initial import
Sun Apr 5 17:36:29 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
* initial import
diff -rN -u old-smoke/CMakeLists.txt new-smoke/CMakeLists.txt
--- old-smoke/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/CMakeLists.txt 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
+include(UseDoxygen OPTIONAL)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/TODO new-smoke/TODO
--- old-smoke/TODO 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/TODO 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * C++ overload resolution & argument promotion
+ => no more writing (make-instance 'qt:byte-array :args ("foo"))
+ * Test for null pointer in this and for references
+ * default arguments
+ * fetch name of arguments
+* const correctness
+* keyword arguments for make-instance
+* QApplication and KCmdLineArgs.init call exit() on e.g. "--help"
+ * Fix segfaults when lots of qt:applictions are created & deleted
+ * Test condition & restarts
+ * get rid of owned-p
+ * use QObject::deleteLater ?
+* Exceptions
diff -rN -u old-smoke/examples/CMakeLists.txt new-smoke/examples/CMakeLists.txt
--- old-smoke/examples/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/examples/CMakeLists.txt 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+set(QT_DONT_USE_QTGUI true)
+find_library(SMOKE_KDE_LIBRARY smokekde)
+find_package_handle_standard_args(smokekde DEFAULT_MSG SMOKE_KDE_LIBRARY)
+## kde-hello-world
+ include_directories("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../src/smoke-c/")
+ add_executable(kde-hello-world kde-hello-world.cpp ../src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.cpp)
+ target_link_libraries(kde-hello-world ${SMOKE_KDE_LIBRARY})
diff -rN -u old-smoke/examples/kde-hello-world.cpp new-smoke/examples/kde-hello-world.cpp
--- old-smoke/examples/kde-hello-world.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/examples/kde-hello-world.cpp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+ * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+ * conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+ * Hello world example using libsmoke-c.
+ * Display an KDE Window. */
+#include <smoke/qt_smoke.h>
+#include <smoke/kde_smoke.h>
+#include "smoke-c.cpp"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace cl_smoke;
+static void
+destructed(Binding* binding, Smoke::Index class_id,
+ void* object)
+ cout << "destructed: " << binding->className(class_id) << endl;
+/** No method dispatch in this example. */
+static int
+dispatch(Binding* binding, Smoke::Index method,
+ void* object, Smoke::Stack args, int abstract)
+ return false;
+main(int argc, char** argv)
+ init_kde_Smoke(); // calls also init_qt_Smoke();
+ smoke_binding kde = smoke_init(kde_Smoke, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&destructed),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(&dispatch));
+ smoke_binding qt = smoke_init(qt_Smoke, reinterpret_cast<void*>(&destructed),
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(&dispatch));
+ Smoke::StackItem stack[5];
+ Smoke::ModuleIndex m;
+ Smoke::ModuleIndex c;
+ // bytearray = new QByteArray("foo");
+ {
+ char str[] = "foo";
+ smoke_find_class(&c, qt_Smoke, "QByteArray");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, qt_Smoke, c.index, "QByteArray$");
+ stack[1].s_class = str;
+ smoke_call_method(qt_Smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ }
+ void* bytearray = stack[0].s_class;
+ // l10n = ki18n(bar);
+ {
+ char str[] = "hello world";
+ smoke_find_class(&c, kde_Smoke, "QGlobalSpace");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, kde_Smoke, c.index, "ki18n$");
+ stack[1].s_class = str;
+ smoke_call_method(kde_Smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ }
+ void* l10n = stack[0].s_class;
+ // about = KAboutData(bytearray, bytearray, l10n, bytearray);
+ {
+ smoke_find_class(&c, kde_Smoke, "KAboutData");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, kde_Smoke, c.index, "KAboutData####");
+ stack[1].s_class = bytearray;
+ stack[2].s_class = bytearray;
+ stack[3].s_class = l10n;
+ stack[4].s_class = bytearray;
+ smoke_call_method(kde_Smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ }
+ void* about = stack[0].s_class;
+ // KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, about);
+ {
+ smoke_find_class(&c, kde_Smoke, "KCmdLineArgs");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, kde_Smoke, c.index, "init$?#");
+ stack[1].s_int = argc;
+ stack[2].s_class = argv;
+ stack[3].s_class = about;
+ smoke_call_method(kde_Smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ }
+ // app = new KApplication();
+ void* app;
+ {
+ smoke_find_class(&c, kde_Smoke, "KApplication");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, kde_Smoke, c.index, "KApplication");
+ smoke_call_method(kde_Smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ app = stack[0].s_class;
+ smoke_set_binding(c.smoke, kde, c.index, app);
+ }
+ {
+ smoke_find_class(&c, kde_Smoke, "KGlobalSettings");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, kde_Smoke, c.index, "Disable");
+ smoke_call_method(kde_Smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ }
+ // widget = new KXmlGuiWindow();
+ // widget->setupGUI();
+ // widget->show();
+ // return app->exec();
+ void* widget;
+ {
+ smoke_find_class(&c, kde_Smoke, "KXmlGuiWindow");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, kde_Smoke, c.index, "KXmlGuiWindow");
+ smoke_call_method(m.smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ widget = stack[0].s_class;
+ smoke_set_binding(c.smoke, kde, c.index, widget);
+ smoke_find_method(&m, c.smoke, c.index, "setupGUI");
+ smoke_call_method(m.smoke, m.index, widget, stack);
+ smoke_find_method(&m, c.smoke, c.index, "show");
+ smoke_call_method(m.smoke, m.index, widget, stack);
+ smoke_find_class(&c, kde_Smoke, "KApplication");
+ smoke_find_method(&m, c.smoke, c.index, "exec");
+ smoke_call_method(m.smoke, m.index, NULL, stack);
+ return stack[0].s_int;
+ }
diff -rN -u old-smoke/smoke.mbd new-smoke/smoke.mbd
--- old-smoke/smoke.mbd 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/smoke.mbd 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;;;; -*- Mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+;;; Allow this file to compile even when sysdef.cmake is not loaded.
+;;; You can not add a (MB:LOAD :SYSDEF.CMAKE) on top since when Mudballs
+;;; loads this file it might not know yet about :SYSDEF.CMAKE.
+(defpackage :sysdef.cmake
+ (:use :cl :sysdef)
+ (:export :cmake-file :cmake-library))
+(in-package :sysdef.cmake)
+(defclass sysdef.cmake:cmake-file (source-file)
+ ()
+ (:default-initargs :type "txt"))
+(defclass sysdef.cmake:cmake-library (component)
+ ())
+(in-package :sysdef-user)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (use-package :sysdef.cmake))
+(define-system :smoke ()
+ (:version 0 0 1)
+ (:documentation "Smoke bindings. Provides the base functionality to
+implement bindings using the various Smoke modules.")
+ (:author "Tobias Rautenkranz")
+ (:components
+ ("CMakeLists" cmake-file)
+ (:src module
+ (:needs "CMakeLists")
+ (:components
+ ("CMakeLists.txt" static-file)
+ "package"
+ ("translate" (:needs "package"))
+ ("smoke" (:needs "smoke-c" "objects" "clos"))
+ ("object-map" (:needs "objects"))
+ ("class-map" (:needs "package"))
+ ("bindings" (:needs "package"))
+ ("clos" (:needs "smoke-c" "objects" "object-map" "class-map" "bindings"))
+ ("method" (:needs "clos"))
+ (:objects module
+ (:needs "smoke-c" "utils")
+ (:serial t)
+ (:components "object" "enum" "method" "class"
+ "type" "instance" "stack"))
+ (:smoke-c module
+ (:needs "package" "translate")
+ (:components ("libsmoke-c" cmake-library)
+ ("libsmoke-c-util" cmake-library)
+ ;; Make release-action add this files
+ ("CMakeLists.txt" static-file)
+ ("csmokebinding.h" static-file)
+ ("csmokebinding.cpp" static-file)
+ ("smoke-c.cpp" static-file)
+ ("smoke-c" (:needs "libsmoke-c"
+ "libsmoke-c-util"))
+ ("class" (:needs "smoke-c"))
+ ("stack" (:needs "class"))
+ ("method" (:needs "stack"))
+ ("type" (:needs "method"))))
+ (:utils module
+ (:needs "package")
+ (:components "get-value")))))
+ (:needs :sysdef.cmake :cffi :closer-mop
+ :trivial-garbage :bordeaux-threads))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/CMakeLists.txt new-smoke/src/CMakeLists.txt
--- old-smoke/src/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/CMakeLists.txt 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/bindings.lisp new-smoke/src/bindings.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/bindings.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/bindings.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(defvar *bindings* (make-hash-table))
+;; FIXME is this lock needed? (The user may not have to
+;; load additional modules while threads are running.
+(defvar *bindings-lock* (make-lock "bindings-lock"))
+(defun binding (smoke)
+ "Returns the Smoke binding for the Smoke module SMOKE."
+ (with-lock-held (*bindings-lock*)
+ (gethash (pointer-address smoke) *bindings*)))
+(defun (setf binding) (binding smoke)
+ (with-lock-held (*bindings-lock*)
+ (setf (gethash (pointer-address smoke) *bindings*)
+ binding)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/class-map.lisp new-smoke/src/class-map.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/class-map.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/class-map.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(defvar *smoke-id-class-map*
+ (make-hash-table)
+ "Maps a Smoke module pointer - id pair to a class.")
+;; FIXME disallow adding a class when threads are running or add a lock.
+(defmacro id-class-map (smoke)
+ `(gethash (pointer-address ,smoke)
+ *smoke-id-class-map*))
+(defun add-id-class-map (smoke)
+ (unless (nth-value 1 (id-class-map smoke))
+ (setf (id-class-map smoke)
+ (make-hash-table))))
+(defun add-id (smoke-class class)
+ "Associates the CLOS class CLASS with SMOKE-CLASS."
+ (setf (gethash (id smoke-class)
+ (id-class-map (smoke smoke-class)))
+ class))
+(defun find-smoke-class (class)
+ "Returns the CLOS class for smoke-class CLASS."
+ (let* ((class (real-class class))
+ (ret (gethash (id class)
+ (id-class-map (smoke class)))))
+ (assert (not (null ret))
+ ()
+ "The class ~A was not found." (name class))
+ ret))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/clos-types.lisp new-smoke/src/clos-types.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/clos-types.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/clos-types.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(defclass cxx::number () ())
+(defclass cxx::rational (cxx::number) ())
+(defclass cxx::int (cxx::rational) ())
+(defclass cxx::short (cxx::rational) ())
+(defclass cxx::real (cxx::number) ())
+(defclass cxx::float (cxx::real) ())
+(defclass cxx::double (cxx::real) ())
+(defclass cxx::char () ())
+(defclass cxx::pointer ()
+ ((next)))
+(defclass cxx::const ()
+ ((next)))
+(defgeneric convert (from to))
+(defmethod convert (from to)
+ (values nil nil))
+(defun char->int (c)
+ (char-code c))
+(defmethod convert ((from character) (to cxx::int))
+ (values #'char->int 1))
+(defmethod convert (from (to cxx::const))
+ (call-next-method (const from) to))
+(defmethod convert ((from cxx::const) (to cxx::const))
+ (call-next-method (next from) (next to)))
+(defun float->int (f)
+ (round f))
+(defmethod convert ((from float) (to cxx::int))
+ (values #'float->int 1))
+(defmethod convert ((from string) (to cxx::char)))
+;(defmethod convert ((from string) (to qstring)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/clos.lisp new-smoke/src/clos.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/clos.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/clos.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(declaim (optimize (speed 0) (debug 3)))
+(declaim (inline lispify))
+(defun lispify (name &optional (package nil))
+ "Returns the interned symbol for name in Lisp style."
