1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd">
4 <chapter id="kde">
5 <title>KDE</title>
6 <para>
7 To use the KDE libraries use the <package>:cl-smoke.kde.ui</package>
8 (Depends on <package>:cl-smoke.kde.core</package>).
9 </para>
10 <para>
11 Besides these packages there
12 is <package>:kde.tests</package> for the unit tests and
13 <package>:kde.examples</package> containing the examples.
14 </para>
16 <section id="kde_examples"><title>Examples</title>
17 <para>
18 The examples can be run with:
19 <programlisting language="lisp">
20 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op <package>:cl-smoke.kde.examples</package>)
21 </programlisting>
22 And then running the function of the example; e.g.:
23 <programlisting language="lisp">
24 (<methodname>kde.examples:mandelbrot</methodname>)
25 </programlisting>
26 </para>
27 <example>
28 <title>Hello World</title>
29 <screenshot>
30 <mediaobject>
31 <imageobject>
32 <imagedata fileref="kde.hello-world.png" format="PNG"/>
33 </imageobject>
34 </mediaobject>
35 </screenshot>
36 <programlisting language="lisp">
37 <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
38 href="../kde.examples/src/hello-world.lisp" parse="text" />
39 </programlisting>
40 </example>
42 <example>
43 <title>KMandelbrot</title>
44 <screenshot>
45 <mediaobject>
46 <imageobject>
47 <imagedata fileref="kmandelbrot.png" format="PNG"/>
48 </imageobject>
49 </mediaobject>
50 </screenshot>
51 <para>
52 A port of the
53 <ulink url="http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/threads-mandelbrot.html">
54 Qt Mandelbrot example</ulink> to KDE.
55 <blockquote>
56 <para>
57 The Mandelbrot example shows how to use a worker thread to perform heavy computations without blocking the main thread's event loop.
58 </para>
59 </blockquote>
60 The sources can be found in the
61 <filename><ulink url="http://tobias.rautenkranz.ch/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=cl-smoke/kde.examples;a=tree;f=/src/mandelbrot">src/mandelbrot/</ulink></filename>
62 directory of the <package>:kde.examples</package> package
64 </para>
65 </example>
66 </section>
68 </chapter>