Prepare for overload resolution at compile time
Mon May 11 13:07:39 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
* Prepare for overload resolution at compile time
diff -rN -u old-smoke/smoke.mbd new-smoke/smoke.mbd
--- old-smoke/smoke.mbd 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/smoke.mbd 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
("CMakeLists.txt" static-file)
("translate" (:needs "package"))
- ("overload-resolution" (:needs "package" "smoke"))
+ ("using-type" (:needs "package"))
+ ("overload-resolution" (:needs "package" "smoke" "using-type"))
("smoke" (:needs "smoke-c" "objects" "clos"))
("object-map" (:needs "objects"))
("class-map" (:needs "package"))
@@ -69,4 +70,5 @@
(:needs "package")
(:components "get-value")))))
(:needs :sysdef.cmake :cffi :closer-mop
+ :alexandria
:trivial-garbage :bordeaux-threads))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/clos.lisp new-smoke/src/clos.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/clos.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/clos.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -205,8 +205,6 @@
(lispify (name class))))
(defun make-smoke-classes (smoke)
"Construts a lisp class for each one in the Smoke module SMOKE."
(declare (optimize (speed 3))
@@ -228,7 +226,8 @@
(defclass smoke-gf (cxx-generic-function)
((cxx-name :reader name :initarg :cxx-name
- :type string))
+ :type string
+ :documentation "The C++ name of the method."))
(:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
(:documentation "Smoke generic function"))
@@ -244,13 +243,6 @@
"Calls the smoke method."
(declare (optimize (speed 3)))
(call-using-args (first args) (name gf) (rest args)))
- (let ((method (find-method-using-args (smoke-class-of (first args))
- (name gf) (rest args))))
- (if (static-p method)
- (s-call method (null-pointer) (rest args))
- (s-call method (cast (first args) (get-class method)) (rest args)))))
(defmethod add-method :after ((gf cxx-method-generic-function) method)
"Adds a method which calls the smoke method, to make call-next-method work."
@@ -260,6 +252,9 @@
`(lambda ,lambda-list
(declare (optimize (speed 3)))
+ (call-using-args ,(first lambda-list) (name ,(cxx-generic-function gf))
+ (list ,@(rest lambda-list))))))))
(let ((method (find-method-using-args (smoke-class-of ,(first lambda-list))
(name ,(cxx-generic-function gf))
(list ,@(rest lambda-list)))))
@@ -267,6 +262,7 @@
(s-call method (null-pointer) (list ,@lambda-list))
(s-call method (cast ,(first lambda-list) (get-class method))
(list ,@(rest lambda-list))))))))))
(defcallback destructed :void
((binding :pointer)
@@ -379,24 +375,17 @@
(let ((method (find-smoke-method (class-of object)
(name (class-of object)))))
(pointer-call method (null-pointer)))
- (multiple-value-bind (rank method sequence)
+ (multiple-value-bind (method sequence)
(find-best-viable-function (name (class-of object))
- (mapcar #'(lambda (a)
- (let ((type (type-of a)))
- (if (subtypep type 'smoke-standard-object)
- (class-of a)
- type)))
- arguments)
+ arguments
(class-of object))
(when (null method)
(error "No construtor ~A for ~S"
object arguments))
(pointer-call method (null-pointer)
- (mapcar #'funcall sequence arguments)))))
-; (pointer-call (make-smoke-constructor (class-of object)
-; args)
-; (null-pointer)
-; args))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (conversion argument)
+ (funcall conversion argument))
+ sequence arguments)))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((object smoke-standard-object)
&key args &allow-other-keys)
@@ -418,7 +407,4 @@
(let ((ret (make-instance class
:owned-p (stack-p type)
:pointer pointer)))
-; (when (stack-p type)
-; (add-object ret))
-; (set-binding ret (binding (smoke (class-of ret)))))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/cxx-method.lisp new-smoke/src/cxx-method.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/cxx-method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/cxx-method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@
(argument-count gf)))
(gf-methods cxx-generic-function)))
+(defun cxx-method-generic-function-name (cxx-generic-function argument-count)
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :cxx)))
+ (alexandria:symbolicate (closer-mop:generic-function-name cxx-generic-function)
+ #\/ (write-to-string argument-count))))
(defun ensure-gf-by-argument-count (cxx-generic-function argument-count)
"Returns the generic-function of CXX-GENERIC-FUNCTION that takes
ARGUMENT-COUNT arguments. When none exists, one is created."