+ (declare (string name)
+ (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (if (null package)
+ (values (intern (cxx-to-lisp name)))
+ (values (intern (cxx-to-lisp name) package))))
+(defmacro define-string-transform (name documentation &body states)
+ "Defines a function to transform a string."
+ (let ((output (gensym))
+ (index (gensym))
+ (length (gensym)))
+ `(defun ,name (input)
+ ,documentation
+ (declare (simple-string input)
+ (optimize (speed 3)))
+ ;; At least on sbcl 1.0.25.debian CONCATENATE is faster
+ (let ((,output "")
+ (,index 0)
+ (,length (length input))
+ (char #\Null))
+ (declare (base-char char))
+ (macrolet ((next-char ()
+ `(if (>= ,',index ,',length)
+ (return-from transform ,',output)
+ (progn
+ (setf char (aref input ,',index))
+ (incf ,',index))))
+ (go-next (tag)
+ `(progn (next-char)
+ (go ,tag)))
+ (append-char (char)
+ `(setf ,',output (concatenate 'string
+ ,',output
+ (string ,char)))))
+ (block transform
+ (tagbody
+ (next-char) ;; Get first char
+ ,@(reduce #'append
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (state)
+ (if (stringp (second state))
+ `(,(first state) . ,(cddr state))
+ state))
+ states)))))))))
+(define-string-transform lisp-to-cxx
+ "Converts LISP-STYLE to camelCase.
+Note that (LISP-TO-CXX (CXX-TO-LIST SOME-STRING)) will not neccessarily return
+a string equal to SMOME-STRING."
+ (default
+ "Downcase, convert _ and dispatch."
+ (case char
+ (#\- (go-next camel-upcase))
+ (#\. (go-next namespace))
+ (t (append-char (char-downcase char))
+ (go-next default))))
+ (camel-upcase
+ "Convert camelCase to lisp-style."
+ (append-char char)
+ (go-next default))
+ (namespace
+ "Convert . to ::"
+ (append-char #\:)
+ (append-char #\:)
+ (go default)))
+(define-string-transform cxx-to-lisp
+ "Returns camelCase STRING in lisp-style."
+ (begin
+ "Strip leadind Q or K."
+ (case char
+ (#\K (go-next default))
+ (#\Q (go-next default))
+ (t (go default))))
+ (default
+ "Upcase, convert _ and dispatch."
+ (case char
+ (#\: (go-next namespace))
+ (#\_ (append-char #\-)
+ (go-next default))
+ (t (append-char (char-upcase char))
+ (if (lower-case-p char)
+ (go-next camel-case)
+ (go-next default)))))
+ (namespace
+ "Convert camelCase to lisp-style."
+ (assert (eql #\: char))
+ (append-char #\.)
+ (go-next default))
+ (camel-case
+ "Convert camelCase to lisp-style."
+ (if (upper-case-p char)
+ (progn
+ (append-char #\-)
+ (append-char char)
+ (go-next default))
+ (go default))))
+(defclass smoke-standard-object ()
+ ((pointer :reader pointer :initarg :pointer
+ :documentation "Pointer to the C++ object.")
+ (owned-p :accessor owned-p :initarg :owned-p
+ :initform t
+ :documentation "T when the object is owned by Lisp and
+NIL when C++ is the owner.")
+ (const-p :reader const-p :initarg :const-p
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "T when the object is const and NIL otherwise."))
+ (:documentation "The standard superclass for Smoke classes."))
+(defmethod print-object ((object smoke-standard-object) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
+ (princ (pointer object) stream)))
+(defclass smoke-standard-class (standard-class smoke-class)
+ ((enumerations :initform (make-hash-table)
+ :initarg :enumerations
+ :reader enumerations
+ :documentation "The enumerations of the class.
+Maps the type-id of the enumeration to a hash-table that
+maps an enum value to a symbol."))
+ (:documentation "A Smoke C++ class"))
+(defclass smoke-wrapper-class (smoke-standard-class)
+ ())
+(defclass cxx:class (smoke-wrapper-class)
+ ()
+ (:documentation "Metaclass to extend Smoke Objects."))
+(defmethod closer-mop:validate-superclass ((class smoke-standard-class) (superclass standard-class))
+ T)
+(defmethod closer-mop:validate-superclass ((class smoke-wrapper-class) (superclass smoke-standard-class))
+ T)
+(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around
+ ((class smoke-standard-class)
+ &rest args &key direct-superclasses &allow-other-keys)
+ (apply
+ #'call-next-method class
+ :direct-superclasses (or direct-superclasses
+ (list (find-class
+ 'smoke-standard-object))) args))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :around
+ ((class smoke-standard-class)
+ &rest args &key direct-superclasses &allow-other-keys)
+ "Sets NIL superclass to SMOKE-STANDARD-OBJECT instead of the default STANDARD-OBJECT."
+ (apply
+ #'call-next-method class
+ :direct-superclasses (or direct-superclasses
+ (list (find-class 'smoke-standard-object)))
+ args))
+(defmethod reinitialize-instance :around
+ ((class smoke-wrapper-class)
+ &rest args &key direct-superclasses &allow-other-keys)
+ (assert (not (null direct-superclasses))
+ (direct-superclasses)
+ "No superclass suplied for class ~A" class)
+ (let ((superclass (first direct-superclasses)))
+ (assert (subtypep (class-of superclass) (find-class 'smoke-standard-class))
+ ((first direct-superclasses))
+ "The first superclass must be an subclass of an smoke class.")
+ (apply
+ #'call-next-method class
+ :id (id superclass)
+ :smoke (smoke superclass)
+ :direct-superclasses direct-superclasses
+ args)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :around
+ ((class smoke-wrapper-class)
+ &rest args &key direct-superclasses &allow-other-keys)
+ (assert (not (null direct-superclasses))
+ (direct-superclasses)
+ "No superclass suplied for class ~A" class)
+ (let ((superclass (first direct-superclasses)))
+ (assert (subtypep (class-of superclass) (find-class 'smoke-standard-class))
+ ((first direct-superclasses))
+ "The first superclass must be an subclass of an smoke class.")
+ (apply
+ #'call-next-method class
+ :id (id superclass)
+ :smoke (smoke superclass)
+ :direct-superclasses direct-superclasses
+ args)))
+(defun smoke-class-symbol (class)
+ (if (external-p class)
+ (class-name (find-smoke-class class))
+ (lispify (name class))))
+(defun make-smoke-classes (smoke)
+ "Construts a lisp class for each one in the Smoke module SMOKE."
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (add-id-class-map smoke)
+ (map-classes
+ #'(lambda (class)
+ (unless (external-p class)
+ (add-id class
+ (closer-mop:ensure-class (lispify (name class))
+ :direct-superclasses
+ (mapcar #'smoke-class-symbol
+ (smoke-class-direct-superclasses class))
+ :id (id class)
+ :smoke (smoke class)
+ :metaclass 'smoke-standard-class))
+ (export (lispify (name class)))))
+ smoke))
+(defun generic-lambda-list (method)
+ "Returns the lisp lambda list for METHOD."
+ (if (static-p method)
+ '(class &rest args)
+ '(object &rest args)))
+(defclass smoke-gf (standard-generic-function smoke-method)
+ ()
+ (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
+ (:documentation "Smoke generic function"))
+(defun smoke-class-of (object)
+ "Returns the class of OBJECT or OBJECT iff it alread is a class."
+ (if (subtypep (class-of object) (find-class 'smoke-class))
+ object
+ (class-of object)))
+;;; To speed up the startup (MAKE-SMOKE-METHODS)
+;;; ENSURE-METHOD is only called as needed.
+(defmethod no-applicable-method ((gf smoke-gf) &rest args)
+ "Calls the smoke method."
+ (let ((method (find-method-using-args (smoke-class-of (first args))
+ (name gf) (rest args))))
+ (if (static-p method)
+ (s-call method (null-pointer) (rest args))
+ (s-call method (cast (first args) (get-class method)) (rest args)))))
+(defmethod add-method :after ((gf smoke-gf) method)
+ "Adds a method which calls the smoke method, to make call-next-method work."
+ (when (null (rest (closer-mop:generic-function-methods gf)))
+ (closer-mop:ensure-method gf
+ `(lambda (object &rest args)
+ (let ((method (find-method-using-args (smoke-class-of object)
+ (name ,gf)
+ args)))
+ (if (static-p method)
+ (s-call method (null-pointer) args)
+ (s-call method (cast object (get-class method)) args)))))))
+(defcallback destructed :void
+ ((binding :pointer)
+ (id smoke-index)
+ (object-pointer :pointer))
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (let ((object (get-object object-pointer)))
+ (when object
+ (cancel-finalization object)
+ (remove-object object-pointer)
+ (setf (slot-value object 'pointer) (null-pointer)))))
+(defun stack-to-args (stack arg &optional (args nil))
+ "Returns the arguments in STACK, where ARG is the type
+of the first argument, as an list of Lisp objects."
+ (if (end-p arg)
+ args
+ (stack-to-args (cffi:inc-pointer stack
+ (cffi:foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item))
+ (next arg)
+ (append args (list
+ (type-to-lisp (cffi:mem-ref stack 'smoke-stack-item)
+ arg))))))
+(defgeneric set-returnvalue (stack value type))
+(defmethod set-returnvalue (stack (value smoke-standard-object) type)
+ (assert (class-p type)
+ (type)
+ "The type ~A of the value ~A is not a class."
+ (name type) value)
+ (setf (foreign-slot-value stack 'smoke-stack-item 'class)
+ (pointer value))
+ (when (stack-p type) ;; Pass by value => smoke deletes the object.
+ (cancel-finalization value) ;; Fixme mark object as invalid or copy it
+ ;(remove-object (pointer value))
+ (remove-if-exists (pointer value));;FIXME!
+ (setf (slot-value value 'pointer) (null-pointer))))
+(defmethod set-returnvalue (stack (value integer) type)
+ (setf (foreign-slot-value stack 'smoke-stack-item 'int)
+ value))
+(defmethod set-returnvalue (stack (value (eql t)) type)
+ (setf (foreign-slot-value stack 'smoke-stack-item 'bool)
+ value))
+(defun put-returnvalue (stack value type)
+ (unless (void-p type)
+ (set-returnvalue stack value type)))
+(defcallback dispatch-method :boolean
+ ((binding :pointer)
+ (method smoke-index)
+ (object :pointer)
+ (stack smoke-stack)
+ (abstract :boolean))
+ (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (let ((method (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :id method
+ :smoke (smoke-get-smoke binding))))
+ (let ((gf (symbol-function (lispify (name method) "CXX"))))
+ (if (null (closer-mop:generic-function-methods gf))
+ (progn
+ (when abstract
+ (error "Abstract method ~S called." (name method)))
+ nil)
+ (let ((object (get-object object)))
+ (if object
+ (progn
+ (put-returnvalue stack
+ (apply gf object
+ (stack-to-args (cffi:inc-pointer stack (cffi:foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item))
+ (get-first-argument method)))
+ (return-type method))
+ t)
+ nil))))))
+;;FIXME use CHANGE-CLASS instead?
