Cleanup C++ to Lisp translation
Sun Aug 2 12:12:41 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
* Cleanup C++ to Lisp translation
--- old-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp 2014-10-30 08:12:02.000000000 +0100
+++ new-smoke/src/objects/stack.lisp 2014-10-30 08:12:02.000000000 +0100
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@
(optimize (speed 3)))
:pointer smoke-stack
- :top (inc-pointer smoke-stack
- #.(foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item))))
+ :top (inc-pointer smoke-stack #.(foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item))))
(defun push-stack (stack value type)
- (setf (foreign-slot-value (call-stack-top stack)
- 'smoke-stack-item type) value)
+ (setf (foreign-slot-value (call-stack-top stack) 'smoke-stack-item type)
+ value)
(incf-pointer (call-stack-top stack) #.(foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item)))
(define-compiler-macro push-stack (&whole form stack value type)
(if (constantp type)
(setf (foreign-slot-value (call-stack-top ,stack)
- 'smoke-stack-item ,type) ,value)
+ 'smoke-stack-item ,type)
+ ,value)
(incf-pointer (call-stack-top ,stack)
,(foreign-type-size 'smoke-stack-item)))
@@ -100,22 +100,13 @@
"Returns the Lisp representation for STACK-ITEM of the basic C type TYPE."
(declare (optimize (speed 3)))
(ecase (type-id type)
- (0 (let ((cffi-type (get-type (name type))))
- (if (null cffi-type)
- (progn
- ;; FIXME warn but not on void**
- ;;(warn "Unknown translation from ~A to lisp." (name type))
- (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'voidp))
- (let* ((pointer (foreign-slot-value stack-item
- 'smoke-stack-item
- 'voidp))
- (value (convert-from-foreign pointer cffi-type)))
- (when (stack-p type)
- ;; FIXME free-translated-object is not intended for this;
- ;; param is NIL for now.
- (cffi:free-translated-object pointer cffi-type nil))
- value
- ))))
+ (0 (if-let ((translation (gethash (name type) *to-lisp-translations*)))
+ (let ((pointer (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item
+ 'voidp)))
+ (prog1 (funcall (car translation) pointer)
+ (when (stack-p type)
+ (funcall (cdr translation) pointer))))
+ (error "Do not know how to convert the type ~A to Lisp." type)))
(1 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'bool))
(2 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'char)))
(3 (code-char (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'uchar)))
@@ -128,7 +119,8 @@
(10 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'float))
(11 (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'double))
(12 (make-instance 'enum
- :value (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item 'enum-value)
+ :value (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item
+ 'enum-value)
:type type))))
(defgeneric instance-to-lisp (pointer class type)
@@ -137,19 +129,24 @@
(defun object-to-lisp (object type)
(declare (optimize (speed 3)))
- (if (class-p type)
- (let ((class (get-class type)))
- (if (has-pointer-p object)
+ (let ((class (get-class type)))
+ (if (has-pointer-p object)
+ (if (derived-p (class-of (get-object object))
+ (get-class type))
(get-object object)
- (instance-to-lisp object (find-smoke-class class) type)))
- nil))
+ (progn
+ (cerror "Remove the old object."
+ "The object at pointer ~A is ~A but should be a ~A."
+ object (get-object object) type)
+ (remove-object object)
+ (instance-to-lisp object (find-smoke-class class) type)))
+ (instance-to-lisp object (find-smoke-class class) type))))
(defun class-to-lisp (stack-item type)
"Returns the Lisp representation for STACK-ITEM of type C++ class."
- (object-to-lisp (foreign-slot-value stack-item
- 'smoke-stack-item
+ (object-to-lisp (foreign-slot-value stack-item 'smoke-stack-item
@@ -157,9 +154,30 @@
"Returns the Lisp representation of STACK-ITEM"
(declare (optimize (speed 3)))
- ((void-p type)
- (values))
- ((class-p type)
- (class-to-lisp stack-item type))
- (t
- (enum-to-lisp stack-item type))))
+ ((void-p type) (values))
+ ((class-p type) (class-to-lisp stack-item type))
+ (t (enum-to-lisp stack-item type))))
+(defvar *to-lisp-translations* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+(defun error-no-free (object)
+ (error "Can not free object at ~A." object))
+(defmacro define-to-lisp-translation (type-names &optional
+ (conversion-function-name 'identity)
+ (free-function-name 'error-no-free))
+ `(progn ,@(loop for type-name in (ensure-list type-names)
+ collect `(setf (gethash ,type-name *to-lisp-translations*)
+ (cons ',conversion-function-name
+ ',free-function-name)))))
+(defmacro define-pointer-typedef (type-names lisp-type)
+ (declare (ignore lisp-type))
+ `(progn
+ (define-to-lisp-translation ,type-names identity identity)))
+ ;; not needed
+ ;;(define-from-lisp-translation ,type-names ,lisp-type)))
+(define-to-lisp-translation ("void*" "const void*" "void**"))
+(define-to-lisp-translation ("char*" "const char*") foreign-string-to-lisp)