speed up get-struct-slot-value & cleanup
Mon May 25 20:39:33 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <tobias@rautenkranz.ch>
* speed up get-struct-slot-value & cleanup
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/clos.lisp new-smoke/src/clos.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/clos.lisp 2014-09-30 10:28:33.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/clos.lisp 2014-09-30 10:28:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -358,11 +358,6 @@
(defmethod convert-to-class (smoke-class (object smoke-standard-object))
(cast object smoke-class))
-(defun make-smoke-constructor (class args)
- (find-method-using-args class
- (name class)
- args))
(defun call-constructor (object arguments)
(if (null arguments)
(let ((method (find-smoke-method (class-of object)
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/marshall.lisp new-smoke/src/marshall.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/marshall.lisp 2014-09-30 10:28:33.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/marshall.lisp 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :smoke)
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
-(defmacro average (&rest args)
- `(floor (+ ,@args) ,(length args)))
-(defun binary-find (lower upper < =)
- (let ((mid (average lower upper)))
- (if (= mid lower)
- nil
- (if (funcall = mid)
- mid
- (if (funcall < mid)
- (binary-find lower mid < =)
- (binary-find mid upper < =))))))
-(defun serach-method (smoke name)
- (binary-find 1 (smoke-method-name-size smoke)
- #'(lambda (index)
- (string< name
- (smoke-get-method-name smoke index)))
- #'(lambda (index)
- (string= name
- (smoke-get-method-name smoke index)))))
-(defun find-last (lower upper =)
- (if (or (>= lower upper)
- (not (funcall = (1+ lower))))
- lower
- (find-last (1+ lower) upper =)))
-(defun find-methods (smoke name)
- (let* ((index (serach-method smoke name))
- (= #'(lambda (index)
- (string= name
- (smoke-get-method-name smoke index)
- :end2 (length name))))
- (upper (find-last index (smoke-method-name-size smoke) =))
- (methods nil))
- (loop for i from index to upper do
- (push (smoke-get-method-name smoke i)
- methods))
- methods))
-;(defmethod exact-match ((object singl-float) type))
-(defun type-equal (type type-name)
- (equal (name type) type-name))
-(defun exact-match (object type)
- (format t "~A ~A~%" object (name type))
- (ctypecase object
- (smoke-standard-object
- (and (class-p type)
- (derived-p (class-of object)
- (get-class type))))
- (double-float (type-equal type "double"))
- (single-float (type-equal type "float"))
- (integer (type-equal type "int"))
- (string (or (type-equal type "const char*")
- (type-equal type "const QString&")))
- (character (type-equal type "char"))))
-(defun exact-match-p (arguments types)
- (if (or (null arguments) (null types))
- (and (null arguments)
- (null types))
- (if (not (exact-match (first arguments)
- (first types)))
- nil
- (exact-match-p (rest arguments)
- (rest types)))))
-(defun promotion-match (object type)
- (ctypecase object
- (character (type-equal type "int"))
- (float (type-equal type "double"))
- (boolean (type-equal type "int"))))
-(defun standard-conversion-match (object type)
- (ctypecase object
- (number (or (type-equal type "short")
- (type-equal type "int")
- (type-equal type "long")))))
-(defun constructor-match (object type)
- (if (class-p type)
- (let ((constructor (make-smoke-constructor (get-class type)
- (mung-arg object))))
- (exact-match object (get-first-argument constructor)))
- nil))
-(defun find-ambiguous-method (predicate method)
- (let ((index (- (id method))))
- (loop as i = (smoke-ambiguous-method (smoke method)
- index)
- while (> i 0) do
- (incf index)
- (let ((ambiguous-method (make-instance 'smoke-method
- :smoke (smoke method)
- :id i)))
- (when (funcall predicate ambiguous-method)
- (return ambiguous-method))))))
-(defun find-method-using-args (class name arguments)
- (with-foreign-object (m 'smoke-module-index)
- (smoke-find-method m (smoke class) (id class)
- (concatenate 'string name
- (munged-args arguments)))
- (let ((method (make-instance 'smoke-method
- :smoke (foreign-slot-value m
- 'smoke-module-index
- 'smoke)
- :id (foreign-slot-value m
- 'smoke-module-index
- 'index))))
- (when (< (id method) 0)
- (setf method
- (find-ambiguous-method #'(lambda (method)
- (exact-match-p arguments (arguments method)))
- method))
- (assert (not (null method)) (method)
- "No method ~A::~A for the arguments ~A"
- (name class) name arguments))
- method)))
-(defgeneric get-convert-function (to from))
-(defmethod get-convert-function ((to eql 'int) (from eql 'char)))
-(defmethod get-convert-function ((to cxx::int) (from string)))
-(get-convert-function 'int 'char)
-;'const int 'char:
-(get-convert-function 'int 'char)
-&& (convert-const-p 'char)
-;'int 'const char:
-(get-convert-function 'int 'char)
-&& (not (const-p 'char))
-(defclass int ()
- ((const-p)))
-(defun get-convert-function (to from))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp 2014-09-30 10:28:33.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/method.lisp 2014-09-30 10:28:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -76,114 +76,6 @@
:id (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'index)
:smoke (foreign-slot-value m 'smoke-module-index 'smoke))))
-(defun type-equal (type type-name)
- "Returns true when TYPE is of the type named TYPE-NAME and false otherwise."
