Don't dispatch virtual methods for builtin classes (reduces overhead).
Thu Feb 18 20:57:00 CET 2010 Tobias Rautenkranz <>
* Don't dispatch virtual methods for builtin classes (reduces overhead).
hunk ./src/bindings.lisp 12
+ (no-dispatch-binding (null-pointer) :type foreign-pointer)
hunk ./src/clos.lisp 350
- (when (and object (typep (class-of object) 'cxx:class))
- ;; Do not allow overwriting methods of classes the users has
- ;; not derived from (like in C++), to reduce overhead.
+ (unless (null object)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/cl_smoke.h 37
-/** Casts the void pointer smoke_binding to the Binding class.
- * @param smoke the smoke binding
- *
- * @return pointer to the Binding instance
- */
-static inline
-get_smoke_binding(smoke_binding binding)
- return static_cast<Binding*>(binding);
hunk ./src/libsmoke/class.lisp 8
+ (:namespace #x08)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/class.lisp 25
+(declaim (inline smoke-class-id))
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 24
- return get_smoke_binding(binding)->get_smoke();
+ return static_cast<NoDispatchBinding*>(binding)->get_smoke();
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 29
+ * When method dispatching is not needed, a null pointer can be passed for @a dispatch.
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 31
+ * @related cl_smoke::NoDispatchBinding
+ * @related cl_smoke_destruct_binding
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 40
-cl_smoke_init(void* smoke, void* destruct, void* dispatch)
+cl_smoke_construct_binding(void* smoke, void* destruct, void* dispatch)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 42
- return new Binding(static_cast<Smoke*>(smoke),
- reinterpret_cast<Binding::destructed>(destruct),
- reinterpret_cast<Binding::dispatch_method>(dispatch));
+ if (NULL == dispatch)
+ return new NoDispatchBinding(static_cast<Smoke*>(smoke),
+ reinterpret_cast<NoDispatchBinding::destructed>(destruct));
+ else
+ return new Binding(static_cast<Smoke*>(smoke),
+ reinterpret_cast<NoDispatchBinding::destructed>(destruct),
+ reinterpret_cast<Binding::dispatch_method>(dispatch));
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 51
-/** Deletes the smoke binding.
- * @related cl_smoke::Binding
+/** Deletes the Smoke binding.
+ * @related cl_smoke_construct_binding
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 55
-cl_smoke_destruct(smoke_binding binding)
+cl_smoke_destruct_binding(smoke_binding binding)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 57
- delete get_smoke_binding(binding)->get_smoke();
- delete get_smoke_binding(binding);
+ // Destructor is virtual; thus we can do this.
+ delete static_cast<SmokeBinding*>(binding);
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 61
-/** Gets a Smoke modules name.
+/** Gets a Smoke module name.
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 209
- *m = get_smoke(smoke)->findMethod(get_smoke(smoke)->className(class_index),
- method_name);
+ Q_ASSERT(class_index >= 0 && class_index <= get_smoke(smoke)->numClasses);
+ const char* class_name = get_smoke(smoke)->className(class_index);
+ *m = get_smoke(smoke)->findMethod(class_name, method_name);
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.cpp 236
- * @param object the objec
+ * @param object the object
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 40
-(defcfun (smoke-init "cl_smoke_init") smoke-binding
+(defcfun (smoke-construct-binding "cl_smoke_construct_binding") smoke-binding
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smoke.lisp 45
-(defcfun (smoke-destruct "cl_smoke_destruct") :void
+(defcfun (smoke-destruct-destruct "cl_smoke_destruct_binding") :void
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.cpp 9
-/** @class Binding
- * @brief The Smoke binding.
+/** @class NoDispatchBinding
+ * @brief The Smoke binding for classes we need no dispatching.
+ * This saves some overhead, since it does not call into Lisp.
+ * Idea stolen from CommonQt ;)
+ *
+ * Dispatches for non extended classes (not of class CXX:CLASS) are between
+ * 20% - 40% (for qt.examples:colliding-mice - qt.examples:class-browser). (18 February 2010)
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.cpp 18
-/** @typedef Binding::destructed
+/** @typedef NoDispatchBinding::destructed
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.cpp 25
+/** Constructor.
