/ src /
1 (in-package :qt.tests)
3 (5am:in-suite :qt.suite)
5 (5am:test qvector-qpoint
6 "Tests to QVector<QPoint> translation."
7 (let* ((points
8 (map 'vector #'(lambda (coords)
9 (make-instance 'qt:point :arg0 (first coords)
10 :arg1 (rest coords)))
11 '((9 . 8) (7 . 6) (5 . 4))))
12 (polygon (make-instance 'qt:polygon :arg0 points)))
13 (dotimes (i (length points))
14 (5am:is (= (cxx:x (aref points i))
15 (cxx:x (cxx:point polygon i))))
16 (5am:is (= (cxx:y (aref points i))
17 (cxx:y (cxx:point polygon i))))))
18 ;; Free the allocated QVector<QPoint>
19 (tg:gc :full t))
21 (5am:test qvector-double
22 "Test QVector<double> <-> Lisp translation."
23 (5am:for-all ((pattern (5am:gen-one-element #()
24 #(1d0 2d0)
25 #(3.1415926d0 -10d0 1d10 0d0))))
26 (let ((pen (make-instance 'qt:pen))) ;; set-dash-pattern only works once!?
27 (cxx:set-dash-pattern pen pattern)
28 (5am:is (equalp pattern (cxx:dash-pattern pen))))))
30 (5am:test qvector-uint
31 "Test QVector<unsigned int> <-> Lisp translation."
32 (let ((image (make-instance 'qt:image
33 :args (list 10 10 qt:image.+format-indexed8+)))
34 (colors (map 'vector
35 #'qt:q-rgb
36 '(1 2 44 55 255)
37 '(4 6 23 43 12)
38 '(5 0 23 12 123))))
39 (5am:is (equalp #() (cxx:color-table image)))
40 (cxx:set-color-table image colors)
41 (5am:is (equalp colors (cxx:color-table image)))))