@@ -45,9 +50,13 @@
((integer 0) argument-count))
(or (find-generic-function-by-argument-count cxx-generic-function
- (let ((gf (make-instance 'cxx-method-generic-function
- :cxx-generic-function cxx-generic-function
- :lambda-list (make-lambda argument-count))))
+ (let* ((name (cxx-method-generic-function-name cxx-generic-function
+ argument-count))
+ (gf (make-instance 'cxx-method-generic-function
+ :name name
+ :cxx-generic-function cxx-generic-function
+ :lambda-list (make-lambda argument-count))))
+ (setf (fdefinition name) gf)
(push gf (gf-methods cxx-generic-function))
@@ -136,3 +145,21 @@
(defmethod remove-method ((gf cxx-generic-function) method)
(unpush-method method gf)
(update-method gf 'remove-method method))
+(defun cxx-dispatch-compiler-macro (cxx-generic-function)
+ "Retruns a compiler-macro form for CXX-GENERIC-FUNCTION that
+precomputes the dispatching for the argument count, if possible."
+ ;; FIXME only applies when a defmethod with the right argument count
+ ;; has been defined, which is almost never.
+ `(define-compiler-macro ,(closer-mop:generic-function-name cxx-generic-function)
+ (&whole form object &rest args)
+ (let ((name (cxx-method-generic-function-name (fdefinition (first form))
+ (1+ (length args)))))
+ (if (fboundp name)
+ `(,name ,object ,@args)
+ form))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((gf cxx-generic-function) &key &allow-other-keys)
+ (eval (cxx-dispatch-compiler-macro gf)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/method.lisp new-smoke/src/method.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
(in-package :smoke)
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
-(defun enum-class-symbol (enum-type)
- (let ((class-name (name (get-class enum-type))))
- (if (null class-name)
- 'global-enum-class
- (lispify class-name))))
(defun constant-definition (method smoke)
"Returns an expression that defines a constant for the enum METHOD.
The second return value is the expression to export the constant."
@@ -61,21 +53,8 @@
`(defun ,name (&rest args)
(call-using-args (find-class (quote ,(lispify (name class))))
,method-name args))
- ;(let ((method (find-method-using-args (make-instance 'smoke-class
- ; :id ,(id class)
- ; :smoke ,smoke)
- ; ,method-name args)))
- ; (s-call method (null-pointer) args)))
`(export (quote ,name)))))
-(defun hash-table-key-values (hash-table)
- "Returns a list containing all key-value pairs as CONS of HASH-TABLE."
- (let ((list))
- (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
- (push (cons key value) list))
- hash-table)
- list))
(defun ensure-generic-methods (symbols-names)
"Ensures the generic functions for SYMBOLS-NAMES."
(declare (list symbols-names)
@@ -91,8 +70,14 @@
"Raises an error when the fasl of the DEFINE-METHOS was not compiled against
the current smoke module."
`(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
- (unless (= (smoke-methods-size ,smoke)
- ,(smoke-methods-size (eval smoke)))
+ (unless (and (= (smoke-methods-size ,smoke)
+ ,(smoke-methods-size (eval smoke)))
+ (= (smoke-method-name-size ,smoke)
+ ,(smoke-method-name-size (eval smoke)))
+ (= (smoke-types-size ,smoke)
+ ,(smoke-types-size (eval smoke)))
+ (= (smoke-classes-size ,smoke)
+ ,(smoke-classes-size (eval smoke))))
(error "The smoke module ~A changed, you need to recompile the lisp file."
