/ src /
1 (in-package :qt.tests)
3 (5am:in-suite :qt.suite)
4 ;;; The GC stuff depends on (gc :full t) to collect the consed objects.
5 ;;; Sometimes calling GC twice helps in SBCL.
7 (defun test-gc (class)
8 "Returns true when some instances of class get garbage collected
9 and false otherwise.
10 It is not required that every instance is gc'ed, since this rarely happens
11 and is not a bug."
12 (let ((objects nil))
13 (dotimes (x 30)
14 (let ((object (make-instance class)))
15 (push (make-weak-pointer object)
16 objects)))
17 (dotimes (x 2)
18 (gc :full t))
19 (5am:is (eq t (some #'(lambda (o) (null (weak-pointer-value o)))
20 objects)))))
22 (defclass lisp-object ()
23 ((a :initform (make-array '(1000 1000) :initial-element 3))
24 (b :initform (list 1 2 43)))
25 (:documentation "For the object to be (hopefully) garbage collected
26 we cons up some memory."))
28 (5am:test gc-lisp-object
29 "Ensure that GC works for plain lisp objects."
30 (test-gc 'lisp-object))
32 (5am:test (gc-object :depends-on gc-lisp-object)
33 "Test garbage collection of a no QObject class."
34 (test-gc 'qt:byte-array))
36 (5am:test (gc-qobject :depends-on gc-object)
37 "Test garbage collection of a QObject."
38 (test-gc 'qt:object))
40 (5am:test gc-multi-object
41 "Test garbage collection of a custom object that has two C++ superclasses."
42 (test-gc 'my-multi-object))
44 (defclass my-gc-object (qt:object)
45 ()
46 (:metaclass cxx:class))
48 ;; FIXME 5am prevents garbage collection!?
49 ;; use eval !?
50 (defun run-gc-child ()
51 (let ((objects nil))
52 (dotimes (x 10)
53 (let ((object (make-instance 'qt:object)))
54 (make-instance 'qt:object :args (list object))
55 ;;(cxx:set-parent (make-instance 'qt:object) object)
56 (push object objects)))
57 (gc :full t)))
59 (defun run-gc-my-child ()
60 (let ((objects nil))
61 (dotimes (x 10)
62 (let ((object (make-instance 'qt:object)))
63 (make-instance 'my-gc-object :args (list object))
64 (push object objects)))
65 (gc :full t)))
68 (5am:test (gc-child :depends-on gc-qobject)
69 "Test garbage collection of a qt:object with a parent."
70 (gc :full t)
71 (gc :full t)
72 (qt:with-core-app ()
73 (let ((count (hash-table-count smoke::*object-map*)))
74 (eval '(run-gc-child))
75 (eval '(gc :full t))
76 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
77 (gc :full t)
78 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
79 (gc :full t)
80 (5am:is (>= count (hash-table-count smoke::*object-map*))))))
82 (5am:test (gc-lisp-child :depends-on (and gc-child with-app))
83 "Test garbage collection of a qt:object with a parent."
84 (gc :full t)
85 (qt:with-core-app ()
86 (let ((count (hash-table-count smoke::*object-map*)))
87 (eval '(run-gc-my-child))
88 ;; a.k.a :really-full ;)
89 (gc :full t)
90 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
91 (eval '(gc :full t))
92 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
93 (eval '(gc :full t))
94 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
95 (gc :full t)
96 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
97 ;; allow some objects to be not collected
98 (5am:is (>= (+ count 2) (hash-table-count smoke::*object-map*))))))
100 (defun test-gc-cycle ()
101 (dotimes (i 10)
102 (let ((timer (make-instance 'qt:timer)))
103 (qt:connect (qt:get-signal timer "timeout()")
104 #'(lambda ()
105 (format *debug-io* "Timeout ~A" timer)))))
106 (gc :full t)
107 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
108 (gc :full t)
109 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events))
111 (5am:test (gc-cycle :depends-on gc-lisp-child)
112 "Test GC a unreachable cycle."
113 ;; timer -> qslot -> closure(lambda)
114 ;; ^------------------/
115 (qt:with-core-app ()
116 (let ((objects (hash-table-count smoke::*object-map*)))
117 (eval '(test-gc-cycle))
118 (eval '(gc :full t))
119 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
120 (eval '(gc :full t))
121 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
122 (gc :full t)
123 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
124 (gc :full t)
125 (5am:is (>= (+ 2 objects) (hash-table-count smoke::*object-map*))))))
127 (5am:test (ownership-transfer-no-wrapper :depends-on gc-lisp-child)
128 "Test ownership transfer of a QObject without a wrapper."
129 (let ((grand-parent (make-instance 'qt:object)))
130 (setf (cxx:object-name grand-parent) "grand parent")
131 (let* ((parent (make-instance 'qt:object :args (list grand-parent)))
132 (object (make-instance 'my-object :args (list parent))))
133 (setf (cxx:object-name parent) "parent"
134 (cxx:object-name object) "child"))
135 (gc :full t)
136 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
137 (gc :full t)
138 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
139 (5am:is (member (find-class 'my-object)
140 (loop for c across (cxx:children grand-parent) append
141 (map 'list #'class-of
142 (cxx:children c)))))))
144 (5am:test (gc-non-smoke-object :depends-on gc-lisp-child)
145 "Test adding a child to a non smoke object."
146 (qt:with-app ()
147 (let ((model (make-instance 'qt:string-list-model :arg0 #("a" "b" "c")))
148 (view (make-instance 'qt:list-view))
149 (counter 0))
150 (setf (cxx:model view) model)
151 (qt:connect (qt:get-signal (cxx:selection-model view)
152 "selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)")
153 #'(lambda (selected deselected)
154 (declare (ignore selected deselected))
155 (incf counter)))
156 (cxx:destroyed (cxx:selection-model view)
157 (cxx:selection-model view))
158 (gc :full t)
159 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
160 (gc :full t)
161 (qt:core-application.send-posted-events)
162 (5am:is (= 0 counter))
163 (cxx:select (cxx:selection-model view)
164 (cxx:index model 0)
165 qt:item-selection-model.+toggle+)
166 (5am:is (= 1 counter))
167 (cxx:select (cxx:selection-model view)
168 (cxx:index model 1)
169 qt:item-selection-model.+toggle+)
170 (5am:is (= 2 counter)))))
172 #|
173 ;; FIXME
174 (5am:test (gc-variant-cycle :depends-on gc-lisp-child lisp-variant)
175 (let ((finalized-p))
176 (let* ((list (list nil))
177 (variant (qt:make-lisp-variant list)))
178 (setf (first list)
179 variant)
180 (tg:finalize list #'(lambda () (setf finalized-p t)))
181 (5am:is (eq nil finalized-p)))
182 (gc :full t)
183 (gc :full t)
184 (5am:is (eq t finalized-p))))
186 |#