+(defun cast (object class)
+ "Returns a pointer of type CLASS to the C++ object of OBJECT."
+ (assert (derived-p (class-of object) class)
+ ()
+ "Can not cast object ~A of class ~A to class ~A."
+ object (name (class-of object)) (name class))
+ (smoke-cast (smoke (class-of object)) (pointer object)
+ ;(id (class-of object)) (id (real-class class))))
+ (id (class-of object)) (class-id (smoke (class-of object))
+ class)))
+(defun upcast (object class)
+ (assert (derived-p class (class-of object))
+ ()
+ "Can not upcast object ~A of class ~A to class ~A."
+ object (name (class-of object)) (name class))
+ (smoke-cast (smoke class) (pointer object)
+ (id (class-of object)) (id (real-class class))))
+(defmethod convert-to-class (smoke-class (object smoke-standard-object))
+ (cast object smoke-class))
+(defun make-smoke-constructor (class args)
+ (find-method-using-args class
+ (name class)
+ args))
+(defun call-constructor (object args)
+ (pointer-call (make-smoke-constructor (class-of object)
+ args)
+ (null-pointer)
+ args))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object smoke-standard-object)
+ &key args &allow-other-keys)
+ "Initializes a Smoke object. Calls its constructor with the arguments supplied
+by the key :ARGS and sets the smoke binding."
+ (assert (not (and (slot-boundp object 'pointer)
+ (not (null args))))
+ ((slot-value object 'pointer) args)
+ "Pointer ~A bound and constructor argument :ARGS ~S supplied."
+ (slot-value object 'pointer) args)
+ (unless (slot-boundp object 'pointer)
+ (setf (slot-value object 'pointer) (call-constructor object args))
+ (set-binding object (binding (smoke (class-of object))))
+ (setf (slot-value object 'owned-p) t)
+ (add-object object)))
+(defmethod instance-to-lisp (pointer class type)
+ (let ((ret (make-instance class
+ :owned-p (stack-p type)
+ :pointer pointer)))
+; (when (stack-p type)
+; (add-object ret))
+; (set-binding ret (binding (smoke (class-of ret)))))
+ ret))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/marshall.lisp new-smoke/src/marshall.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/marshall.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/marshall.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+(defmacro average (&rest args)
+ `(floor (+ ,@args) ,(length args)))
+(defun binary-find (lower upper < =)
+ (let ((mid (average lower upper)))
+ (if (= mid lower)
+ nil
+ (if (funcall = mid)
+ mid
+ (if (funcall < mid)
+ (binary-find lower mid < =)
+ (binary-find mid upper < =))))))
+(defun serach-method (smoke name)
+ (binary-find 1 (smoke-method-name-size smoke)
+ #'(lambda (index)
+ (string< name
+ (smoke-get-method-name smoke index)))
+ #'(lambda (index)
+ (string= name
+ (smoke-get-method-name smoke index)))))
+(defun find-last (lower upper =)
+ (if (or (>= lower upper)
+ (not (funcall = (1+ lower))))
+ lower
+ (find-last (1+ lower) upper =)))
+(defun find-methods (smoke name)
+ (let* ((index (serach-method smoke name))
+ (= #'(lambda (index)
+ (string= name
+ (smoke-get-method-name smoke index)
+ :end2 (length name))))
+ (upper (find-last index (smoke-method-name-size smoke) =))
+ (methods nil))
+ (loop for i from index to upper do
+ (push (smoke-get-method-name smoke i)
+ methods))
+ methods))
+;(defmethod exact-match ((object singl-float) type))
+(defun type-equal (type type-name)
+ (equal (name type) type-name))
+(defun exact-match (object type)
+ (format t "~A ~A~%" object (name type))
+ (ctypecase object
+ (smoke-standard-object
+ (and (class-p type)
+ (derived-p (class-of object)
+ (get-class type))))
+ (double-float (type-equal type "double"))
+ (single-float (type-equal type "float"))
+ (integer (type-equal type "int"))
+ (string (or (type-equal type "const char*")
+ (type-equal type "const QString&")))
+ (character (type-equal type "char"))))
+(defun exact-match-p (arguments types)
+ (if (or (null arguments) (null types))
+ (and (null arguments)
+ (null types))
+ (if (not (exact-match (first arguments)
+ (first types)))
+ nil
+ (exact-match-p (rest arguments)
+ (rest types)))))
+(defun promotion-match (object type)
+ (ctypecase object
+ (character (type-equal type "int"))
+ (float (type-equal type "double"))
+ (boolean (type-equal type "int"))))
+(defun standard-conversion-match (object type)
+ (ctypecase object
+ (number (or (type-equal type "short")
+ (type-equal type "int")
+ (type-equal type "long")))))
+(defun constructor-match (object type)
+ (if (class-p type)
+ (let ((constructor (make-smoke-constructor (get-class type)
+ (mung-arg object))))
+ (exact-match object (get-first-argument constructor)))
+ nil))
+(defun find-ambiguous-method (predicate method)
+ (let ((index (- (id method))))
+ (loop as i = (smoke-ambiguous-method (smoke method)
+ index)
+ while (> i 0) do
+ (incf index)
+ (let ((ambiguous-method (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :smoke (smoke method)
+ :id i)))
+ (when (funcall predicate ambiguous-method)
+ (return ambiguous-method))))))
+(defun find-method-using-args (class name arguments)
+ (with-foreign-object (m 'smoke-module-index)
+ (smoke-find-method m (smoke class) (id class)
+ (concatenate 'string name
+ (munged-args arguments)))
+ (let ((method (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :smoke (foreign-slot-value m
+ 'smoke-module-index
+ 'smoke)
+ :id (foreign-slot-value m
+ 'smoke-module-index
+ 'index))))
+ (when (< (id method) 0)
+ (setf method
+ (find-ambiguous-method #'(lambda (method)
+ (exact-match-p arguments (arguments method)))
+ method))
+ (assert (not (null method)) (method)
+ "No method ~A::~A for the arguments ~A"
+ (name class) name arguments))
+ method)))
+(defgeneric get-convert-function (to from))
+(defmethod get-convert-function ((to eql 'int) (from eql 'char)))
+(defmethod get-convert-function ((to cxx::int) (from string)))
+(get-convert-function 'int 'char)
+;'const int 'char:
+(get-convert-function 'int 'char)
+&& (convert-const-p 'char)
+;'int 'const char:
+(get-convert-function 'int 'char)
+&& (not (const-p 'char))
+(defclass int ()
+ ((const-p)))
+(defun get-convert-function (to from))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/method.lisp new-smoke/src/method.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/method.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+(defun enum-class-symbol (enum-type)
+ (let ((class-name (name (get-class enum-type))))
+ (if (null class-name)
+ 'global-enum-class
+ (lispify class-name))))
+(defun constant-definition (method smoke)
+ "Returns an expression that defines a constant for the enum METHOD.
+The second return value is the expression to export the constant."
+ (let ((symbol
+ (if (string= (name (get-class method))
+ "Qt")
+ (lispify (concatenate 'string "+" (name method)
+ "+"))
+ (lispify (concatenate 'string
+ (name (get-class method))
+ ".+"
+ (name method) "+")))))
+ (values
+ ; `(defconstant ,symbol
+ ; ,(enum-call method))
+ `(alexandria:define-constant ,symbol
+ (make-instance 'enum
+ :value ,(enum-call method)
+ :type (make-instance 'smoke-type
+ :id ,(id (return-type method))
+ :smoke ,smoke))
+ :test #'enum=)
+ `(export (quote ,symbol)))))
+(defun static-method-symbol (method)
+ "Returns the lisp symbol for the static method METHOD."
+ (let ((class (get-class method)))
+ (lispify (concatenate 'string
+ (if (string= (name class)
+ "QGlobalSpace")
+ nil
+ (concatenate 'string
+ (name class)
+ "."))
+ (name method)))))
+(defun static-method-definition (method smoke)
+ "Returns an expression to define a function for the static METHOD.
+The second return value is the expression to export the function."
+ (let* ((class (get-class method))
+ (method-name (name method))
+ (name (lispify (concatenate 'string
+ (if (string= (name class)
+ "QGlobalSpace")
+ nil
+ (concatenate 'string
+ (name class)
+ "."))
+ (name method)))))
+ (values
+ `(defun ,name (&rest args)
+ (let ((method (find-method-using-args (make-instance 'smoke-class
+ :id ,(id class)
+ :smoke ,smoke)
+ ,method-name args)))
+ (s-call method (null-pointer) args)))
+ `(export (quote ,name)))))
+(defun hash-table-key-values (hash-table)
+ "Returns a list containing all key-value pairs as CONS of HASH-TABLE."
+ (let ((list))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
+ (push (cons key value) list))
+ hash-table)
+ list))
+(defun ensure-generic-methods (names-and-ids smoke)
+ "Ensures the generic functions in NAMES-AND-IDS for the Smoke module SMOKE."
+ (dolist (name-id names-and-ids)
+ (ensure-generic-function (first name-id)
+ :id (rest name-id)
+ :smoke smoke
+ :generic-function-class 'smoke-gf
+ :lambda-list '(object &rest args))
+ (export (first name-id) :CXX)))
+(defmacro check-recompile (smoke)
+ "Raises an error when the fasl of the DEFINE-METHOS was not compiled against
+the current smoke module."
+ `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+ (unless (= (smoke-methods-size ,smoke)
+ ,(smoke-methods-size (eval smoke)))
+ (error "The smoke module ~A changed, you need to recompile the lisp file."
+ (smoke-get-module-name ,smoke)))))
+(defmacro define-methods (smoke)
+ "Process the C++ methods of the Smoke module SMOKE.
+Expands to DEFUNs for static methods, DEFINE-CONSTANTs for enum methods
+and a function do define the generic methods a load-time."
+;;; symbol - id pairs are stored in the hash-tables to prevent the
+;;; mulitiple definiton of a function with the same name.
