Remove underlinking of libclsmoke and add a darwin case to the library definitons.
Wed Feb 17 18:05:35 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
* Remove underlinking of libclsmoke and add a darwin case to the library definitons.
Thanks to Elliott Slaughter
hunk ./src/libsmoke/CMakeLists.txt 11
+# FIXME look for smoke.h
+find_library(smokeqtcore_LIB smokeqtcore)
+if (smokeqtcore_LIB)
+ set(smokeqtcore_FOUND TRUE)
+endif (smokeqtcore_LIB)
+if (smokeqtcore_FOUND)
+ message(STATUS "Found smokeqtcore: ${smokeqtcore}")
+else (smokeqtcore_FOUND)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find smokeqtcore")
+endif (smokeqtcore_FOUND)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/CMakeLists.txt 27
+target_link_libraries(clsmoke ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${smokeqtcore_LIB})
hunk ./src/libsmoke/CMakeLists.txt 39
-install(TARGETS clsmoke clsmokeutil
+install(TARGETS clsmoke clsmokeutil DESTINATION lib)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 3
-;; Load the qt smoke binding to prevent undefined aliens.
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 4
- (define-foreign-library libsmokeqtcore
- (:unix "")
- (t (:default "libsmokeqtcore")))
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 5
+ (:darwin "libclsmoke.dylib")
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 9
+ (:darwin "libclsmokeutil.dylib")
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 12
- (use-foreign-library libsmokeqtcore)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 14
hunk ./src/smoke.lisp 175
+ (:darwin ,(format nil "~(~A~).3.dylib" library))