/ src /
1 (in-package :cl-smoke.repl)
3 (defclass highlight-widget (qt:widget)
4 ()
5 (:metaclass cxx:class)
6 (:documentation "A red border."))
8 (defun make-highligh-mask (rectangle &optional (border 10))
9 (let* ((border/2 (/ border 2))
10 (mask (make-instance 'qt:region
11 :args (list (cxx:adjusted rectangle
12 (- border/2) (- border/2)
13 border/2 border/2))))
14 (inner (cxx:adjusted rectangle border/2 border/2
15 (- border/2) (- border/2))))
16 (cxx:subtracted mask inner)))
18 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((widget highlight-widget) &key)
19 (cxx:set-window-flags widget (enum-logior
20 qt:+window-stays-on-top-hint+
21 qt:+frameless-window-hint+
22 qt:+x11bypass-window-manager-hint+))
23 (cxx:set-palette widget
24 (make-instance 'qt:palette :args '("Red")))
25 (cxx:set-auto-fill-background widget t))
27 (defun blink-and-follow (widget follow times &optional (intervall 0.5))
28 (let ((timer (make-instance 'qt:timer :args (list widget))))
29 (qt:connect (qt:get-signal timer "timeout()")
30 #'(lambda ()
31 (when (<= times 1)
32 (cxx:stop timer))
33 ;; Track the follow widgets geometry
34 (cxx:set-geometry widget (cxx:geometry follow))
35 (cxx:set-mask widget
36 (make-highligh-mask (cxx:rect follow)))
38 (if (evenp times)
39 (cxx:show widget)
40 (cxx:hide widget))
41 (decf times)))
42 (cxx:start timer (floor (* intervall 1000)))))
44 (defun locate-widget (widget)
45 "Shows the location of WIDGET on the screen."
46 (unless (cxx:is-visible widget)
47 (cerror "show the widget" "The widget ~A is not visible." widget)
48 (cxx:show widget))
49 (cxx:raise widget) ;; Focus stealing prevention might intercept this.
50 (let ((highlight (make-instance 'highlight-widget)))
51 (blink-and-follow highlight widget 5)))