+ (let ((generics (make-hash-table))
+ (constants)
+ (functions)
+ (function-symbols (make-hash-table))
+ (exports))
+ (map-methods
+ #'(lambda (method)
+ (when (and (enum-p method)
+ ;; FIXME workaround for
+ ;;
+ (not (string= (name (get-class method))
+ "KGlobalSettings")))
+ (multiple-value-bind (def export) (constant-definition method smoke)
+ (push def
+ constants)
+ (push export exports)))
+ (when (and (not (destructor-p method))
+ (not (constructor-p method))
+ (not (enum-p method))
+ (not (eql nil (name method)))
+ (string/= (name method) "tr")) ;; we have a custom qt:tr funciton
+ (setf (gethash (lispify (name method) "CXX") generics)
+ (id method))
+ (when (static-p method)
+ (let ((function-symbol (static-method-symbol method)))
+ (unless (nth-value 1 (gethash function-symbol function-symbols))
+ (setf (gethash function-symbol function-symbols) t)
+ (multiple-value-bind (def export) (static-method-definition method smoke)
+ (push def functions)
+ (push export exports)))))))
+ (eval smoke))
+ `(progn (check-recompile ,smoke)
+ ,@functions
+ (eval-when (:load-toplevel)
+ (ensure-generic-methods ',(hash-table-key-values generics) ,smoke)
+ (make-smoke-classes ,smoke)
+ )
+ ,@constants
+ ,@exports)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/object-map.lisp new-smoke/src/object-map.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/object-map.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/object-map.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(defvar *object-map*
+ #-cmucl (make-weak-hash-table :weakness :value)
+ #+cmucl (make-hash-table :weak-p :value)
+ "Maps eisp object to Smoke C++ object of a class.")
+;; FIXME This probably does not scale well. A per thread object-map
+;; or at least a read-write lock should be used.
+(defvar *object-map-mutex* (make-lock "object-map lock"))
+(defun get-object (pointer)
+ (with-lock-held (*object-map-mutex*)
+ (gethash (pointer-address pointer) *object-map*)))
+(defun (setf get-object) (value pointer)
+ (with-lock-held (*object-map-mutex*)
+ (setf (gethash (pointer-address pointer) *object-map*)
+ value)))
+(defun has-pointer-p (pointer)
+ "Returns T when there is an object for POINTER in the map and NIL otherwise."
+ (with-lock-held (*object-map-mutex*)
+ (nth-value 1 (gethash (pointer-address pointer) *object-map*))))
+(defgeneric make-finalize (object)
+ (:documentation "Returns a function to be called when OBJECT is finalized."))
+(defmethod make-finalize (object)
+ (let ((pointer (pointer object))
+ (class (class-of object)))
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (handler-case (delete-pointer pointer class)
+ (condition (condition)
+ (format *debug-io* "error finalize ~A ~A~%" (name class)
+ condition))))))
+(defun add-object (object)
+ (assert (not (has-pointer-p (pointer object)))
+ ()
+ "There exists already a object ~A for the pointer of ~A."
+ (get-object (pointer object)) object)
+ (when (owned-p object)
+ (let ((finalizer (make-finalize object)))
+ (finalize object finalizer)))
+ (setf (get-object (pointer object)) object))
+(defun remove-if-exists (pointer)
+ (with-lock-held (*object-map-mutex*)
+ (remhash (pointer-address pointer) *object-map*)))
+(defun remove-object (pointer)
+ (assert (has-pointer-p pointer)
+ (pointer)
+ "No object to remove for pointer ~A." pointer)
+ (with-lock-held (*object-map-mutex*)
+ (remhash (pointer-address pointer) *object-map*)))
+(defun print-garbage ()
+ (with-lock-held (*object-map-mutex*)
+ (maphash #'(lambda (pointer object)
+ (format t "~A of type: ~S~%"
+ (make-pointer pointer)
+ (class-name (class-of object))))
+ *object-map*)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/class.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/class.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/class.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/class.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+;;; find-class
+;;; ensure-class
+;;; make-instance
+;;; class-name
+;;; class-slots
+;;; class-direct-subclasses
+;;; class-direct-superclasses
+;;; class-of
+;;; subclassp / subtypep
+(defclass smoke-class (smoke-symbol)
+ ()
+ (:documentation "A class"))
+(defmethod get-struct-slot-value ((class smoke-class) slot-name)
+ (foreign-slot-value (smoke-get-class (smoke class) (id class))
+ 'smoke-class slot-name))
+(defmethod name ((class smoke-class))
+ (get-struct-slot-value class 'name))
+(defun map-classes (function smoke)
+ "Applys FUNCTION to the classes of SMOKE."
+ (let ((class (make-instance 'smoke-class
+ :id 0
+ :smoke smoke)))
+ (loop for id from 1 to (1- (smoke-classes-size smoke)) do
+ (setf (slot-value class 'id) id)
+ (funcall function class))))
+(defun external-p (class)
+ "Returns T when CLASS is external in its module; NIL otherwise."
+ (get-struct-slot-value class 'external))
+(defmethod get-flag ((class smoke-class) flag)
+ (boole boole-and (get-struct-slot-value class 'flags)
+ (foreign-enum-value 'smoke-class-flags flag)))
+(defmethod constructor-p ((class smoke-class))
+ "Returns T when CLASS has a constructor; NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag class :constructor)))
+(define-condition undefined-class (cell-error)
+ ((smoke-name :initarg :smoke-name
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "The name of the Smoke module"))
+ (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+ (format stream "No Smoke class named ~S in the Smoke module ~S."
+ (cell-error-name condition)
+ (slot-value condition 'smoke-name))))
+ (:documentation "A undefined Smoke class"))
+(defun make-smoke-class (smoke name)
+ "Returns the class named NAME of the smoke module SMOKE.
+Signals an undefined-class condition when there is no class for NAME."
+ (with-foreign-object (c 'smoke-module-index)
+ (do () (nil)
+ (smoke-find-class c smoke name)
+ (restart-case
+ (if (null-pointer-p (foreign-slot-value c 'smoke-module-index 'smoke))
+ (error (make-condition 'undefined-class :name name :smoke-name (smoke-get-module-name smoke)))
+ (return))
+ (supply (new-name)
+ :report "Supply a new class name"
+ :interactive read-new-value
+ (setf name new-name))))
+ (make-instance 'smoke-class
+ :id (foreign-slot-value c 'smoke-module-index 'index)
+ :smoke (foreign-slot-value c 'smoke-module-index 'smoke))))
+(defun real-class (class)
+ "Returns the same class like CLASS, but such that EXTERNAL-P returns NIL."
+ (if (external-p class)
+ (make-smoke-class (smoke class) (name class))
+ class))
+(defun class-id (module class)
+ "Returns the class id of CLASS for the Smoke module MODULE."
+ (if (eq (smoke class) module)
+ (id class)
+ (smoke-class-id module (name class))))
+;(defun smoke-subclassp (class base-class) TODO
+(defun derived-p (class base-class)
+ "Returns T when CLASS is derived from BASE-CLASS and NIL when not."
+ (values
+ (derived-real-p (real-class class) (real-class base-class))
+ T))
+(defun derived-real-p (class base-class)
+ (smoke-is-derived-from (smoke class) (id class)
+ (smoke base-class) (id base-class)))
+(defun smoke-class-direct-superclasses (class)
+ (smoke-add-superclass class nil (get-struct-slot-value class 'parents)))
+(defun smoke-add-superclass (class classes index)
+ (let ((class-index (smoke-get-parent-index (smoke class) index)))
+ (assert (< class-index (smoke-classes-size (smoke class))))
+ (if (= 0 class-index)
+ classes
+ (smoke-add-superclass class (append classes
+ (list
+ (make-instance 'smoke-class
+ :id class-index
+ :smoke (smoke class))))
+ (1+ index)))))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/enum.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/enum.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/enum.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/enum.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+(in-package :cxx-support)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (use-package :smoke :cxx-support))
+;;; One could map enum-values to lisp symbols, store the type in the plist
+;;; an use thouse as enums, but C++ enums may have several symbols for
+;;; the same value and thus lisp symbols can not be used.
+(defclass enum ()
+ ((value :reader value
+ :initarg :value)
+ (type :reader enum-type
+ :initarg :type))
+ (:documentation "Holds the integer value and type of an C++ enum value."))
+(defmethod print-object ((enum enum) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (enum stream :type t)
+ (format stream "~A ~A" (name (enum-type enum))
+ (value enum))))
+(defun check-enum-type (enum enum-type)
+ (assert (type= (enum-type enum)
+ enum-type)
+ (enum enum-type)
+ "The enums ~A is not of type ~A." enum (name enum-type)))
+(defun enum= (enum1 enum2)
+ "Returns true when ENUM1 and ENUM2 are equal and false otherwise."
+ (declare (enum enum1 enum2))
+ (assert (type= (enum-type enum1)
+ (enum-type enum2))
+ (enum1 enum2)
+ "The enums ~A and ~A have a different type." enum1 enum2)
+ (= (value enum1) (value enum2)))
+(defmacro enum-xcase (case keyform &body cases)
+ (let ((type (enum-type (eval (first (first cases))))))
+ (loop for case in cases do
+ (check-enum-type (eval (first case))
+ type)))
+ `(progn
+ ; (check-enum-type (enum-type ,keyform)
+ ; (enum-type ,(first (first cases))))
+ (,case (value ,keyform)
+ ,@(loop for case in cases
+ collect `(,(value (eval (first case)))
+ ,@(rest case))))))
+(defmacro enum-case (keyform &body cases)
+ `(enum-xcase case ,keyform ,@cases))
+(defmacro enum-ecase (keyform &body cases)
+ `(enum-xcase ecase ,keyform ,@cases))
+(defmacro enum-cases (keyform &body cases)
+ "Keyform returns a number; cases are enums."
+ `(case ,keyform
+ ,@(loop for case in cases
+ collect `(,(value (eval (first case)))
+ ,@(rest case)))))
+(defun enum-logand (&rest enums)
+ (apply #'logand (mapcar #'value enums)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/instance.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/instance.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/instance.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/instance.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(defclass object (smoke-class)
+ ((pointer :reader pointer :initarg :pointer
+ :initform (null-pointer)
+ :documentation "Pointer to the C++ object."))
+ (:documentation "A Smoke CPP object"))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+(defclass smoke-method (smoke-symbol)
+ ()
+ (:documentation "A C++ method"))
+(defmethod print-object ((smoke-method smoke-method) stream)
+ (if (null-pointer-p (smoke smoke-method))
+ (call-next-method)
+ (print-unreadable-object (smoke-method stream :type t)
+ (princ (method-declaration smoke-method) stream))))
+(define-condition undefined-method (undefined-function)
+ ((class-name :initarg :class-name
+ :initform nil))
+ (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+ (format stream "No Smoke method ~S for class ~S."
+ (cell-error-name condition)
+ (slot-value condition 'class-name))))
+ (:documentation "A undefined Smoke method"))
+(defun valid-p (method)
+ "Returns T when METHOD is valid and NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (id method)))
+(defun ambiguous-p (method)
+ "Returns T when METHOD is ambiguous and NIL otherwise."
+ (> 0 (id method)))
+(defun make-smoke-method (class name)
+ "Returns the method called NAME of CLASS.
+Signals a undefined-method condition when no method was found."
