/ src /
1 (in-package :smoke)
3 (declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
5 (defmacro catch-try ((tag &optional catch-result) catch-form &body body)
6 "Catch TAG in the BODY forms. When TAG is throw CATCH-RESULT is bound
7 to the thrown values and result of CATCH-FORM is returned. Otherwise
8 the result of BODY is returned and CATCH-FORM is not evaluated."
9 (flet ((catch-block (tag return-block body)
10 `(catch ,tag
11 (return-from ,return-block
12 ,@body))))
13 (let ((return-block (gensym)))
14 `(block ,return-block
15 ,(if catch-result
16 `(let ((,catch-result ,(catch-block tag return-block body)))
17 ,catch-form)
18 `(progn ,(catch-block tag return-block body)
19 ,catch-form))))))
21 (defun type-specifier (lvar)
22 (let ((type (sb-kernel:type-specifier (sb-c::lvar-type lvar))))
23 (if (subtypep type 'smoke-standard-object)
24 (find-class type)
25 type)))
28 (defun give-up-transform (&rest args)
29 (apply #'sb-c::give-up-ir1-transform args))
31 (defmacro define-transform (name lambda-list &body body)
32 `(sb-c:deftransform ,name (,lambda-list)
33 ,@body))
35 (defmacro define-known (name)
36 `(sb-c:defknown ,name * *))
38 (defun method-form (method)
39 `(make-smoke-method
40 :id ,(id method)
41 :smoke (eval ,(get-smoke-variable-for-pointer
42 (smoke method)))))
44 (defun sequence-form (sequence arguments)
45 (mapcar #'(lambda (sequence argument)
46 (if (symbolp sequence)
47 `(,sequence ,argument)
48 `(,(first sequence) ,argument ,@(rest sequence))))
49 sequence arguments))
52 (defmacro define-resolve-at-compile-time (gf-name)
53 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
54 (define-known ,gf-name)
55 (sb-c:defoptimizer (,gf-name derive-type) ((object &rest args))
56 (catch-try ('unspecific-type) sb-c::*wild-type*
57 (let ((method (find-best-viable-function-using-types
58 ,(name (fdefinition gf-name))
59 (mapcar #'type-specifier args) (type-specifier object))))
60 (if (and method (class-p (return-type method)))
61 (sb-kernel:single-value-specifier-type
62 (find-smoke-class (get-class (return-type method))))
63 sb-c::*wild-type*))))
64 (define-transform ,gf-name (object &rest args)
65 (when (null args)
66 (give-up-transform "No arguments."))
67 (catch-try ('unspecific-type reason)
68 (give-up-transform "Could not resolve overload at compile time: ~A" reason)
69 (multiple-value-bind (method sequence)
70 (find-best-viable-function-using-types
71 ,(name (fdefinition gf-name))
72 (mapcar #'type-specifier args)
73 (type-specifier object))
74 (let ((argument-names (make-gensym-list (length args))))
75 (when (null method)
76 (give-up-transform "No applicable method."))
77 (if (static-p method)
78 `(s-call ,(method-form method)
79 (null-pointer)
80 (list ,@(sequence-form
81 sequence args)))
82 `(lambda (object ,@argument-names)
83 (s-call ,(method-form method)
84 ,(if (eql (type-specifier object)
85 (find-smoke-class (get-class method)))
86 `(pointer object)
87 `(cast object
88 (find-class (quote ,(class-name
89 (find-smoke-class
90 (get-class method)))))))
91 (list ,@(sequence-form
92 sequence argument-names)))))))))))
95 ;;; Cache overload resolution / method lookup
97 ;;; FIXME the cached lookup should be faster
98 ;;;
99 ;;; cache return value conversion
100 ;;;
101 ;;; Using the gf symbol instead of the method name would be better,
102 ;;; althoug we would have to invent one for constructors.
103 ;;;
104 ;;; Since the -using-types stuff was intended for for compile time
105 ;;; expansion it is not that well suited for this. i.e. passing
106 ;;; closures would be better than the actual syntax.
107 ;;;
108 ;;; For qt.tests the uncached calls make up 30 % of all calls.
109 ;;; qt.examples:colliding-mice (run for ~1 min) gets 20 % uncached
110 ;;; calls and qt.examples:class-browser get 10 %. (20 February 2010)
112 (sb-int:defun-cached (find-best-viable-function-using-layouts-cached
113 :hash-function (lambda (name arguments
114 class const-p)
115 (declare (string name)
116 (list arguments)
117 (sb-c::layout class)
118 (boolean const-p))
119 (logand
120 (logxor
121 (sxhash name)
122 (the fixnum
123 (reduce
124 #'logxor
125 (mapcar #'sb-c::layout-clos-hash
126 arguments)))
127 (sxhash class)
128 (sxhash const-p))
129 #x1FF))
130 :hash-bits 9)
131 ((name equal) (arguments equal) (class eq) (const-p eq))
132 (declare (optimize (speed 3))
133 (inline find-best-viable-function-using-types))
134 (multiple-value-bind (method conversion-sequence)
135 (find-best-viable-function-using-types
136 name (mapcar #'sb-pcl::wrapper-class* arguments)
137 class const-p)
138 (list method (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
139 (if (symbolp s)
140 (fdefinition s)
141 #'(lambda (x)
142 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
143 (funcall (fdefinition (first s))
144 x
145 (eval (second s))))))
146 conversion-sequence))))
148 (declaim (inline find-best-viable-function-cached))
149 (defun find-best-viable-function-cached (name arguments class const-p)
150 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
151 (catch 'unspecific-type
152 (return-from find-best-viable-function-cached
153 (values-list
154 (find-best-viable-function-using-layouts-cached
155 name
156 (mapcar #'(lambda (o) (sb-c::layout-of o)) arguments)
157 class
158 const-p))))
159 (find-best-viable-function name arguments class const-p))