defmethod cxx:timer-event ((timer single-shot-timer) event)
- (declare (ignore event))
- (cxx:kill-timer timer (slot-value timer 'timer-id))
- (funcall (slot-value timer 'function))
- (remove timer *single-shot-timers*))
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/translations.lisp new-qt.gui/src/translations.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/translations.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/translations.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(in-package :cl-smoke.qt.gui)
+;; QPoint has a trivial copy ctor and destructor, thus memcpying it
+;; should be fine.
+(cl-smoke.qt.core:define-qvector-translations "QPoint" qt:point)
+(cl-smoke.qt.core:define-qvector-translations "QPointF" qt:point-f)
+(cl-smoke.qt.core:define-qvector-translations "unsigned int"
+ (smoke:c-integer :unsigned-int))
+(cl-smoke.qt.core::define-qlist-wrapper "QAction*" qt:action "void")
+(cl-smoke.qt.core::define-qlist-wrapper "QGraphicsItem*" qt:graphics-item "void")
+(cl-smoke.qt.core::define-qlist-wrapper "QStandardItem*" qt:standard-item "void")
+(cl-smoke.qt.core::define-qlist-wrapper "QWidget*" qt:widget "void")
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/src/variant.lisp new-qt.gui/src/variant.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/src/variant.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/src/variant.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :cl-smoke.qt-impl)
-(defmethod print-object ((variant qt:variant) stream)
- "Print the type and value of the variant."
- (if (or (not (slot-boundp variant 'pointer))
- (null-pointer-p (pointer variant)))
- (call-next-method)
- (print-unreadable-object (variant stream :type t :identity t)
- (format stream "~A~@[ ~S~]"
- (cxx:type-name variant)
- (handler-case (qt:from-variant variant)
- (error () nil))))))
-(defun qt:make-variant (&optional (value nil value-p))
- "Returns a new VARIANT containing a C++ version of VALUE
-or an empty variant when VALUE is not specified."
- (if value-p
- (make-instance 'qt:variant :arg0 value)
- (make-instance 'qt:variant)))
-(defun qt:make-char (character)
- "Returns a char for a lisp CHARACTER."
- (let ((octets (babel:string-to-octets (string character))))
- (case (length octets)
- (1 (make-instance 'qt:char :arg0 (aref octets 0)))
- (2 (make-instance 'qt:char :args (list (aref octets 0)
- (aref octets 1))))
- (t (error "qt:char requires the character ~A to be encoded
-in one or two octets, but it is using ~A."
- character (length octets))))))
-(defun surrogate-p (char)
- (or (cxx:is-high-surrogate char)
- (cxx:is-low-surrogate char)))
-(defun qt:from-char (char)
- "Returns the Lisp character represented by CHAR."
- (assert (not (surrogate-p char))
- (char)
- "The char ~A is part of a surrogate.")
- (char
- (babel:octets-to-string (make-array 2 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
- :initial-contents
- (list
- (char-code (cxx:cell char))
- (char-code (cxx:row char)))))
- 0))
-(defmethod print-object ((char qt:char) stream)
- (if (or (null-pointer-p (pointer char))
- (surrogate-p char))
- (call-next-method)
- (print-unreadable-object (char stream :type t)
- (princ (qt:from-char char) stream))))
-;; FIXME include in MAKE-VARIANT? how??
-(defun qt:make-lisp-variant (value)
- "Returns a new VARIANT that wraps VALUE.
-The variant contains the actual Lisp object VALUE
-and not its C++ value like in MAKE-VARIANT."
- (let ((object (make-cxx-lisp-object value)))
- (unwind-protect
- (make-instance 'qt:variant :args (list *cxx-lisp-object-metatype*
- object))
- (free-cxx-lisp-object object))))
-(defcfun qt-smoke-lisp-object-value :pointer
- (variant :pointer))
-(defun qt:variant-boundp (variant)
- "Returns true when VARIANT is valid (has a value) and false otherwise."
- (cxx:is-valid variant))
-(defmacro variant-conversions ((variant) &body types)
- `(ecase (cxx:user-type ,variant)
- ,@(loop for type in types collect
- (if (symbolp type)
- `(,(value (symbol-value
- (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-smoke.qt)))
- (alexandria:symbolicate 'variant.+ type '+))))
- (,(intern (format nil "TO-~A" type) :cxx) ,variant))
- type))))
-(defun qt:from-variant (variant)
- "Returns the value of VARIANT."
- (variant-conversions (variant)
- (#.(value qt:variant.+invalid+)
- (cerror "Return (VALUES)" "Type of variant ~A is invalid." variant)
- (values))
- bit-array bool byte-array
- char
- date date-time double
- int
- line line-f list locale long-long
- point point-f
- rect rect-f reg-exp
- size size-f string string-list
- time
- uint
- ulong-long
- url
- (#.*cxx-lisp-object-metatype*
- (let* ((lisp-object (qt-smoke-lisp-object-value (smoke::pointer variant)))
- (value))
- (setf value (translate-cxx-lisp-object lisp-object))
- (free-cxx-lisp-object lisp-object)
- value))))
-(defmethod qt:value ((variant qt:variant))
- "Returns the value of VARIANT."
- (qt:from-variant variant))
-(defmethod (setf qt:value) (new-value (variant qt:variant))
- (cxx:operator= variant (qt:make-variant new-value))
- new-value)
diff -rN -u old-qt.gui/test.lisp new-qt.gui/test.lisp
--- old-qt.gui/test.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
+++ new-qt.gui/test.lisp 2014-10-30 07:51:18.000000000 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Used for testing on darcs record.
-(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :qt)
-(asdf:operate 'asdf:test-op :qt)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cl-smoke.qt.gui)
+(asdf:operate 'asdf:test-op :cl-smoke.qt.gui)