+ (with-foreign-object (m 'smoke-module-index)
+ (do () (nil)
+ (smoke-find-method m (smoke class) (id class) name)
+ (restart-case
+ (if (null-pointer-p (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'smoke))
+ (error (make-condition 'undefined-method :name name :class-name (name class)))
+ (return))
+ (supply (new-name)
+ :report "Supply a new method name"
+ :interactive read-new-value
+ (setf name new-name))))
+ (when (> 0 (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'index))
+ (loop as i = (smoke-ambiguous-method (smoke class)
+ (- (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'index)))
+ while (> i 0)
+ do (decf (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'index))
+ (let ((m (make-instance 'smoke-method :id i :smoke (smoke class))))
+ (format t " ~A ~A~%" (name m) (signature m))))
+ (error "The method ~S of ~S is ambigious" name (name class)));;TODO
+ (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :id (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'index)
+ :smoke (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'smoke))))
+(defun type-equal (type type-name)
+ "Returns true when TYPE is of the type named TYPE-NAME and false otherwise."
+ (equal (name type) type-name))
+(defun exact-match (object type)
+ "Returns true when the type of OBJECT is exactly the same as TYPE and
+false otherwise."
+ (ctypecase object
+ (smoke-standard-object
+ (and (class-p type)
+ (derived-p (class-of object)
+ (get-class type))))
+ (double-float (type-equal type "double"))
+ (single-float (type-equal type "float"))
+ (integer (type-equal type "int"))
+ ;; int is also enum
+ ;; FIXME remove magic number 12
+ ;;(= (type-id type) 12)))
+ (string (or (type-equal type "const char*")
+ (type-equal type "const QString&")))
+ (enum (type= (enum-type object)
+ type))
+ (sequence (type-equal type "const QStringList&"))
+ (character (type-equal type "char"))))
+(defun exact-match-p (arguments types)
+ "Returns true when all the type of ARGUMENTS is the same as the
+corresponing type of TYPES and the length of the ARGUMENTS and TYPES list
+is equal."
+ (if (or (null arguments) (null types))
+ (and (null arguments)
+ (null types))
+ (if (not (exact-match (first arguments)
+ (first types)))
+ nil
+ (exact-match-p (rest arguments)
+ (rest types)))))
+(defun mung-arg (argument)
+ "Returns the mung char for ARUGMENT."
+ ;; FIXME void* is #\$ but void[] is #\?
+ ;; FIXME Get rid of the mugging stuff and compute the applicable methods
+ ;; including argument promotion
+ (case argument
+ ((t nil) #\$) ;; Booleans
+ (otherwise
+ (ctypecase argument
+ (number #\$)
+ (string #\$)
+ (foreign-pointer #\?)
+ (sequence #\?)
+ (enum #\$)
+ (smoke-standard-object #\#)))))
+(defun munged-args (arguments &optional (string nil))
+ "Maps the type of every item of ARGUMENTS to a char;
+Returns the list of the chars."
+ (if (null arguments)
+ string
+ (munged-args (rest arguments)
+ (append string (list (mung-arg (first arguments)))))))
+(defun find-ambiguous-method (predicate method)
+ "Returns a method of the ambiguous method METHOD such that
+PREDICATE is true. NIL is returned when no matching method is found."
+ (assert (ambiguous-p method)
+ (method)
+ "The method is not ambiguous.")
+ (let ((index (- (id method))))
+ (loop as i = (smoke-ambiguous-method (smoke method)
+ index)
+ while (> i 0) do
+ (incf index)
+ (let ((ambiguous-method (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :smoke (smoke method)
+ :id i)))
+ (when (funcall predicate ambiguous-method)
+ (return ambiguous-method))))))
+(defun find-method-using-args (class name arguments)
+ "Returns the method of class CLASS with the name NAME
+for the arguments ARGUMENTS."
+ (with-foreign-object (m 'smoke-module-index)
+ (smoke-find-method m (smoke class) (id class)
+ (concatenate 'string name
+ (munged-args arguments)))
+ (let ((method (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :smoke (foreign-slot-value m
+ 'smoke-module-index
+ 'smoke)
+ :id (foreign-slot-value m
+ 'smoke-module-index
+ 'index))))
+ (assert (valid-p method)
+ (method)
+ "No method ~A::~A for the arguments ~A" (name class) name arguments)
+ (when (ambiguous-p method)
+ (setf method
+ (find-ambiguous-method #'(lambda (method)
+ (exact-match-p arguments (arguments method)))
+ method))
+ (assert (not (null method)) (method)
+ "No method ~A::~A for the arguments ~A"
+ (name class) name arguments))
+ method)))
+(defun map-methods (function smoke)
+ "Applys FUNCTION to the methods of SMOKE.
+The method argument to function must not be modified."
+ (let ((method (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :id 0
+ :smoke smoke)))
+ (loop for id from 1 to (1- (smoke-methods-size smoke)) do
+ (when (= (mod id (floor (smoke-methods-size smoke) 10)) 0)
+ (format t "[ ~A ]~%" (* 10
+ (floor (* 10 id)
+ (smoke-methods-size smoke)))))
+ (setf (slot-value method 'id) id)
+ (funcall function method))))
+(defmethod get-struct-slot-value ((method smoke-method) slot-name)
+ (foreign-slot-value (smoke-get-method (smoke method) (id method))
+ 'smoke-method slot-name))
+(defmethod name ((method smoke-method))
+ (smoke-get-method-name (smoke method)
+ (get-struct-slot-value method 'name)))
+(defun signature (method)
+ "Returns the signature of METHOD."
+ (format nil "~A(~{~A~^, ~}) ~:[~;const~]"
+ (name method)
+ (mapcar #'name (arguments method))
+ (const-p method)))
+(defun access (method)
+ "Returns the access for METHOD. (public or protected)"
+ (if (protected-p method)
+ "protected"
+ "public"))
+(defun modifiers (method)
+ (format nil "~A~:[~; static~]" (access method)
+ (static-p method)))
+(defun return-type (method)
+ "Returns the return type of METHOD."
+ (make-instance 'smoke-type
+ :id (get-struct-slot-value method 'return-type)
+ :smoke (smoke method)))
+(defun method-declaration (method)
+ (format nil "~A~:[ void~; ~1:*~A~] ~A::~A"
+ (modifiers method)
+ (name (return-type method))
+ (name (get-class method))
+ (signature method)))
+(defgeneric get-flag (object flag)
+ (:documentation "Returns the value for FLAG of OBJECT."))
+(defmethod get-flag ((method smoke-method) flag)
+ (logand (get-struct-slot-value method 'flags)
+ (foreign-enum-value 'smoke-method-flags flag)))
+(defgeneric constructor-p (object)
+ (:documentation "Returns T when OBJECT is a constructor."))
+(defmethod constructor-p ((method smoke-method))
+ (/= 0 (get-flag method :constructor)))
+(defun destructor-p (method)
+ "Returns T when METHOD is a destructor; NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag method :destructor)))
+(defun static-p (method)
+ "Retruns T when METHOD is static and NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag method :static)))
+(defun protected-p (method)
+ "Returns T when METHOD is protected; NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag method :protected)))
+(defmethod const-p ((method smoke-method))
+ "Returns T when METHOD is a const method and NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag method :const)))
+(defun ambigious-p (method)
+ "Returns T when METHOD is ambigious and NIL otherwise."
+ (< 0 (id method)))
+(defun enum-p (method)
+ "Returns T when METHOD is enum value and NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag method :enum)))
+(defmethod get-class ((method smoke-method))
+ (make-instance 'smoke-class
+ :id (get-struct-slot-value method 'class)
+ :smoke (smoke method)))
+(defclass smoke-argument (smoke-type)
+ ()
+ (:documentation "A argument to a method"))
+(defmethod id ((argument smoke-argument))
+ (smoke-get-argument (smoke argument) (slot-value argument 'id)))
+(defun last-p (argument)
+ "Returns T when ARGUMENT is the last argument and NIL otherwise."
+ (= 0 (smoke-get-argument (smoke argument) (1+ (slot-value argument 'id)))))
+(defun end-p (argument)
+ "Returns T when ARGUMENT is the after last element and NIL otherwise."
+ (= 0 (id argument)))
+(defun next (argument)
+ "Returns the argument following ARGUMENT."
+ (assert (not (end-p argument))
+ (argument)
+ "Access after end element")
+ (make-instance 'smoke-argument
+ :id (1+ (slot-value argument 'id))
+ :smoke (smoke argument)))
+(defun get-arguments-length (method)
+ "Returns the number of arguments for METHOD."
+ (get-struct-slot-value method 'num-args))
+(defun get-first-argument (method)
+ "Returns the first argument of METHOD"
+ (make-instance 'smoke-argument
+ :id (get-struct-slot-value method 'arguments)
+ :smoke (smoke method)))
+(defun get-argument (method index)
+ "Returns the type of METHODs argument with number INDEX."
+ (make-instance 'smoke-argument
+ :id (+ (get-struct-slot-value method 'arguments) index)
+ :smoke (smoke method)))
+(defun build-argument-list (list argument)
+ (if (end-p argument)
+ list
+ (build-argument-list (append list (list argument))
+ (next argument))))
+(defun arguments (method)
+ "Returns a list of the arguments of METHOD."
+ (build-argument-list nil (get-first-argument method)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/object.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/object.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/object.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/object.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(defclass smoke-symbol ()
+ ((id :reader id :initarg :id
+ :documentation "The objects index.")
+ (smoke :reader smoke :initarg :smoke
+ :initform (null-pointer)
+ :documentation "Pointer to the Smoke module."))
+ (:documentation "A method or class in a Smoke module."))
+(defmethod print-object ((smoke-symbol smoke-symbol) stream)
+ (if (null-pointer-p (smoke smoke-symbol))
+ (call-next-method)
+ (print-unreadable-object (smoke-symbol stream :type t)
+ (princ (name smoke-symbol) stream))))
+(defgeneric name (smoke-symbol)
+ (:documentation "Returns the name of SMOKE-SYMBOL."))
+(defgeneric get-struct-slot-value (smoke-symbol slot-name)
+ (:documentation "Returns the slot value of SLOT-NAME of
+the SMOKE-SYMBOLs struct."))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+(defclass call-stack ()
+ ((pointer :reader pointer :initarg :pointer
+ :initform (null-pointer)
+ :documentation "Pointer to the Smoke stack")
+ (top :accessor top :initarg :top
+ :initform (null-pointer)
+ :documentation "Pointer to push the next argument to.")
+ (cleanup-stack :accessor cleanup-stack
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "Cleanup functions"))
+ (:documentation "Contains the argument passed to a Smoke method."))
+(defmethod size ((stack call-stack))
+ "Returns the size (number of arguments) of STACK."
