Use strcmp, fix constructor & destrucor calling for classes witn namespace (phonon::MediaPlayer) and add :arg0 to :arg2 initargs
Annotate for file src/objects/stack.lisp
2009-04-05 tobias 1 (in-package #:smoke)
15:36:29 ' 2
2009-07-08 tobias 3 (declaim (inline %make-call-stack))
20:41:19 ' 4 (defstruct (call-stack (:constructor %make-call-stack))
' 5 (pointer (null-pointer) :type foreign-pointer)
' 6 (top (null-pointer) :type foreign-pointer))
2009-04-05 tobias 7
2009-05-27 tobias 8 (defgeneric size (object))
2009-04-05 tobias 9 (defmethod size ((stack call-stack))
15:36:29 ' 10 "Returns the size (number of arguments) of STACK."
2009-07-22 tobias 11 (/ (- (pointer-address (call-stack-top stack))
22:26:05 ' 12 (pointer-address (call-stack-pointer stack)))
' 13 (foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item)))
2009-04-05 tobias 14
15:36:29 ' 15 (defun make-call-stack (smoke-stack)
2009-07-08 tobias 16 (declare (type foreign-pointer smoke-stack)
20:41:19 ' 17 (optimize (speed 3)))
' 18 (%make-call-stack
' 19 :pointer smoke-stack
2009-08-02 tobias 20 :top (inc-pointer smoke-stack
10:12:41 ' 21 #.(foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item))))
2009-04-05 tobias 22
15:36:29 ' 23 (defun push-stack (stack value type)
2009-08-02 tobias 24 (setf (foreign-slot-value (call-stack-top stack)
10:12:41 ' 25 'smoke-stack-item type) value)
2009-07-08 tobias 26 (incf-pointer (call-stack-top stack) #.(foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item)))
2009-06-22 tobias 27
12:18:08 ' 28 (define-compiler-macro push-stack (&whole form stack value type)
' 29 (if (constantp type)
' 30 `(progn
2009-07-08 tobias 31 (setf (foreign-slot-value (call-stack-top ,stack)
2009-08-02 tobias 32 'smoke-stack-item ,type) ,value)
2009-07-08 tobias 33 (incf-pointer (call-stack-top ,stack)
20:41:19 ' 34 ,(foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item)))
2009-06-22 tobias 35 form))
2009-08-27 tobias 36
2009-06-12 tobias 37
12:21:44 ' 38 (defclass smoke-standard-object ()
' 39 ((pointer :reader pointer
2009-07-08 tobias 40 :type foreign-pointer
2009-06-12 tobias 41 :initarg :pointer
12:21:44 ' 42 :documentation "Pointer to the C++ object.")
2009-06-30 tobias 43 #+clisp (finalizer :type list :initform (list nil))
2009-06-12 tobias 44 ;; We can not have a global table of objects owned by C++,
2009-07-01 tobias 45 ;; since then they would be always reachable from Lisp and thus
2009-06-12 tobias 46 ;; cycles would never be garbage collected.
12:21:44 ' 47 (owned-objects :accessor owned-objects
' 48 :initform nil
' 49 :type list
2009-07-01 tobias 50 :documentation "Objects owned by the C++ instance."))
2009-06-12 tobias 51 (:documentation "The standard superclass for Smoke classes."))
2009-04-05 tobias 52
2009-05-26 tobias 53 (defun push-smoke-stack (stack value type-id)
2009-06-22 tobias 54 (declare (type (smoke-index 0) type-id)
12:18:08 ' 55 (type call-stack stack)
' 56 (optimize (speed 3)))
2009-04-05 tobias 57 (ecase type-id
15:36:29 ' 58 (0 (push-stack stack value 'voidp))
' 59 (1 (push-stack stack value 'bool))
2009-04-12 tobias 60 (2 (push-stack stack (char-code value) 'char))
2009-04-05 tobias 61 (3 (push-stack stack value 'uchar))
15:36:29 ' 62 (4 (push-stack stack value 'short))
' 63 (5 (push-stack stack value 'ushort))
' 64 (6 (push-stack stack value 'int))
' 65 (7 (push-stack stack value 'uint))
' 66 (8 (push-stack stack value 'long))
' 67 (9 (push-stack stack value 'ulong))
' 68 (10 (push-stack stack value 'float))
' 69 (11 (push-stack stack value 'double))
' 70 (12 (push-stack stack (value value) 'enum-value))
2009-05-26 tobias 71 (13 (if (typep value 'smoke-standard-object)
09:54:47 ' 72 ;; FIXME call pointer in overload resolution
' 73 (push-stack stack (pointer value) 'class)
' 74 (push-stack stack value 'class)))))
2009-04-05 tobias 75
15:36:29 ' 76 (defun set-smoke-stack (stack args arguments)
' 77 "Pushes the arguments ARGS onto the Smoke stack STACK."