(smoke-get-module-name ,smoke)))))
@@ -137,7 +122,7 @@
`(progn (check-recompile ,smoke)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
- (ensure-generic-methods ',(hash-table-key-values generics))
+ (ensure-generic-methods ',(alexandria:hash-table-alist generics))
(make-smoke-classes ,smoke))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/object-map.lisp new-smoke/src/object-map.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/object-map.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/object-map.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
;; FIXME This probably does not scale well. A per thread object-map
;; or at least a read-write lock should be used.
+;; => use :synchronized of sbcl hash-table
(defvar *object-map-mutex* (make-lock "object-map lock"))
(defun get-object (pointer)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -273,6 +273,10 @@
"Returns T when METHOD is enum value and NIL otherwise."
(/= 0 (get-flag method :enum)))
+(defun internal-p (method)
+ "Returns T when METHOD is internal and NIL otherwise."
+ (/= 0 (get-flag method :internal)))
(defmethod get-class ((method smoke-method))
(make-instance 'smoke-class
:id (get-struct-slot-value method 'class)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
(typecase smoke-type
+ ((cffi:pointerp lisp-value)
+ (push-stack2 stack lisp-value (type-id smoke-type)))
((class-p smoke-type)
(push-stack2 stack
(convert-to-class (get-class smoke-type) lisp-value)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/overload-resolution.lisp new-smoke/src/overload-resolution.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/overload-resolution.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/overload-resolution.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,15 +4,17 @@
(in-package :smoke)
(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
-(deftype smoke-index (&optional (lower -32768) (upper 32767))
- `(integer ,lower ,upper))
(defun mung-char-p (character)
+ "Returns true when CHARACTER is used for munging and false otherwise."
(declare (character character))
(case character
((#\$ #\? #\#) t)))
(defun binary-search-method-names (name smoke start end)
+ "Returns the index of NAME for the Smoke module SMOKE and 0 when
+NAME is not found."
+ ;; FIXME search methods instead of methodMaps, since we are not
+ ;; interrested in the munging.
(declare ((smoke-index 1) start end)
(string name)
(optimize (speed 3)))
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@
(not (mung-char-p (char munged diff))))))))
(defun munged-method-argument-count (munged-name)
+ "Returns the number of arguments the method MUNGED-NAME uses."
(- (1- (length munged-name))
(position-if-not #'mung-char-p munged-name :from-end t)))
@@ -49,6 +52,8 @@
(mung-char-p (char munged-name (length name)))))
(defun position-method-names (name argument-count smoke start end)
+ "Returns a list of the method indices with name NAME
+that accept ARGUMENT-COUNT arguments."
(declare (string name)
((smoke-index 1) start end)
(optimize (speed 3)))
@@ -65,9 +70,9 @@
(defun smoke-modules (class)
- "Returns a list if super classes of CLASS; one or every smoke module
-that can be reaced by CLASS super classes. The returned super classes
-are as secific as possible."
+ "Returns a list of super classes of CLASS; one or every smoke module
+that can be reached by super classes of CLASS. The returned super classes
+are as specific as possible."
(let ((modules (list class)))
(dolist (super-class (closer-mop:class-direct-superclasses class) modules)
(when (and (typep super-class 'smoke-standard-class)
@@ -104,19 +109,15 @@
-(defconstant +no-match+ most-positive-fixnum)
(defconstant +exact-match+ 0)
(defconstant +promotion+ 1)
(defconstant +conversion+ 2)
(defclass std-conversion ()
- ()
+ ((function-name :accessor conversion-function-name
+ :initarg :conversion-function-name))
(:documentation "A conversion"))
-(defclass no-match (std-conversion)
- ((rank :reader rank
- :allocation :class
- :initform +no-match+)))
(defclass exact-match (std-conversion)
((rank :reader rank
:allocation :class
@@ -144,12 +145,12 @@
(defclass boolean-conversion (std-conversion)
((rank :reader rank
:allocation :class
- :initform (1+ +conversion+))))
+ :initform (+ 2 +conversion+))))
(defclass user-conversion (std-conversion)
((rank :reader rank
:allocation :class
- :initform (1+ +conversion+))))
+ :initform (+ 3 +conversion+))))
(defgeneric conversion< (conversion1 conversion2)
@@ -174,72 +175,101 @@
is indistinguishable from CONVERSION2.")