+ (/
+ (- (pointer-address (top stack))
+ (pointer-address (pointer stack)))
+ (foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item)))
+(defun make-call-stack (smoke-stack)
+ (make-instance 'call-stack
+ :pointer smoke-stack
+ :top (inc-pointer smoke-stack (foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item))))
+(defun push-stack (stack value type)
+ (setf (foreign-slot-value (top stack)
+ 'smoke-stack-item type) value)
+ (incf-pointer (top stack) (foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item)))
+(defun push-cleanup (stack function)
+ "Adds the cleanup function FUNCTION to STACK"
+ (push function (cleanup-stack stack)))
+(defun push-stack2 (stack value type-id)
+ (ecase type-id
+ (0 (push-stack stack value 'voidp))
+ (1 (push-stack stack value 'bool))
+ (2 (push-stack stack value 'char))
+ (3 (push-stack stack value 'uchar))
+ (4 (push-stack stack value 'short))
+ (5 (push-stack stack value 'ushort))
+ (6 (push-stack stack value 'int))
+ (7 (push-stack stack value 'uint))
+ (8 (push-stack stack value 'long))
+ (9 (push-stack stack value 'ulong))
+ (10 (push-stack stack value 'float))
+ (11 (push-stack stack value 'double))
+ (12 (push-stack stack (value value) 'enum-value))
+ (13 (push-stack stack value 'class))))
+(defun push-smoke-stack (stack lisp-value smoke-type)
+ (typecase smoke-type
+ (smoke-type
+ (cond
+ ((class-p smoke-type)
+ (push-stack2 stack
+ (convert-to-class (get-class smoke-type) lisp-value)
+ (type-id smoke-type)))
+; ((pointer-p smoke-type)
+ (t
+ (let ((cffi-type (get-type (name smoke-type))))
+ (if (null cffi-type)
+ (progn
+ ; (assert (typep lisp-value 'foreign-pointer)
+ ; (lisp-value)
+ ; "The lisp-value ~S is not a foreign-pointer."
+ ; lisp-value)
+ (push-stack2 stack
+ lisp-value
+ (type-id smoke-type)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (pointer args) (convert-to-foreign lisp-value
+ cffi-type)
+ (push-cleanup stack
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (free-converted-object pointer
+ cffi-type
+ args)))
+ (push-stack2 stack
+ pointer
+ (type-id smoke-type))))))))
+; (t (push-stack2 stack lisp-value (type-id smoke-type)))))
+ (t (push-lisp-object stack lisp-value smoke-type))))
+(defgeneric push-lisp-object (stack object class)
+ (:documentation "Push the OBJECT on STACK."))
+(defun set-smoke-stack (stack args arguments)
+ "Pushes the arguments ARGS onto the Smoke stack STACK."
+ (when (null args)
+ (assert (null arguments)
+ ()
+ "To few arguments supplied. Missing: ~A" arguments))
+ (unless (null args)
+ (assert (not (null arguments))
+ ()
+ "To many arguments suppliend (Arguments ~A)." args)
+ (push-smoke-stack stack (first args) (first arguments))
+ (set-smoke-stack stack (rest args) (rest arguments))))
+(defmacro with-stack ((stack args types) &body body)
+ (let ((smoke-stack (gensym "STACK")))
+ `(with-foreign-object (,smoke-stack 'smoke-stack-item (1+ (length ,args)))
+ (let ((,stack (make-call-stack ,smoke-stack)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (set-smoke-stack ,stack ,args
+ ,types)
+ ,@body)
+ (mapcar #'funcall (cleanup-stack ,stack)))))))
+(defun enum-to-lisp (stack-item type)
+ "Returns the Lisp representation for STACK-ITEM of the basic C type TYPE."
+ (ecase (type-id type)
+ (0 (let ((cffi-type (get-type (name type))))
+ (if (null cffi-type)
+ (progn
+ ;(warn "Unknown translation from ~A to lisp." (name type))
+ (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'voidp))
+ (convert-from-foreign (foreign-slot-value stack-item
+ 'smoke-stack-item
+ 'voidp)
+ cffi-type))))
+ (1 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'bool))
+ (2 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'char)))
+ (3 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'uchar)))
+ (4 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'short)))
+ (5 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'ushort)))
+ (6 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'int))
+ (7 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'uint))
+ (8 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'long))
+ (9 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'ulong))
+ (10 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'float))
+ (11 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'double))
+ (12 (make-instance 'enum
+ :value (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'enum-value)
+ :type type))))
+(defgeneric instance-to-lisp (pointer class type)
+ (:documentation "Returns a clos instance for POINTER."))
+(defun object-to-lisp (object type)
+ (if (class-p type)
+ (let ((class (get-class type)))
+ (if (has-pointer-p object)
+ (get-object object)
+ (instance-to-lisp object (find-smoke-class class) type)))
+ nil))
+(defun class-to-lisp (stack-item type)
+ "Returns the Lisp representation for STACK-ITEM of type C++ class."
+ (object-to-lisp (foreign-slot-value stack-item
+ 'smoke-stack-item
+ 'class)
+ type))
+(defun type-to-lisp (stack-item type)
+ "Returns the Lisp representation of STACK-ITEM"
+ (cond
+ ((void-p type)
+ (values))
+ ((class-p type)
+ (class-to-lisp stack-item type))
+ (t
+ (enum-to-lisp stack-item type))))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(defclass smoke-type (smoke-symbol)
+ ()
+ (:documentation "A type"))
+(defmethod get-struct-slot-value ((type smoke-type) slot-name)
+ (foreign-slot-value (smoke-get-type (smoke type) (id type))
+ 'smoke-type slot-name))
+(defun make-smoke-type (smoke name)
+ "Returns the type in the Smoke module SMOKE named NAME."
+ (make-instance 'smoke-type
+ :id (smoke-find-type smoke name)
+ :smoke smoke))
+(defmethod name ((type smoke-type))
+ (get-struct-slot-value type 'name))
+(defun type= (type1 type2)
+ (and t ;(pointer-eq (smoke type1)
+ ; (smoke type2))
+ (= (id type1)
+ (id type2))))
+(defmethod get-flag ((type smoke-type) flag)
+ (boole boole-and (get-struct-slot-value type 'flags)
+ (foreign-enum-value 'smoke-type-flags flag)))
+(defun stack-p (type)
+ "Returns T when TYPE is stored on the stack; NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag type :stack)))
+(defun reference-p (type)
+ "Returns T when TYPE is a reference ('type&'); NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag type :reference)))
+(defun pointer-p (type)
+ "Returns T when TYPE is a pointer ('type*'); NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag type :pointer)))
+(defmethod const-p ((type smoke-type))
+ "Returns T when TYPE is const; NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag type :const)))
+(defun class-p (type)
+ "Returns T when TYPE is a smoke class"
+ (and (eql (type-id type) 13)
+ (/= -1 (get-struct-slot-value type 'class))))
+(defun type-id (type)
+ "Returns the ID of TYPE."
+ (boole boole-and (get-struct-slot-value type 'flags)
+ (foreign-enum-value 'smoke-type-flags :type-id)))
+(defun void-p (type)
+ "Return T when TYPE is a void type (no value)."
+ (null (name type)))
+(defgeneric get-class (smoke-symbol)
+ (:documentation "Returns the smoke-class associated with SMOKE-SYMBOL."))
+(defmethod get-class ((type smoke-type))
+ "Return the smoke-class of TYPE."
+ (assert (/= -1 (get-struct-slot-value type 'class))
+ (type)
+ "The type ~S is not a smoke class." (name type))
+ (make-instance 'smoke-class
+ :id (get-struct-slot-value type 'class)
+ :smoke (smoke type)))
+;; FIXME why macro?
+(defmacro smoke-type-p (type smoke type-name)
+ (let ((t2 (smoke-find-type smoke type-name)))
+ `(and (= (id ,type) ,(id t2))
+ (pointer-eq (smoke ,type) ,(smoke t2)))))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/package.lisp new-smoke/src/package.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/package.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/package.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(defpackage #:cxx-support
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:export #:enum
+ #:enum=
+ #:enum-logand
+ #:value
+ #:enum-type
+ #:enum-case
+ #:enum-cases
+ #:enum-ecase))
+(defpackage #:smoke
+ (:use #:cl #:asdf #:cffi #:trivial-garbage #:bordeaux-threads #:cxx-support)
+ (:export #:init
+ #:make-smoke-classes
+ #:new-object
+ #:delete-object
+ #:smoke-call
+ #:call
+ #:name
+ #:id
+ #:type=
+ #:define-methods
+ #:cxx-bool
+ #:pointer))
+(defpackage #:cxx
+ (:use) ;; do not use #:cl
+ (:export #:class))
+(in-package #:smoke)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/run-test.lisp new-smoke/src/run-test.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/run-test.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/run-test.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+exec sbcl --noinform --noprint --disable-debugger --load $0 --end-toplevel-options "$@"
+;(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'smoke :verbose nil)
+;(require :sb-cover)
+;(declaim (optimize sb-cover:store-coverage-data))
+;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :smoke :force t)
+(require :smoke-tests)
+(in-package :smoke-tests)
+;(smoke-destruct *kde-binding*)
+;(smoke-destruct *qt-binding*)
+;(sb-cover:report "./report/")
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/CMakeLists.txt new-smoke/src/smoke-c/CMakeLists.txt
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/CMakeLists.txt 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED)
+set(QT_DONT_USE_QTGUI true)
+set(SMOKE_C_SOURCES smoke-c.cpp csmokebinding.cpp)
+add_library(smoke-c MODULE ${SMOKE_C_SOURCES})
+add_library(smoke-c-util MODULE smoke-c-util.cpp)
+install(TARGETS smoke-c smoke-c-util
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(defcenum smoke-class-flags
+ "Class properties"
+ (:constructor #x01)
+ (:copy-constructor #x02)
+ (:virtual-destructor #x04)
+ (:undefined #x10))
+(defcstruct smoke-class
+ "Describe a class"
+ (name :string)
+ (external cxx-bool)
+ (parents smoke-index)
+ (class-function :pointer)
+ (enum-function :pointer)
+ (flags :unsigned-short))
+(defcfun smoke-find-class :void
+ (m :pointer smoke-module-index)
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (name :string))
+(defcfun smoke-class-id smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (name :string))
+(defcfun smoke-classes-size smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer))
+(defcfun smoke-get-class (:pointer smoke-class)
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (class smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-get-parent-index smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (class smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-is-derived-from :boolean
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (class smoke-index)
+ (smoke-base :pointer)
+ (base-class smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-cast :pointer
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (object :pointer)
+ (from smoke-index)
+ (to smoke-index))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.cpp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.cpp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.cpp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#include "csmokebinding.h"
+#include <QtGlobal>
+namespace cl_smoke
+/** @class Binding
+ * @brief The Smoke binding.
+ */
+/** @typedef Binding::destructed
+ * Callback when a Smoke object is destructed.
+ *
+ * @param binding Smoke binding of the object
+ * @param class_id class id
+ * @param object the object
+ */
+/** @typedef Binding::dispatch_method
+ * Callback when a Smoke method gets called.
+ *
+ * @param binding Smoke binding of @a object
+ * @param method index of the method
+ * @param object the object for which the method is called
+ * @param args the arguments to the method
+ * @param abstract @c true when the method is abstract and @c false otherwise
+ *
+ * @return @c true when the method call was handled and @c false
+ *when the default method shall be invoked.