- (equal (name type) type-name))
-(defun exact-match (object type)
- "Returns true when the type of OBJECT is exactly the same as TYPE and
-false otherwise."
- (ctypecase object
- (smoke-standard-object
- (and (class-p type)
- (derived-p (class-of object)
- (get-class type))))
- (double-float (type-equal type "double"))
- (single-float (type-equal type "float"))
- (integer (type-equal type "int"))
- ;; int is also enum
- ;; FIXME remove magic number 12
- ;;(= (type-id type) 12)))
- (string (or (type-equal type "const char*")
- (type-equal type "const QString&")))
- (enum (smoke-type= (enum-type object)
- type))
- (sequence (type-equal type "const QStringList&"))
- (character (type-equal type "char"))))
-(defun exact-match-p (arguments types)
- "Returns true when all the type of ARGUMENTS is the same as the
-corresponing type of TYPES and the length of the ARGUMENTS and TYPES list
-is equal."
- (if (or (null arguments) (null types))
- (and (null arguments)
- (null types))
- (if (not (exact-match (first arguments)
- (first types)))
- nil
- (exact-match-p (rest arguments)
- (rest types)))))
-(defun mung-arg (argument)
- "Returns the mung char for ARUGMENT."
- ;; FIXME void* is #\$ but void[] is #\?
- ;; FIXME Get rid of the mugging stuff and compute the applicable methods
- ;; including argument promotion
- (case argument
- ((t nil) #\$) ;; Booleans
- (otherwise
- (ctypecase argument
- (number #\$)
- (character #\$)
- (string #\$)
- (foreign-pointer #\?)
- (sequence #\?)
- (enum #\$)
- (smoke-standard-object #\#)))))
-(defun munged-args (arguments &optional (string nil))
- "Maps the type of every item of ARGUMENTS to a char;
-Returns the list of the chars."
- (if (null arguments)
- string
- (munged-args (rest arguments)
- (append string (list (mung-arg (first arguments)))))))
-(defun find-ambiguous-method (predicate method)
- "Returns a method of the ambiguous method METHOD such that
-PREDICATE is true. NIL is returned when no matching method is found."
- (assert (ambiguous-p method)
- (method)
- "The method is not ambiguous.")
- (let ((index (- (id method))))
- (loop as i = (smoke-ambiguous-method (smoke method)
- index)
- while (> i 0) do
- (incf index)
- (let ((ambiguous-method (make-instance 'smoke-method
- :smoke (smoke method)
- :id i)))
- (when (funcall predicate ambiguous-method)
- (return ambiguous-method))))))
-(defun find-method-using-args (class name arguments)
- "Returns the method of class CLASS with the name NAME
-for the arguments ARGUMENTS."
- (with-foreign-object (m 'smoke-module-index)
- (smoke-find-method m (smoke class) (id class)
- (concatenate 'string name
- (munged-args arguments)))
- (let ((method (make-instance 'smoke-method
- :smoke (foreign-slot-value m
- 'smoke-module-index
- 'smoke)
- :id (foreign-slot-value m
- 'smoke-module-index
- 'index))))
- (assert (valid-p method)
- (method)
- "No method ~A::~A for the arguments ~A" (name class) name arguments)
- (when (ambiguous-p method)
- (setf method
- (find-ambiguous-method #'(lambda (method)
- (exact-match-p arguments (arguments method)))
- method))
- (assert (not (null method)) (method)
- "No method ~A::~A for the arguments ~A"
- (name class) name arguments))
- method)))
(defun map-methods (function smoke)
"Applys FUNCTION to the methods of SMOKE.
The method argument to function must not be modified."