(:method (conversion1 conversion2)
(= (rank conversion1) (rank conversion2)))
+ (:method ((conversion1 (eql nil)) (conversion2 (eql nil)))
+ t)
(:method ((conversion1 pointer-conversion) (conversion2 pointer-conversion))
(and (not (conversion< conversion1 conversion2))
(not (conversion< conversion2 conversion1)))))
(defun max-conversion (conversion1 conversion2)
+ "Returns the greater conversion of CONVERSION1 and CONVERSION2."
(if (null conversion2)
(if (conversion< conversion1 conversion2)
-(defun conversion-sequence-for-type (class type &optional user)
- (if (exact-match-using-class class type)
- (values (make-instance 'exact-match) #'identity)
- (multiple-value-bind (match function)
- (promotion-using-class class type)
- (if match
- (values (make-instance 'promotion) function)
- (multiple-value-bind (m2 function2)
- (conversion-using-class class type)
- (if m2
- (values m2 function2)
- (if user
- (user-conversion-using-class class type)
- (values nil nil))))))))
-(defun standard-conversion-sequence-using-classes (method classes &optional user)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun conversion-function (name &optional arg)
+ (if arg
+ `(if (using-typep)
+ `(,,name
+ (find-class ',(class-name ,arg)))
+ #'(lambda (object)
+ (funcall (fdefinition ,name)
+ object ,arg)))
+ `(if (using-typep)
+ ,name
+ (fdefinition ,name)))))
+(defmacro make-match (type &optional (name ''identity)
+ (argument nil)
+ &rest args)
+ (format t "~S: ~S~%" type name)
+ `(make-instance ,type
+ :conversion-function-name ,(conversion-function name argument)
+ ,@args))
+(defun+using-type get-conversion-sequence object (object type &optional user)
+ "Retruns a conversion sequence to convert a instance of type CLASS
+to an instance of type TYPE. When USER is true user conversions are considered."
+ (alexandria:if-let
+ (match (call-using-type exact-match object type))
+ (if (eql t match)
+ (make-match 'exact-match)
+ (make-match 'exact-match match))
+ (or (call-using-type promotion object type)
+ (call-using-type conversion object type)
+ (and user
+ (call-using-type user-conversion object type)))))
+(defun+using-types standard-conversion-sequence (method classes &optional user)
+ "Returns the conversion sequences to convert the arguments of types CLASSES
+to the types required by METHOD."
(let ((max-rank)
- ;(format t "~A~%~3T~A~%" method classes)
(loop for type in (arguments method)
for class in classes do
- ;(format t "~%C ~A ~A~%" type class)
- (multiple-value-bind (rank function)
- (conversion-sequence-for-type class type user)
+ (let ((rank (call-using-type get-conversion-sequence class type user)))
(when (null rank)
(setf max-rank nil)
(return nil))
(setf max-rank (max-conversion rank max-rank))
- (push function conversions)))
+ (push (conversion-function-name rank) conversions)))
(values max-rank (reverse conversions))))
-(defun conversion-sequence-using-classes (method classes)
- (standard-conversion-sequence-using-classes method classes t))
+(defun+using-types conversion-sequence (method classes)
+ (call-using-types standard-conversion-sequence method classes t))
-(defun find-best-viable-function (name classes class)
- (find-best-viable-function2 #'conversion-sequence-using-classes
- name classes class))
+(defun+using-types find-best-viable-function (name arguments class)
+ "Returns the method named NAME of class CLASS that can be called
+using arguments of types TYPES with the lowest conversion sequence."