+ */
+/** Constructor.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param destruct destruct callback
+ * @param dispatch method dispatch callback
+ */
+Binding::Binding(Smoke *smoke, destructed destruct,
+ dispatch_method dispatch)
+ : SmokeBinding(smoke),
+ destruct(destruct),
+ dispatch(dispatch)
+ Q_ASSERT(smoke);
+ Q_ASSERT(destruct);
+ Q_ASSERT(dispatch);
+/** Invoked when a Smoke object is destructed. */
+Binding::deleted(Smoke::Index classId, void *obj)
+ destruct(this, classId, obj);
+/** Invoked whne a Smoke method gets called. */
+Binding::callMethod(Smoke::Index method, void* object,
+ Smoke::Stack stack, bool abstract)
+ return dispatch(this, method, object, stack, abstract);
+ * @todo Returning a const char* would be better
+ */
+Binding::className(Smoke::Index classId)
+ return const_cast<char*>(smoke->classes[classId].className);
+/** Gets the Smoke instance associated with the binding.
+ * @return a pointer to the Smoke instance
+ */
+Binding::get_smoke() const
+ return smoke;
+} // namespace cl_smoke
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.h new-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.h
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/csmokebinding.h 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include <smoke.h>
+namespace cl_smoke
+class Binding : public SmokeBinding
+ public:
+ typedef void (*destructed)(Binding* binding, Smoke::Index class_id,
+ void* object);
+ typedef int (*dispatch_method)(Binding* binding, Smoke::Index method,
+ void* object, Smoke::Stack args, int abstract);
+ Binding(Smoke *smoke, destructed destruct, dispatch_method dispatch);
+ virtual void
+ deleted(Smoke::Index classId, void *obj);
+ virtual bool
+ callMethod(Smoke::Index method, void* object,
+ Smoke::Stack stack, bool abstract);
+ virtual char*
+ className(Smoke::Index classId);
+ Smoke*
+ get_smoke() const;
+ private:
+ const destructed destruct;
+ const dispatch_method dispatch;
+} // namespace cl_smoke
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/method.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/method.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/method.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+(defcenum smoke-method-flags
+ "Method flags"
+ (:static #x01)
+ (:const #x02)
+ (:copy-constructor #x04)
+ (:internal #x08)
+ (:enum #x10)
+ (:constructor #x20)
+ (:destructor #x40)
+ (:protected #x80))
+(defcstruct smoke-method
+ "Describe a method"
+ (class smoke-index)
+ (name smoke-index)
+ (arguments smoke-index)
+ (num-args :unsigned-char)
+ (flags :unsigned-char)
+ (return-type smoke-index)
+ (method smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-find-method :void
+ (m :pointer smoke-module-index)
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (class smoke-index)
+ (method :string))
+(defcfun smoke-methods-size smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer))
+(defcfun smoke-get-method (:pointer smoke-method)
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (method smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-get-method-name :string
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (method-index smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-method-name-size smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer))
+(defcfun smoke-call-method :string
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (method smoke-index)
+ (object :pointer)
+ (stack smoke-stack))
+(defcfun smoke-get-argument smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (argument smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-ambiguous-method smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (ambiguous smoke-index))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c-util.cpp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c-util.cpp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c-util.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c-util.cpp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/** @file
+ * \@brief Utility functions
+ */
+extern "C" {
+/** Gets the size of the C++ bool type in bytes.
+ *
+ * @return the size of bool
+ */
+ return sizeof(bool);
+} // extern "C"
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.cpp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.cpp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.cpp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.cpp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+#include "csmokebinding.h"
+#include <smoke.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <QtGlobal>
+/** @file
+ * \@brief C wrapper the Smoke bindings.
+ *
+ * \example examples/kde-hello-world.cpp
+ * This KDE example creates a KXmlGuiWindow.
+ * Note that C++ is only used to make the example shorter
+ * (by allowing to directly include smoke-c.cpp), but it could also
+ * be implemented in C using \c dlsym.
+ *
+ * \image html doc/images/kde-hello-world.png "Screenshot"
+ * \image latex doc/images/kde-hello-world.png "Screenshot" width=5cm
+ */
+/** @brief Common Lisp smoke binding namespace. */
+namespace cl_smoke
+/** A Binding */
+typedef void* smoke_binding;
+/** Casts the void pointer smoke_binding to the Binding class.
+ * @param smoke the smoke binding
+ *
+ * @return pointer to the Binding instance
+ */
+static inline
+get_smoke_binding(smoke_binding binding)
+ return static_cast<Binding*>(binding);
+/** Casts the void pointer smoke to the Smoke class.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ *
+ * @return pointer to the Smoke module.
+ */
+static inline
+get_smoke(void* smoke)
+ return static_cast<Smoke*>(smoke);
+} // namespace cl_smoke
+using namespace cl_smoke;
+extern "C" {
+/** Returns the Smoke module of a Smoke binding.
+ * @related cl_smoke::Binding
+ * @param binding the Binding
+ *
+ * @return the Smoke module
+ */
+smoke_get_smoke(smoke_binding binding)
+ return get_smoke_binding(binding)->get_smoke();
+/** Creates a new Smoke binding.
+ * The binding is allocated on the heap an can be freed with smoke_destruct().
+ * @related cl_smoke::Binding
+ * @param smoke pointer to a Smoke module instance
+ * @param destruct callback for object destruction
+ * @param dispatch method dispatch callback
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to a new Smoke binding.
+ */
+smoke_init(void* smoke, void* destruct, void* dispatch)
+ return new Binding(static_cast<Smoke*>(smoke),
+ reinterpret_cast<Binding::destructed>(destruct),
+ reinterpret_cast<Binding::dispatch_method>(dispatch));
+/** Deletes the smoke binding.
+ * @related cl_smoke::Binding
+ */
+smoke_destruct(smoke_binding binding)
+ delete get_smoke_binding(binding)->get_smoke();
+ delete get_smoke_binding(binding);
+/** Gets a Smoke modules name.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ *
+ * @return the module name
+ */
+const char*
+smoke_get_module_name(void* smoke)
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->moduleName();
+/// Class
+/** Finds a class.
+ * @param c pointer to write the result to
+ * @param smoke the smoke module
+ * @param name the name of the class
+ */
+smoke_find_class(Smoke::ModuleIndex* c, void* smoke, const char* name)
+ *c = get_smoke(smoke)->findClass(name);
+/** Gets the class ID for a Smoke module.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param name the class name
+ *
+ * @return the class ID in the supplied Smoke module
+ */
+smoke_class_id(void* smoke, const char* name)
+ Smoke::ModuleIndex m = get_smoke(smoke)->idClass(name, true);
+ Q_ASSERT(m.smoke == smoke);
+ return m.index;
+/** Gets the number of classes.
+ *
+ * @return the number of classes
+ */
+smoke_classes_size(void* smoke)
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->numClasses;
+/** Sets the binding for an newly constructed instance.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param binding the Smoke binding
+ * @param class_index the index of the instances class
+ * @param object pointer to the class instance.
+ */
+smoke_set_binding(void* smoke, smoke_binding binding, Smoke::Index class_index, void* object)
+ Q_ASSERT(object != NULL);
+ Q_ASSERT(binding != NULL);
+ Q_ASSERT(class_index > 0 && class_index <= smoke_classes_size(smoke));
+ const Smoke::Class* klass = &get_smoke(smoke)->classes[class_index];
+ Smoke::StackItem stack[2];
+ stack[1].s_voidp = get_smoke_binding(binding);
+ (*klass->classFn)(0, object, stack);
+/** Gets a class
+ * @param smoke the smoke binding
+ * @param class_index the index of the class
+ *
+ * @return A pointer to the class into the array of class structs
+ */
+const struct Smoke::Class*
+smoke_get_class(void* smoke, Smoke::Index class_index)
+ Q_ASSERT(class_index >= 0 && class_index <= smoke_classes_size(smoke));
+ return &get_smoke(smoke)->classes[class_index];
+/** Determines werter a class is from a base class.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module of @a class_index
+ * @param class_index the class index
+ * @param smoke_base the Smoke module of the base class @a base_index
+ * @param base_index the index of the base class
+ *
+ * @return Returns 0 when the class is not derived from the base class and nonzero value otherwise.
+ */
+smoke_is_derived_from(void* smoke, Smoke::Index class_index, void* smoke_base, Smoke::Index base_index)
+ Q_ASSERT(!smoke_get_class(smoke, class_index)->external);
+ Q_ASSERT(!smoke_get_class(smoke_base, base_index)->external);
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->isDerivedFrom(get_smoke(smoke), class_index,
+ get_smoke(smoke_base), base_index);
+/** Returns the index of a base class.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param class_index the class index
+ *
+ * @return the index of a parent
+ */
+smoke_get_parent_index(void* smoke, Smoke::Index class_index)
+ Q_ASSERT(class_index >= 0);
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->inheritanceList[class_index];
+/// Method
+/** Gets the method map.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param method the index of the method
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to the @c MethodMap entry.
+ */
+const Smoke::MethodMap*
+smoke_get_method_map(void* smoke, Smoke::Index method)
+ Q_ASSERT(method >= 0 && method <= get_smoke(smoke)->numMethodMaps);
+ return &get_smoke(smoke)->methodMaps[method];
+/** Gets a methods name.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param method_name the method name index
+ *
+ * @return the method name
+ */
+const char*
+smoke_get_method_name(void* smoke, Smoke::Index method_name)
+ Q_ASSERT(method_name >= 0 && method_name <= get_smoke(smoke)->numMethodNames);
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->methodNames[method_name];
+/** Gets the number of method names.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ *
+ * @return the number of method names
+ */
+smoke_method_name_size(void *smoke)
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->numMethodNames;
+/** Gets the number of methods.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ *
+ * @return the number of methods
+ */
+smoke_methods_size(void* smoke)
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->numMethods;
+/** Gets a method.
+ * @param smoke the smoke binding
+ * @param method the index of the method
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to the method struct
+ */
+const struct Smoke::Method*
+smoke_get_method(void* smoke, Smoke::Index method)
+ Q_ASSERT(method >= 0 && method <= smoke_methods_size(smoke));
+ return &get_smoke(smoke)->methods[method];
+/** Finds a method of a class.
+ * @param m pointer to write the result to
+ * @param smoke the smoke binding
+ * @param class_index index of the class
+ * @param method_name method name
+ */
+smoke_find_method(Smoke::ModuleIndex* m, void* smoke,
+ Smoke::Index class_index, const char* method_name)
+ *m = get_smoke(smoke)->findMethod(get_smoke(smoke)->className(class_index),
+ method_name);
+ if(m->index > 0)
+ m->index = smoke_get_method_map(m->smoke, m->index)->method;
+/** Gets the type index of an argument.
+ * @param smoke the smoke binding
+ * @param argument the argument index
+ *
+ * @return the type index
+ */
+smoke_get_argument(void* smoke, Smoke::Index argument)
+ Q_ASSERT(argument >= 0);
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->argumentList[argument];
+/** Calls a method.
+ * The methods return value is stored in the first element of the stack.
+ * @param smoke the smoke binding
+ * @param method the index of the method
+ * @param object A pointer to the class instance, or NULL for static and constructor calls
+ * @param stack The stack with the methods arguments.
+ *
+ * @return NULL on success or a description of the exception that occurred.