@@ -198,13 +90,16 @@
(setf (slot-value method 'id) id)
(funcall function method))))
-(defmethod get-struct-slot-value ((method smoke-method) slot-name)
+(defun method-slot-value (method slot-name)
+ (declare (smoke-method method)
+ (symbol slot-name)
+ (optimize (speed 3)))
(foreign-slot-value (smoke-get-method (smoke method) (id method))
'smoke-method slot-name))
(defmethod name ((method smoke-method))
(smoke-get-method-name (smoke method)
- (get-struct-slot-value method 'name)))
+ (method-slot-value method 'name)))
(defun signature (method)
"Returns the signature of METHOD."
@@ -226,7 +121,7 @@
(defun return-type (method)
"Returns the return type of METHOD."
(make-instance 'smoke-type
- :id (get-struct-slot-value method 'return-type)
+ :id (method-slot-value method 'return-type)
:smoke (smoke method)))
(defun method-declaration (method)
@@ -240,7 +135,7 @@
(:documentation "Returns the value for FLAG of OBJECT."))
(defmethod get-flag ((method smoke-method) flag)
- (logand (get-struct-slot-value method 'flags)
+ (logand (method-slot-value method 'flags)
(foreign-enum-value 'smoke-method-flags flag)))
(defgeneric constructor-p (object)
@@ -279,7 +174,7 @@
(defmethod get-class ((method smoke-method))
(make-instance 'smoke-class
- :id (get-struct-slot-value method 'class)
+ :id (method-slot-value method 'class)
:smoke (smoke method)))
@@ -310,18 +205,18 @@
(defun get-arguments-length (method)
"Returns the number of arguments for METHOD."
- (get-struct-slot-value method 'num-args))
+ (method-slot-value method 'num-args))
(defun get-first-argument (method)
"Returns the first argument of METHOD"
(make-instance 'smoke-argument
- :id (get-struct-slot-value method 'arguments)
+ :id (method-slot-value method 'arguments)
:smoke (smoke method)))
(defun get-argument (method index)
"Returns the type of METHODs argument with number INDEX."
(make-instance 'smoke-argument
- :id (+ (get-struct-slot-value method 'arguments) index)
+ :id (+ (method-slot-value method 'arguments) index)
:smoke (smoke method)))
diff -rN -u old-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp new-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp
--- old-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp 2014-09-30 10:28:33.000000000 +0200
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/type.lisp 2014-09-30 10:28:34.000000000 +0200
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
(defmethod smoke::smoke ((type smoke-lazy-type))
(eval (smoke-symbol type)))
-(defmethod get-struct-slot-value ((type smoke-type) slot-name)
+(defun type-slot-value (type slot-name)
+ (declare (smoke-type type)
+ (symbol slot-name)
+ (optimize (speed 3)))
(foreign-slot-value (smoke-get-type (smoke type) (id type))
'smoke-type slot-name))
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@
:smoke smoke))
(defmethod name ((type smoke-type))
- (get-struct-slot-value type 'name))
+ (type-slot-value type 'name))
(defun smoke-type= (type1 type2)
(and t ;(pointer-eq (smoke type1)
@@ -33,12 +36,12 @@
(id type2))))
(defmethod get-flag ((type smoke-type) flag)
- (logand (get-struct-slot-value type 'flags)
+ (logand (type-slot-value type 'flags)
#xF0 ;; = ! 0x0F
(foreign-enum-value 'smoke-type-flags flag)))
(defun get-allocation-flag (type)
- (logand (get-struct-slot-value type 'flags)
+ (logand (type-slot-value type 'flags)
(defun stack-p (type)
@@ -60,11 +63,11 @@
(defun class-p (type)
"Returns T when TYPE is a smoke class"
(and (eql (type-id type) 13)
- (/= -1 (get-struct-slot-value type 'class))))
+ (/= -1 (type-slot-value type 'class))))
(defun type-id (type)
"Returns the ID of TYPE."
- (logand (get-struct-slot-value type 'flags)
+ (logand (type-slot-value type 'flags)
(foreign-enum-value 'smoke-type-flags :type-id)))
(defun void-p (type)
@@ -76,11 +79,11 @@
(defmethod get-class ((type smoke-type))
"Return the smoke-class of TYPE."
- (assert (/= -1 (get-struct-slot-value type 'class))
+ (assert (/= -1 (type-slot-value type 'class))
"The type ~S is not a smoke class." (name type))
(make-instance 'smoke-class
- :id (get-struct-slot-value type 'class)
+ :id (type-slot-value type 'class)
:smoke (smoke type)))