/ src /
1 (in-package :smoke)
3 (defclass cxx-generic-function (standard-generic-function)
4 ((gf-methods :initform nil :type list
5 :accessor gf-methods
6 :documentation "gf for different argument counts."))
7 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
8 (:documentation "gf that can be overloaded by argument count."))
10 (defclass cxx-method-generic-function (standard-generic-function)
11 ((generic-function :accessor cxx-generic-function
12 :initarg :cxx-generic-function
13 :type cxx-generic-function
14 :documentation "Contains the generic function."))
15 (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
16 (:documentation "Generic function of a specify argument count."))
20 (defun make-lambda (argument-count)
21 "Returns a lambda expression for ARGUMENT-COUNT arguments."
22 (declare ((integer 0) argument-count))
23 (loop for i from 0 below argument-count
24 collect (intern (format nil "A~A" i))))
26 (defun argument-count (generic-function)
27 "Returns the number of arguments to GENERIC-FUNCTION."
28 (length (closer-mop:generic-function-lambda-list generic-function)))
30 (defun find-generic-function-by-argument-count (cxx-generic-function argument-count)
31 "Returns the generic function of CXX-GENERIC-FUNCTION that takes
32 ARGUMENT-COUNT arguments, or false when no such function exists."
33 (declare (cxx-generic-function cxx-generic-function)
34 ((integer 0) argument-count)
35 (values (or cxx-method-generic-function null)))
36 (find-if #'(lambda (gf)
37 (= argument-count (argument-count gf)))
38 (gf-methods cxx-generic-function)))
40 (defun cxx-method-generic-function-name (cxx-generic-function argument-count)
41 (let ((*package* (find-package :cxx)))
42 (symbolicate (closer-mop:generic-function-name cxx-generic-function)
43 #\/ (write-to-string argument-count))))
45 (defun ensure-gf-by-argument-count (cxx-generic-function argument-count)
46 "Returns the generic-function of CXX-GENERIC-FUNCTION that takes
47 ARGUMENT-COUNT arguments. When none exists, one is created."
48 (declare (cxx-generic-function cxx-generic-function)
49 ((integer 0) argument-count))
50 (or (find-generic-function-by-argument-count cxx-generic-function
51 argument-count)
52 (let* ((name (cxx-method-generic-function-name cxx-generic-function
53 argument-count))
54 (gf (make-instance 'cxx-method-generic-function
55 :name name
56 :cxx-generic-function cxx-generic-function
57 :lambda-list (make-lambda argument-count))))
58 (setf (fdefinition name) gf)
59 (push gf (gf-methods cxx-generic-function))
60 gf)))
62 (defun method-argument-count (method)
63 "Returns the number of arguments of METHOD."
64 (length (closer-mop:method-lambda-list method)))
66 (defun lambda-list-keywords-p (lambda-list)
67 "Returns true when LAMBDA-LIST contains a lambda list keyword
68 and false otherwise."
69 (not (null (intersection lambda-list-keywords lambda-list))))
71 (defun check-cxx-method-argument-list (method)
72 "Signals an error when METHOD contains lambda list keywords."
73 (assert (not (lambda-list-keywords-p (closer-mop:method-lambda-list method)))
74 ()
75 "The method ~A must not contain lambda list keywords." method))
77 (defun push-method (method cxx-generic-function)
78 "Adds METHOD to a cxx-method-generic-function of CXX-GENERIC-FUNCTION."
79 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
80 (let ((generic-function (ensure-gf-by-argument-count
81 cxx-generic-function
82 (method-argument-count method))))
83 (add-method generic-function method)))
85 (defun unpush-method (method)
86 "Removes METHOD from its generic-function."
87 (let ((generic-function (closer-mop:method-generic-function method)))
88 (when generic-function
89 (remove-method generic-function method))))
90 ;(when (null (closer-mop:generic-function-methods generic-function))
91 ; TODO
93 (defmethod no-applicable-method ((gf cxx-method-generic-function) &rest args)
94 (apply #'no-applicable-method (cxx-generic-function gf) args))
96 #+sbcl
97 (defmethod closer-mop:compute-applicable-methods-using-classes ((gf cxx-generic-function) classes)
98 (let ((gf2 (find-generic-function-by-argument-count gf (length classes))))
99 (if gf2
100 (values (list gf2) t)
101 (values nil t))))
103 (defmethod closer-mop:compute-discriminating-function ((cxx-generic-function cxx-generic-function))
104 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
105 ;; Special case no methods, since it will apply to all cxx generic functions
106 ;; on start up and the eval stuff is slower.
107 (if (null (gf-methods cxx-generic-function))
108 #'(lambda (&rest args)
109 (apply #'no-applicable-method cxx-generic-function args))
110 (eval
111 `#'(lambda (&rest args)
112 (case (length args)
113 ,@(loop for gf in (gf-methods cxx-generic-function)
114 collect `(,(argument-count gf)
115 (apply ,gf args)))
116 (t (apply #'no-applicable-method ,cxx-generic-function args)))))))
119 #+sbcl
120 (defmethod compute-applicable-methods ((gf cxx-generic-function) arguments)
121 ;; -using-classes only cares about the number of arguments;
122 ;; thus no the to actually pass the classes.
123 (closer-mop:compute-applicable-methods-using-classes gf arguments))
125 (defun update-method (generic-function action method)
126 "Updates GENERIC-FUNCTION when METHOD has been added or removed;
127 and updates the dependents."
128 (declare (generic-function generic-function)
129 ((member add-method remove-method) action)
130 (standard-method method)
131 (optimize (speed 3)))
132 (closer-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function
133 generic-function
134 (closer-mop:compute-discriminating-function generic-function))
135 (closer-mop:map-dependents
136 (class-of generic-function)
137 #'(lambda (dependent)
138 (closer-mop:update-dependent (class-of generic-function)
139 dependent
140 action method))))
142 (defmethod add-method ((gf cxx-generic-function) method)
143 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
144 (push-method method gf)
145 (update-method gf 'add-method method))
147 (defmethod remove-method ((gf cxx-generic-function) method)
148 (unpush-method method)
149 (update-method gf 'remove-method method))
151 #|
152 (defun cxx-dispatch-compiler-macro (cxx-generic-function)
153 "Returns a compiler-macro form for CXX-GENERIC-FUNCTION that
154 precomputes the dispatching for the argument count, if possible."
155 ;; FIXME only applies when a defmethod with the right argument count
156 ;; has been defined, which is almost never.
157 `(define-compiler-macro ,(closer-mop:generic-function-name cxx-generic-function)
158 (&whole form object &rest args)
159 (let ((name (cxx-method-generic-function-name (fdefinition (first form))
160 (1+ (length args)))))
161 (if (fboundp name)
162 `(,name ,object ,@args)
163 form))))
165 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((gf cxx-generic-function) &key &allow-other-keys)
166 (eval (cxx-dispatch-compiler-macro gf)))
167 |#