+ */
+const char*
+smoke_call_method(void* smoke, Smoke::Index method, void* object,
+ Smoke::Stack stack)
+ Smoke::Method meth = *smoke_get_method(smoke, method);
+ Q_ASSERT(!(meth.flags & Smoke::mf_internal));
+ Q_ASSERT_X((NULL == object
+ && (meth.flags & (Smoke::mf_static
+ | Smoke::mf_enum
+ | Smoke::mf_copyctor
+ | Smoke::mf_ctor)))
+ || object,
+ __func__, "object is NULL");
+ Q_ASSERT(meth.flags & Smoke::mf_ctor ? NULL == object : true);
+ const Smoke::Class* klass = smoke_get_class(smoke, meth.classId);
+ try
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT(klass->classFn != NULL);
+ (*klass->classFn)(meth.method, object, stack);
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ qFatal(e.what());
+ return e.what();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ qFatal("exception");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/// Type
+/** Gets the number of types.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ *
+ * @return the number of types
+ */
+smoke_types_size(void* smoke)
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->numTypes;
+/** Gets a type.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param type the index of the type
+ *
+ * @return a pointer to the type struct
+ */
+const struct Smoke::Type*
+smoke_get_type(void* smoke, Smoke::Index type)
+ Q_ASSERT(type >= 0 && type <= smoke_types_size(smoke));
+ return &get_smoke(smoke)->types[type];
+/** Gets the index of a type.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param name the types name
+ *
+ * @return the index of the type
+ */
+smoke_find_type(void* smoke, const char* name)
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->idType(name);
+/** Casts an object.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param object the objec
+ * @param from the class index of @a object
+ * @param to the class index to cast to
+ *
+ * @return the casted object
+ */
+smoke_cast(void* smoke, void* object, Smoke::Index from, Smoke::Index to)
+ Q_ASSERT(from > 0 && from <= smoke_classes_size(smoke));
+ Q_ASSERT(to > 0 && to <= smoke_classes_size(smoke));
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->cast(object, from, to);
+/** Gets an ambiguous method.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param ambiguous the index
+ *
+ * @return the index of a method
+ */
+smoke_ambiguous_method(void* smoke, Smoke::Index ambiguous)
+ Q_ASSERT(ambiguous >= 0);
+ return get_smoke(smoke)->ambiguousMethodList[ambiguous];
+} // extern "C"
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
+ (define-foreign-library libsmokeqt
+ (:unix "")
+ (t (:default "libsmokeqt")))
+ (use-foreign-library libsmokeqt)
+ (use-foreign-library libsmoke-c)
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
+ (use-foreign-library libsmoke-c-util)
+ (defcfun smoke-sizeof-bool :int)
+ (defun cffi-bool-type ()
+ "Returns a cffi unsigned int type with the same size as a C++ bool."
+ (load-foreign-library 'libsmoke-c-util)
+ (intern (format nil "UINT~A" (* 8
+ (smoke-sizeof-bool)))
+ ; (foreign-funcall smoke-sizeof-bool :int)))
+ (find-package :keyword)))
+ (defmacro defcxxbool ()
+ `(defctype cxx-bool (:boolean ,(cffi-bool-type)))))
+(close-foreign-library 'libsmoke-c-util)
+(defctype smoke-binding :pointer
+ "A Smoke binding")
+(defctype smoke-index :short
+ "An index")
+(defcfun smoke-init smoke-binding
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (destruct :pointer)
+ (dispatch :pointer))
+(defcfun smoke-destruct :void
+ (smoke smoke-binding))
+(defcstruct smoke-module-index
+ "asdf"
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (index smoke-index))
+(defcfun smoke-set-binding :void
+ "Sets the binding for an newly constructed instance."
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (smoke-binding smoke-binding)
+ (class smoke-index)
+ (object :pointer))
+(defcfun smoke-get-smoke :pointer
+ (smoke-binding smoke-binding))
+(defcfun smoke-get-module-name :string
+ (smoke :pointer))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/stack.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/stack.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/stack.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/stack.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(defcunion smoke-stack-item
+ "A variable on the Smoke stack"
+ (voidp :pointer)
+ (bool cxx-bool)
+ (char :char)
+ (uchar :unsigned-char)
+ (short :short)
+ (ushort :unsigned-short)
+ (int :int)
+ (uint :unsigned-int)
+ (long :long)
+ (ulong :unsigned-long)
+ (float :float)
+ (double :double)
+ (enum-value :long)
+ (class :pointer))
+(defctype smoke-stack (:pointer smoke-stack-item)
+ "A Smoke call stack.")
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/type.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/type.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/type.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/type.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(defcenum smoke-type-flags
+ "Type properties"
+ (:type-id #x0F)
+ (:stack #x10)
+ (:pointer #x20)
+ (:reference #x30)
+ (:const #x40))
+(defcstruct smoke-type
+ "A type"
+ (name :string)
+ (class smoke-index)
+ (flags :unsigned-short))
+(defcfun smoke-find-type smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (name :string))
+(defcfun smoke-types-size smoke-index
+ (smoke :pointer))
+(defcfun smoke-get-type (:pointer smoke-type)
+ (smoke :pointer)
+ (type smoke-index))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
+(defun s-call (method object &optional (args nil))
+ (with-stack (stack args (arguments method) )
+ (smoke-call-method (smoke method) (id method)
+ object (pointer stack))
+ (type-to-lisp (pointer stack) (return-type method))))
+(defun pointer-call (method object &optional (args nil))
+ (with-stack (stack args (arguments method) )
+ (smoke-call-method (smoke method) (id method)
+ object (pointer stack))
+ (foreign-slot-value (pointer stack) 'smoke-stack-item 'class)))
+(defun smoke-call (class pointer method-name &optional (args nil))
+ (s-call
+ (make-smoke-method class method-name)
+ pointer args))
+(defun static-call (smoke class-name method-name &rest args)
+ (s-call
+ (make-smoke-method (make-smoke-class smoke class-name)
+ method-name)
+ (null-pointer) args))
+(defun enum-call (method)
+ "Return the enum value for METHOD."
+ ;; FIXME:
+ ;; we could use static call, but QGraphicsEllipseItem::Type has
+ ;; wrongly QGraphicsGridLayout as return type. Smoke ignores case
+ ;; and confuses it with the member function type() ??
+ ;; (27.2.09)
+ ;;
+ (assert (enum-p method))
+ (with-stack (stack nil nil)
+ (smoke-call-method (smoke method) (id method)
+ (null-pointer) (pointer stack))
+ (foreign-slot-value (pointer stack) 'smoke-stack-item 'long)))
+(defun new-object (binding class-name method-name &rest args)
+ (let* ((smoke (smoke-get-smoke binding))
+ (pointer
+ (pointer-call
+ (make-smoke-method (make-smoke-class smoke class-name)
+ method-name)
+ (null-pointer) args)))
+ (let ((object (instance-to-lisp object (find-smoke-class class)
+ (return-type)))
+(defun new-object (binding class-name method-name &rest args)
+ (let* ((smoke (smoke-get-smoke binding))
+ (method (make-smoke-method (make-smoke-class smoke class-name)
+ method-name))
+ (pointer
+ (pointer-call method (null-pointer) args))
+ (object (instance-to-lisp pointer
+ (find-smoke-class (get-class (return-type method)))
+ (return-type method))))
+ (set-binding object (binding (smoke (class-of object))))
+ (add-object object)
+ object))
+(defun delete-pointer (pointer class)
+ "Destructs the object at POINTER of type CLASS.
+Calls the destrutor and frees the memory."
+ (let ((method-name (concatenate 'string "~" (name class))))
+ (s-call
+ (make-smoke-method class method-name)
+ pointer))
+ (setf pointer (null-pointer)))
+(defun delete-object (object)
+ (let ((method-name (concatenate 'string "~" (name object))))
+ (s-call
+ (make-smoke-method object method-name)
+ (pointer object)))
+ (setf (slot-value object 'pointer) (null-pointer)))
+(defun set-binding (object binding)
+ (smoke-set-binding (smoke (class-of object)) binding (id (class-of object)) (pointer object)))
+(defun init (smoke)
+ "Returns the a new Smoke binding for the Smoke module SMOKE."
+ (use-foreign-library libsmoke-c)
+ (let ((binding (smoke-init smoke
+ (callback destructed)
+ (callback dispatch-method))))
+ (setf (binding smoke) binding)
+ binding))
+(defun call (object method-name &rest args)
+ (smoke-call (class-of object)
+ (pointer object)
+ method-name
+ args))
+(defmethod documentation ((class smoke-standard-class) (doc-type t))
+ (format nil "~@[~A~%~]C++ name: ~A" (call-next-method) (name class)))
+(defmethod documentation ((gf smoke-gf) (doc-type t))
+ (let ((methods (all-methods (name gf))))
+ (format nil "~@[~A~%~]~{~T~A~%~}"
+ (call-next-method)
+ (sort (mapcar #'method-declaration methods) #'string<=))))
+(defun all-methods (name)
+ "Returns a list of all methods named NAME."
+ (let ((methods))
+ (maphash #'(lambda (address value)
+ (declare (ignore value))
+ (let ((smoke (make-pointer address)))
+ (map-methods #'(lambda (method)
+ (when (and (string= name (name method))
+ (not (enum-p method)))
+ (push (make-instance 'smoke-method
+ :id (id method)
+ :smoke (smoke method))
+ methods)))
+ smoke)))
+ *smoke-id-class-map*)
+ methods))
+(defun fgrep-methods (smoke str)
+ (map-methods #'(lambda (method)
+ (when (search str (name method))
+ (format t "~A::~A~%" (name (get-class method))
+ (signature method))))
+ smoke))
+(defun fgrep-classes (smoke str)
+ (map-classes #'(lambda (class)
+ (when (search str (name class))
+ (format t "~A~%" (name class))))
+ smoke))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/test.lisp new-smoke/src/test.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/test.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/test.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+exec sbcl --noinform --load $0 --end-toplevel-options "$@"
+(require :smoke)
+(in-package :smoke)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/tests.lisp new-smoke/src/tests.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/tests.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/tests.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(5am:def-suite smoke-suite)
+(5am:in-suite smoke-suite)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/translate.lisp new-smoke/src/translate.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/translate.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/translate.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(defvar *type-map* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defun get-type (name)
+ "Return the CFFI type for NAME."
+ (gethash name *type-map*))
+(defun add-type (name type)
+ "Registers the CFFI type TYPE with NAME."
+ (setf (gethash name *type-map*) type))
+(defun setup-type-map ()
+ "Setup C string <-> Lisp string translation."
+ (add-type "char*" :string)
+ (add-type "const char*" :string))
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+ (setup-type-map))
+(defgeneric convert-to-class (smoke-class object))
+;(defmethod convert-to-class (smoke-class (pointer cffi:foreign-pointer))
+(defmethod convert-to-class (smoke-class pointer)
+ (assert (cffi:pointerp pointer))
+ pointer)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/utils/get-value.lisp new-smoke/src/utils/get-value.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/utils/get-value.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/utils/get-value.lisp 2014-09-28 09:39:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(in-package #:smoke)
+ (defun read-new-value ()
+ (format *query-io* "Enter a new value: ")
+ (multiple-value-list (eval (read *query-io*))))