+ (call-using-types find-best-viable-function2
+ (function-using-types conversion-sequence)
+ name arguments class))
-(defun find-best-viable-function2 (get-sequence name classes class)
+(defun+using-types find-best-viable-function2 (get-sequence name objects class)
(declare (type (function (t list) (values t function)) get-sequence))
- (let ((candidate-functions (candidate-functions name (length classes)
+ (when (and (using-typep)
+ (not (typep class 'smoke-standard-class)))
+ (format t "ERROR TYPE~%")
+ (throw 'unspecific-type class))
+ (let ((candidate-functions (candidate-functions name (length objects)
- (best-rank (make-instance 'no-match))
+ (best-rank)
(loop for method in candidate-functions do
(multiple-value-bind (rank method-conversions)
- (funcall get-sequence method classes)
+ (funcall get-sequence method objects)
(when (and rank (conversion< rank best-rank))
(setf best-rank rank)
(setf best-method method)
(setf conversions method-conversions)
- (when (conversion= rank (make-instance 'exact-match))
+ (when (conversion= rank (make-match 'exact-match))
- (values best-rank best-method conversions)))
+ (values best-method conversions)))
(defmacro string-case ((keyform) &body clauses)
;; FIXME this is horribly inefficient
@@ -252,118 +282,166 @@
`(string-case ((name ,keyform))
,@(mapcar (alexandria:curry #'apply
#'(lambda (type-name lisp-type)
- `(,type-name (subtypep ,class (quote ,lisp-type)))))
+ `(,type-name (typep-using-type ,class (quote ,lisp-type)))))
-(defun exact-match-using-class (class type)
- (declare (values boolean))
+(defvar *from-lisp-translations* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defmacro define-from-lisp-translation (type-names lisp-type
+ &optional
+ (conversion-function-name 'identity))
+ `(progn ,@(loop for type-name in (alexandria:ensure-list type-names)
+ collect `(setf (gethash ,type-name *from-lisp-translations*)
+ #'(lambda (type)
+ (and (subtypep type ',lisp-type)
+ ',conversion-function-name))))))
+(define-from-lisp-translation ("void*" "const void*" "void**" "const void**")
+ foreign-pointer)
+;; FIXME grovel this?
+(deftype c-integer (ctype)
+ (let ((bits (* 8 (foreign-type-size ctype))))
+ (if (alexandria:starts-with-subseq
+ (symbol-name :unsigned)
+ (symbol-name ctype))
+ ;`(integer 0 ,(1- (expt 2 bits)))
+ `(unsigned-byte ,bits)
+ `(signed-byte ,bits))))
+ ;`(integer ,(- (expt 2 (1- bits)))
+ ; ,(1- (expt 2 (1- bits)))))))
+;(defun exact-match-using-type (object-type type)
+(defun+using-type exact-match object (object type)
+ "Test for an exact match."
+ ;(declare (values boolean))
(case (type-id type)
- (0 (smoke-type-case (type class)
- ("const QString&" string)
- ("const char*" string)
- ("void*" cffi:foreign-pointer)
- ("const void*" cffi:foreign-pointer)
- ("void**" cffi:foreign-pointer)))
- (1 (subtypep class 'boolean))
- (2 (subtypep class 'character))
- (6 (subtypep class 'integer))
- (7 (subtypep class '(integer 0)))
- (10 (subtypep class 'single-float))
- (11 (subtypep class 'double-float))
- (12 (subtypep class 'enum)) ;; FIXME enum-type
- (13 (and (subtypep class (find-class 'smoke-standard-object))
- (type= type class)))))
+ (0
+ (alexandria:when-let (test (gethash (name type) *from-lisp-translations*))
+ (funcall test (object.type-of))))
+ (1 (object.typep 'boolean))
+ (2 (object.typep 'standard-char))
+ (3 (object.typep '(c-integer :unsigned-char)))
+ (4 (object.typep '(c-integer :short)))
+ (5 (object.typep '(c-integer :unsigned-short)))
+ (6 (object.typep '(c-integer :int)))
+ (7 (object.typep '(c-integer :unsigned-int)))
+ (10 (object.typep 'single-float))
+ (11 (object.typep 'double-float))
+ (12 (object.typep 'enum)) ;; FIXME enum-type
+ (13 (and (object.typep (find-class 'smoke-standard-object))
+ (type= type (object.type-of))))))
+(defun make-cleanup-pointer (pointer cleanup-function)
+ (let ((address (pointer-address pointer)))
+ (tg:finalize pointer #'(lambda ()
+ (funcall cleanup-function
+ (make-pointer address))))))
(defun make-auto-pointer (pointer)
"Returns a pointer that frees the memory at POINTER when it is finalized."
