Wed May 27 14:26:25 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
* cleanup
hunk ./src/signal-slot/signal.lisp 106
-(defmethod smoke::push-lisp-object (stack object class)
- (let ((cxx-object (make-cxx-lisp-object object)))
- (smoke::push-cleanup stack
- #'(lambda ()
- (qt-smoke-free-lisp-object cxx-object)))
- (smoke::push-stack2 stack
- cxx-object
- 0)))
hunk ./src/signal-slot/slot.lisp 30
-(defun method-argument-count (metaobject index)
- "Returns the number of arguments for the method INDEX of METAOBJECT."
- (let ((signature (cxx:signature (cxx:method metaobject index))))
- (setf signature (subseq signature (1+ (position #\( signature))
- (position #\) signature :from-end t)))
- (if (= 0 (length signature))
- 0
- (1+ (count #\, signature)))))
hunk ./src/signal-slot/translate.lisp 3
-(defun method-argument-count (metaobject index)
- "Returns the number of arguments the method INDEX of METAOBJECT."
- (let ((signature (cxx:signature (cxx:method metaobject index))))
- (setf signature (subseq signature (1+ (position #\( signature))
- (position #\) signature :from-end t)))
- (if (= 0 (length signature))
- 0
- (1+ (count #\, signature)))))