Break API compatibility for qt:with-app and qt:exec & spellcheck
Wed Jul 1 12:58:06 CEST 2009 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
* Break API compatibility for qt:with-app and qt:exec & spellcheck
hunk ./src/application.lisp 3
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
hunk ./src/application.lisp 20
hunk ./src/application.lisp 69
- ;; Call the destructer; -> destructed callback is called,
+ ;; Call the destructor; -> destructed callback is called,
hunk ./src/application.lisp 84
-(defmacro qt:with-app (&body body)
+(defmacro qt:with-app (options &body body)
hunk ./src/application.lisp 88
hunk ./src/application.lisp 94
+ (assert (null options)
+ (options)
+ "Currently no options can be passed to QT:WITH-APP.")
hunk ./src/application.lisp 98
- ,@body))
+ ,@body))
hunk ./src/application.lisp 100
-(defmacro qt:with-core-app (&body body)
+(defmacro qt:with-core-app (options &body body)
+ (assert (null options)
+ (options)
+ "Currently no options can be passed to QT:WITH-CORE-APP.")
hunk ./src/application.lisp 105
- ,@body))
+ ,@body))
hunk ./src/application.lisp 107
-(defun qt:exec (&rest widgets)
- "Executes APP."
- (setf *widgets* (append widgets *widgets*))
- (when qt:*exec-p*
- (restart-bind ((qt::abort-app #'(lambda ()
- (cxx:quit (qt:app))
- (invoke-restart (find-restart 'continue)))
- :report-function
- #'(lambda (stream)
- (format stream "Return from the application event loop."))
- :test-function
- #'(lambda (condition)
- (declare (ignore condition))
- (and (qt:app-p)
- (find-restart 'continue)))))
- (cxx:exec (qt:app)))))
+(defun qt:exec ()
+ "Executes APP. When QT:*EXEC-P* is false it returns immediately
+and transfers the ownership of the top-level widgets to the qt:application
+ (if qt:*exec-p*
+ (restart-bind ((qt::abort-app #'(lambda ()
+ (cxx:quit (qt:app))
+ (invoke-restart (find-restart 'continue)))
+ :report-function
+ #'(lambda (stream)
+ (format stream "Return from the application event loop."))
+ :test-function
+ #'(lambda (condition)
+ (declare (ignore condition))
+ (and (qt:app-p)
+ (find-restart 'continue)))))
+ (cxx:exec (qt:app)))
+ (when (typep (qt:app) 'qt:application)
+ (setf *widgets* (
hunk ./src/lisp-object.lisp 54
-When beeing received as an argument by a slot,
+When being received as an argument by a slot,
hunk ./src/list.lisp 31
- `(smoke::add-type ,(format nil "const QList<~A>&" type-name)
- ',list-type))
+ `(smoke::add-type ,(format nil "const QList<~A>&" type-name)
+ ',list-type))
hunk ./src/list.lisp 34
- `(smoke::add-type ,(format nil "QList<~A>" type-name) ',list-type)))
+ `(smoke::add-type ,(format nil "QList<~A>" type-name) ',list-type)))
hunk ./src/list.lisp 36
- `(defmethod translate-from-foreign (list (type ,list-type))
- (let ((vector (make-array (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-list-
- type '-size)
- list))))
- (dotimes (index (length vector) vector)
- (setf (aref vector index)
- ;; FIXME the retuned object is not wrapped by Smoke
- ;; -> change this? [_$_]
- (smoke::object-to-lisp
- (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-list-
- type '-at)
- list index)
- (smoke::make-smoke-type *smoke-module* ,type-name)))))))
+ `(defmethod translate-from-foreign (list (type ,list-type))
+ (let ((vector (make-array (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-list-
+ type '-size)
+ list))))
+ (dotimes (index (length vector) vector)
+ (setf (aref vector index)
+ ;; FIXME the returned object is not wrapped by Smoke
+ ;; -> change this? [_$_]
+ (smoke::object-to-lisp
+ (,(symbolicate 'qt-smoke-list-
+ type '-at)
+ list index)
+ (smoke::make-smoke-type *smoke-module* ,type-name)))))))
hunk ./src/list.lisp 62
- `(define-from-lisp-translation (,(format nil "const QList<~A>&" type-name)
- ,(format nil "QLIst<~A>" type-name))
- list ;; FIXME allow seqence and define element type
- ,(symbolicate 'coerce- list-type))))))
+ `(define-from-lisp-translation (,(format nil "const QList<~A>&" type-name)
+ ,(format nil "QLIst<~A>" type-name))
+ list ;; FIXME allow sequence and define element type
+ ,(symbolicate 'coerce- list-type))))))
hunk ./src/object.lisp 172
- ;; We receive child removed events for any QObject, wherter
- ;; it was construted by Smoke or not. Only take ownership of objects
+ ;; We receive child removed events for any QObject, whether
+ ;; it was constructed by Smoke or not. Only take ownership of objects
hunk ./src/ownership.lisp 77
-;; Relases ownership
+;; Releases ownership
hunk ./src/package.lisp 5
- (:use) ;; do not use :cl to prevent collition with TIME and CHAR
+ (:use) ;; do not use :cl to prevent collision with TIME and CHAR
hunk ./src/painter.lisp 5
- during the evaulation of BODY.
+ during the evaluation of BODY.
hunk ./src/painter.lisp 7
-Makes sure the painter ends after BODY; thus prevening problems with [_$_]
+Makes sure the painter ends after BODY; thus preventing problems with [_$_]
hunk ./src/qstring.lisp 24
-;;; make sure, that you have configured slime corretly.
+;;; make sure, that you have configured slime correctly.
hunk ./src/qstring.lisp 44
- (values ;; Discarge second return value (length of string)
+ (values ;; Discharge second return value (length of string)
hunk ./src/signal-slot/connect.lisp 130
- ;; this no not critical beause the slot object
+ ;; this no not critical because the slot object
hunk ./src/signal-slot/signal.lisp 2
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
hunk ./src/signal-slot/signal.lisp 56
- ;; For efficency assume that SLOT is normalized and fallback
- ;; to normalzing when not. (Just like Qt does.)
+ ;; For efficiency assume that SLOT is normalized and fallback
+ ;; to normalizing when not. (Just like Qt does.)
hunk ./src/signal-slot/slot.lisp 33
+ (declare (ignore id))
hunk ./src/signal-slot/slot.lisp 52
- ;; For efficency assume that SIGNAL is normalized and fallback
- ;; to normalzing when not. (Just like Qt does.)
+ ;; For efficiency assume that SIGNAL is normalized and fallback
+ ;; to normalizing when not. (Just like Qt does.)
hunk ./src/signal-slot/translate.lisp 50
- ;; code and have dynamic extend in the slot. The C++ singal code
+ ;; code and have dynamic extend in the slot. The C++ signal code
hunk ./src/timer.lisp 28
+ (declare (ignore event))