(let ((address (pointer-address pointer)))
(tg:finalize pointer #'(lambda ()
(foreign-free (make-pointer address))))))
-(defun promotion-using-class (class type)
+(defun coerce-c-string (string)
+ (make-auto-pointer (foreign-string-alloc string)))
+(defun coerce-enum (enum)
+ (cxx-support:value enum))
+(defun+using-type promotion object (object type)
(declare (smoke-type type))
- ;(values boolean (or nil function)))
(case (type-id type)
- (0
- (if (and (string= (name type)
- "const char*")
- ; (subtypep class '(simple-array character *)))
- (subtypep class 'string))
- (values t #'(lambda (string)
- (make-auto-pointer (foreign-string-alloc string))))
- (values nil nil)))
- (6 (and (subtypep class 'enum)
- (values t #'cxx-support:value)))))
+ (0 (when (and (string= (name type) "const char*")
+ (object.typep 'string))
+ (make-match 'promotion 'coerce-c-string)))
+ (6 (when (object.typep 'enum)
+ (make-match 'promotion 'cocere-enum)))))
-; (smoke-type-case (type class)
-; ("double" single-float)))
+(defun coerce-cast (object to-class)
+ (cast object to-class))
-(defun conversion-using-class (class type)
- (if (and (class-p type)
- (subtypep class 'smoke-standard-object)
- (derived-p class
- (get-class type)))
- (values (make-instance 'pointer-conversion
- :from class :to (find-smoke-class (get-class type)))
- #'(lambda (o) (cast o (find-smoke-class (get-class type)))))
- (if (and (string= (name type)
- "void*")
- (subtypep class (find-class 'smoke-standard-object)))
- (values (make-instance 'pointer-conversion
- :from class :to (find-class 't))
- #'identity)
- (if (= 0 (type-id type))
- (values (make-instance 'pointer-conversion
- :from class :to (find-class 't))
- #'identity)
- (values nil nil)))))
-(defun user-conversion-using-class (class type)
- ;; (or (and (subtypep class 'smoke-standard-object)
- ;;
- ;; (fboundp (intern (format nil "OPERATOR-~@:(~A~)" (name type))
- ;; :cxx)))))
- (if (subtypep class 'smoke-standard-object)
- (let ((method (find-smoke-method class
- (format nil "operator ~A"
- (if (class-p type)
- (name (get-class type))
- (name type))))))
- (when (valid-p method)
- (if (void-p type)
- (warn "Conversion operators not supported by Smoke. Update Smoke.")
- (values (make-instance 'user-conversion)
- #'(lambda (o)
- (format t "CALL ~A~%" o)
- (s-call method (pointer o)))))))
- (if (class-p type)
- (multiple-value-bind (rank method sequence)
- (find-best-viable-function2 #'standard-conversion-sequence-using-classes
- (format nil "~A" (name (get-class type)))
- (list class) (find-smoke-class
- (get-class type)))
- (if (conversion= rank (make-instance 'no-match))
- (values nil nil)
- (values (make-instance 'user-conversion)
- #'(lambda (o)
- (make-instance (find-smoke-class (get-class type))
- :args (list o)))))))))
-(defun test-foo ()
- (values
- (multiple-value-list
- (find-best-viable-function "setPen" (list 'string)
- (find-class 'qt:painter)))
- (multiple-value-list
- (find-best-viable-function "QVariant" (list (find-class 'qt:color))
- (find-class 'qt:variant)))))
+(defun coerce-to-void (object)
+ object)
+(defun+using-type conversion-cast object (object type)
+ (when (and (class-p type)
+ (object.typep 'smoke-standard-object)
+ (derived-p (object.type-of) (get-class type)))
+ (make-match 'pointer-conversion
+ 'coerce-cast
+ (find-smoke-class (get-class type))
+ :from (object.type-of)
+ :to (find-smoke-class (get-class type)))))
+(defun+using-type conversion-void object (object type)
+ (when (and (string= (name type) "void*")
+ (object.typep 'smoke-standard-object))
+ (make-match 'pointer-conversion
+ 'coerce-void
+ nil
+ :from (object.type-of)
+ :to (find-class 't))))
+(defun+using-type conversion-pointer object (object type)
+ (when (and (= 0 (type-id type))
+ (object.typep 'foreign-pointer))
+ (make-match 'pointer-conversion 'identity nil
+ :from (object.type-of)
+ :to (find-class 't))))
+(defun+using-type conversion object (object type)
+ (or (call-using-type conversion-cast object type)
+ (call-using-type conversion-void object type)
+ (call-using-type conversion-pointer object type)))
+(defun+using-type user-conversion object (object type)
+ (or (call-using-type operator-conversion object type)
+ (call-using-type constructor-conversion object type)))
+(defun+using-type operator-conversion object (object type)
+ (when (object.typep 'smoke-standard-object)
+ (let ((method (find-smoke-method (object.type-of)
+ (format nil "operator ~A"
+ (if (class-p type)
+ (name (get-class type))
+ (name type))))))
+ (when (valid-p method)
+ (assert (not (void-p type))
+ ()
+ "Conversion operators not supported by Smoke.