+ * @param smoke the Smoke module
+ * @param destruct destruct callback
+ */
+NoDispatchBinding::NoDispatchBinding(Smoke *smoke, destructed destruct)
+ : SmokeBinding(smoke),
+ destruct(destruct)
+ Q_ASSERT(destruct);
+/** Invoked when a Smoke object is destructed. */
+NoDispatchBinding::deleted(Smoke::Index, void *object)
+ destruct(object);
+/** Invoked when a Smoke method gets called. */
+NoDispatchBinding::callMethod(Smoke::Index method, void* object,
+ Smoke::Stack stack, bool abstract)
+ Q_ASSERT(!abstract);
+ return false;
+ * @todo Returning a const char* would be better
+ */
+NoDispatchBinding::className(Smoke::Index classId)
+ Q_ASSERT(classId >= 0 && classId <= smoke->numClasses);
+ return const_cast<char*>(smoke->classes[classId].className);
+/** @function NoDispatchBinding::get_smoke()
+ * Gets the Smoke instance associated with the binding.
+ * @return a pointer to the Smoke instance
+ */
+/** @class Binding
+ * @brief The Smoke binding.
+ */
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.cpp 91
- : SmokeBinding(smoke),
- destruct(destruct),
+ : NoDispatchBinding(smoke, destruct),
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.cpp 94
- Q_ASSERT(smoke);
- Q_ASSERT(destruct);
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.cpp 97
-/** Invoked when a Smoke object is destructed. */
-Binding::deleted(Smoke::Index, void *object)
- destruct(object);
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.cpp 109
- * @todo Returning a const char* would be better
- */
-Binding::className(Smoke::Index classId)
- return const_cast<char*>(smoke->classes[classId].className);
-/** Gets the Smoke instance associated with the binding.
- * @return a pointer to the Smoke instance
- */
-Binding::get_smoke() const
- return smoke;
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.h 9
-class Binding : public SmokeBinding
+class NoDispatchBinding : public SmokeBinding
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.h 14
- typedef int (*dispatch_method)(Binding* binding, Smoke::Index method,
- void* object, Smoke::Stack args, int abstract);
- Binding(Smoke *smoke, destructed destruct, dispatch_method dispatch);
+ NoDispatchBinding(Smoke *smoke, destructed destruct);
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.h 27
- get_smoke() const;
+ get_smoke() const
+ { return smoke; }
hunk ./src/libsmoke/smokebinding.h 32
+class Binding : public NoDispatchBinding
+ public:
+ typedef int (*dispatch_method)(Binding* binding, Smoke::Index method,
+ void* object, Smoke::Stack args, int abstract);
+ Binding(Smoke *smoke, destructed destruct, dispatch_method dispatch);
+ virtual bool
+ callMethod(Smoke::Index method, void* object,
+ Smoke::Stack stack, bool abstract);
+ private:
hunk ./src/smoke.lisp 85
- (with-foreign-object (stack 'smoke-stack-item 2)
- (setf (foreign-slot-value (mem-aref stack 'smoke-stack-item 1)
- 'smoke-stack-item 'voidp)
- (smoke-module-binding (smoke (class-of object))))
- (foreign-funcall-pointer [_$_]
- (foreign-slot-value (smoke-class-pointer (class-of object))
- 'smoke-class 'class-function)
- ()
- smoke-index 0 ;; set binding method index
- :pointer (pointer object)
- smoke-stack stack
- :void)))
+ (let ((class (class-of object)))
+ (with-foreign-object (stack 'smoke-stack-item 2)
+ (setf (foreign-slot-value (mem-aref stack 'smoke-stack-item 1)
+ 'smoke-stack-item 'voidp)
+ (if (typep class 'cxx:class)
+ (smoke-module-binding (smoke class))
+ (smoke-module-no-dispatch-binding (smoke class))))
+ (foreign-funcall-pointer [_$_]
+ (foreign-slot-value (smoke-class-pointer class)
+ 'smoke-class 'class-function)
+ ()
+ smoke-index 0 ;; set binding method index
+ :pointer (pointer object)
+ smoke-stack stack
+ :void))))
hunk ./src/smoke.lisp 104
- (let* ((binding (smoke-init smoke (callback destructed)
- (callback dispatch-method))))
+ (let ((no-dispatch-binding
+ (smoke-construct-binding smoke (callback destructed) (null-pointer)))
+ (binding (smoke-construct-binding smoke (callback destructed)
+ (callback dispatch-method))))
hunk ./src/smoke.lisp 109
+ (smoke-module-no-dispatch-binding module) no-dispatch-binding