' 78 (when (null args)
' 79 (assert (null arguments)
' 80 ()
' 81 "To few arguments supplied. Missing: ~A" arguments))
' 82 (unless (null args)
' 83 (assert (not (null arguments))
' 84 ()
2009-07-01 tobias 85 "To many arguments supplied (Arguments ~A)." args)
2009-05-26 tobias 86 (if (typep (first arguments) 'smoke-type)
09:54:47 ' 87 (push-smoke-stack stack (first args) (type-id (first arguments)))
' 88 (push-stack stack (first args) 'class)) ;; Used for :qt lisp-object
' 89 (set-smoke-stack stack (rest args) (rest arguments))))
2009-04-05 tobias 90
15:36:29 ' 91 (defmacro with-stack ((stack args types) &body body)
' 92 (let ((smoke-stack (gensym "STACK")))
' 93 `(with-foreign-object (,smoke-stack 'smoke-stack-item (1+ (length ,args)))
' 94 (let ((,stack (make-call-stack ,smoke-stack)))
' 95 (set-smoke-stack ,stack ,args
' 96 ,types)
2009-05-26 tobias 97 ,@body))))
2009-04-05 tobias 98
15:36:29 ' 99 (defun enum-to-lisp (stack-item type)
' 100 "Returns the Lisp representation for STACK-ITEM of the basic C type TYPE."
2009-06-22 tobias 101 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
2009-04-05 tobias 102 (ecase (type-id type)
2009-08-02 tobias 103 (0 (let ((cffi-type (get-type (name type))))
10:12:41 ' 104 (if (null cffi-type)
' 105 (progn
' 106 ;; FIXME warn but not on void**
' 107 ;;(warn "Unknown translation from ~A to lisp." (name type))
' 108 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'voidp))
' 109 (let* ((pointer (foreign-slot-value stack-item
' 110 'smoke-stack-item
' 111 'voidp))
' 112 (value (convert-from-foreign pointer cffi-type)))
' 113 (when (stack-p type)
' 114 ;; FIXME free-translated-object is not intended for this;
' 115 ;; param is NIL for now.
' 116 (cffi:free-translated-object pointer cffi-type nil))
' 117 value
' 118 ))))
2009-04-05 tobias 119 (1 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'bool))
15:36:29 ' 120 (2 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'char)))
' 121 (3 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'uchar)))
' 122 (4 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'short)))
' 123 (5 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'ushort)))
' 124 (6 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'int))
' 125 (7 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'uint))
' 126 (8 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'long))
' 127 (9 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'ulong))
' 128 (10 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'float))
' 129 (11 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'double))
' 130 (12 (make-instance 'enum
2009-08-02 tobias 131 :value (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'enum-value)
2009-04-05 tobias 132 :type type))))
15:36:29 ' 133
' 134 (defgeneric instance-to-lisp (pointer class type)
2009-06-22 tobias 135 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
2009-07-01 tobias 136 (:documentation "Returns a CLOS instance for POINTER."))
2009-04-05 tobias 137
15:36:29 ' 138 (defun object-to-lisp (object type)
2009-06-22 tobias 139 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
2009-08-02 tobias 140 (if (class-p type)
10:12:41 ' 141 (let ((class (get-class type)))
' 142 (if (has-pointer-p object)
2009-04-05 tobias 143 (get-object object)
2009-08-02 tobias 144 (instance-to-lisp object (find-smoke-class class) type)))
10:12:41 ' 145 nil))
2009-04-05 tobias 146
15:36:29 ' 147
' 148
' 149 (defun class-to-lisp (stack-item type)
' 150 "Returns the Lisp representation for STACK-ITEM of type C++ class."
2009-08-02 tobias 151 (object-to-lisp (foreign-slot-value stack-item
10:12:41 ' 152 'smoke-stack-item
2009-06-22 tobias 153 'class)
12:18:08 ' 154 type))
2009-04-05 tobias 155
15:36:29 ' 156 (defun type-to-lisp (stack-item type)
' 157 "Returns the Lisp representation of STACK-ITEM"
2009-06-22 tobias 158 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
2009-04-05 tobias 159 (cond
2009-08-02 tobias 160 ((void-p type)
10:12:41 ' 161 (values))
' 162 ((class-p type)
' 163 (class-to-lisp stack-item type))
' 164 (t
' 165 (enum-to-lisp stack-item type))))