+Update to Smoke >= r955426.")
+ (make-match 'user-conversion
+ (lispify (name method) :cxx))))))
+(defun coerce-to-class (object to-class)
+ (make-instance to-class
+ :args (list object)))
+(defun+using-type constructor-conversion object (object type)
+ (when (class-p type)
+ (let ((to-class (find-smoke-class (get-class type))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (method sequence)
+ (call-using-types find-best-viable-function2
+ (if (using-typep)
+ #'standard-conversion-sequence-using-types
+ #'standard-conversion-sequence)
+ (format nil "~A" (name (get-class type)))
+ (list object) to-class)
+ (when method
+ (make-match 'user-conversion
+ 'coerce-to-class
+ to-class))))))
(defun call-sequence (method object sequence &rest args)
(s-call method object
- (mapcar #'funcall sequence args)))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (conversion argument)
+ (funcall conversion argument))
+ sequence args)))
(defun call-using-args (object-or-class name arguments)
(if (null arguments)
@@ -372,17 +450,12 @@
(if (static-p method)
(s-call method (null-pointer))
(s-call method (cast object-or-class (get-class method)))))
- (multiple-value-bind (rank method sequence)
+ (multiple-value-bind (method sequence)
(find-best-viable-function name
- (mapcar #'(lambda (a)
- (let ((type (type-of a)))
- (if (subtypep type 'smoke-standard-object)
- (class-of a)
- type)))
- arguments)
+ arguments
(smoke-class-of object-or-class))
(when (null method)
- (error "No applicable method ~A of ~A for ~S.
+ (error "No applicable method ~S of ~A for ~S.
Candidates are:~{~T~A~%~}."
name object-or-class arguments
(mapcar #'signature
@@ -393,3 +466,13 @@
(apply #'call-sequence method (null-pointer) sequence arguments)
(apply #'call-sequence method (cast object-or-class (get-class method))
sequence arguments)))))
+(defun cxx-coerce-p-using-type (type result-type)
+ "Returns true when an object of type TYPE can be convertet to an object
+of smoke type RESULT-TYPE."
+(defun cxx-coerce (object result-type)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/class.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
(:virtual-destructor #x04)
(:undefined #x10))
(defcstruct smoke-class
"Describe a class"
(name :string)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke-c/smoke-c.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
(defun cffi-bool-type ()
"Returns a cffi unsigned int type with the same size as a C++ bool."
(load-foreign-library 'libsmoke-c-util)
- (intern (format nil "UINT~A" (* 8
- (smoke-sizeof-bool)))
- ; (foreign-funcall smoke-sizeof-bool :int)))
+ (intern (format nil "UINT~A" (* 8 (smoke-sizeof-bool)))
(find-package :keyword)))
(defmacro defcxxbool ()
@@ -38,6 +36,10 @@
(defctype smoke-index :short
"An index")
+(deftype smoke-index (&optional (lower -32768) (upper 32767))
+ "Smoke index."
+ `(integer ,lower ,upper))
(defcfun smoke-init smoke-binding
(smoke :pointer)
(destruct :pointer)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/smoke.lisp new-smoke/src/smoke.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/smoke.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/smoke.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -65,17 +65,6 @@
(null-pointer) (pointer stack))
(foreign-slot-value (pointer stack) 'smoke-stack-item 'long)))
-(defun new-object (binding class-name method-name &rest args)
- (let* ((smoke (smoke-get-smoke binding))
- (pointer
- (pointer-call
- (make-smoke-method (make-smoke-class smoke class-name)
- method-name)
- (null-pointer) args)))
- (let ((object (instance-to-lisp object (find-smoke-class class)
- (return-type)))
(defun new-object (binding class-name method-name &rest args)
(let* ((smoke (smoke-get-smoke binding))
(method (make-smoke-method (make-smoke-class smoke class-name)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/using-type.lisp new-smoke/src/using-type.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/using-type.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/using-type.lisp 2014-09-28 09:40:16.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+(in-package :smoke)
+(defmacro with-object-as-object (object &body body)
+ `(macrolet ((,(alexandria:symbolicate object '.typep)
+ (type)
+ `(typep ,',object ,type))
+ (,(alexandria:symbolicate object '.type-of) ()
+ `(class-of ,',object))
+ (using-typep () nil)
+ (call-using-types (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,function-name ,@args))
+ (call-using-type (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,function-name ,@args)))
+ ,@body))
+(defun typep-using-type (object-type type)
+ "Returns true when OBJECT-TYPE is a subtype of TYPE,
+false when it is not"; and :MAYBE when the relationship
+;could not be determined."
+ (declare (values (member t nil :maybe)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (subtype-p valid-p)
+ (subtypep object-type type)
+ (if subtype-p
+ t
+ (if valid-p
+ (multiple-value-bind (subtype-p valid-p)
+ (subtypep type object-type)
+ (if subtype-p
+ (throw 'unspecific-type (values object-type type))
+ (if valid-p
+ nil
+ (throw 'unspecific-type (values object-type type)))))
+ (throw 'unspecific-type (values object-type))))))
+(defmacro with-object-as-type (object-type &body body)
+ `(macrolet ((,(alexandria:symbolicate object-type '.typep)
+ (type)
+ `(typep-using-type ,',object-type ,type))
+ (,(alexandria:symbolicate object-type '.type-of) ()
+ (quote ,object-type))
+ (using-typep () t)
+ (call-using-types (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,(alexandria:symbolicate function-name '-using-types)
+ ,@args))
+ (call-using-type (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,(alexandria:symbolicate function-name '-using-type)
+ ,@args)))
+ ,@body))
+(defmacro defun+using-type (name object lambda-list &body body)
+ "Defines the functions NAME and NAME-using-type where the argument
+OBJECT of LAMBDA-LIST is an object respective its type.
+For OBJECT the functions OBJECT.typep and OBJECT.type-of can be used."
+ `(progn
+ (with-object-as-object ,object
+ (defun ,name ,lambda-list
+ ,@body))
+ (with-object-as-type ,object
+ (defun ,(alexandria:symbolicate name '-using-type) ,lambda-list
+ ,@body))))
+(defmacro defun+using-types (name lambda-list &body body)
+ `(progn (macrolet ((call-using-types (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,function-name ,@args))
+ (call-using-type (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,function-name ,@args))
+ (using-typep () nil)
+ (function-using-types (name)
+ `(function ,name)))
+ (defun ,name ,lambda-list
+ ,@body))
+ (macrolet ((call-using-types (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,(alexandria:symbolicate function-name '-using-types)
+ ,@args))
+ (call-using-type (function-name &rest args)
+ `(,(alexandria:symbolicate function-name '-using-type)
+ ,@args))
+ (using-typep () t)
+ (function-using-types (name)
+ `(function ,(alexandria:symbolicate name '-using-types))))
+ (defun ,(alexandria:symbolicate name '-using-types) ,lambda-list
+ ,@body))))